This is a complete embedded firmware development workstation based on Linux.
- Base Image (ci-base): contains only the minimal set of software needed for basic development without the toolchains.
- CI Image (ci): contains toolchains, the zephyr sdk and additional packages needed for ci operations.
- Developer Image (zephyr-build): includes additional tools that can be useful for Zephyr development.
- Workstation: a fully integrated development environment with tools for building additional documentation, emacs, vim etc.
See Documentation for more detailed documentation.
It includes:
- Zephyr RTOS base tools included as official Zephyr RTOS docker image
- Docker images: 2 main docker images for CI builds and develop builds.
- Local bootstrapping scripts
- Tmux configuration
- i3wm configuration
- Vim configuration (see Awesome Vim article)
docker pull swedishembedded/build:latest
version: '3'
image: swedishembedded/workstation:latest
container_name: sts
stdin_open: true
network_mode: host
- ~/.ssh/:/home/user/.ssh
To start a shell in the newly created environment run:
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -ti sts bash
- Community:
docker run -ti -v $HOME/Work/zephyrproject:/workdir \
The developer docker image can be built using the following command:
docker build -f Dockerfile.devel --build-arg UID=$(id -u) --build-arg GID=$(id -g) -t zephyr-build:v<tag> .
It can be used for building Zephyr samples and tests by mounting the Zephyr workspace into it:
docker run -ti -v <path to zephyr workspace>:/workdir zephyr-build:v<tag>
Follow the steps below to build and run a sample application:
west build -b qemu_x86 samples/hello_world
west build -t run
It is possible to build and run the native POSIX sample applications that produce display outputs by connecting to the Docker instance using a VNC client.
In order to allow the VNC client to connect to the Docker instance, the port 5900 needs to be forwarded to the host:
docker run -ti -p 5900:5900 -v <path to zephyr workspace>:/workdir zephyr-build:v<tag>
Follow the steps below to build a display sample application for the native POSIX board:
west build -b native_posix samples/subsys/display/cfb
west build -t run
The application display output can be observed by connecting a VNC client to localhost at the port 5900. The default VNC password is zephyr.
On a Ubuntu host, this can be done by running the following command:
vncviewer localhost:5900