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For a bare usage (no plugins), the only requirement of Hybrid Platforms Conductor is Ruby.

Then depending on the plugins being used, external tools might need to be installed (see below). Commands in this documentation are taken from a Debian-based environment, but they can be easily translated into other Linuxes.

Install Ruby

Here are some ways to install it.

Compiling it from scratch.

mkdir ruby
cd ruby
tar xvzf ruby-2.7.3.tar.gz
cd ruby-2.7.3
sudo apt install -y build-essential zlib1g-dev libyaml-dev libssl-dev libgdbm-dev libreadline-dev libncurses5-dev libffi-dev libgdbm-compat-dev bison
sudo make install
cd ../..

Using RVM

sudo apt-get install dirmngr curl
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB
curl -sSL | bash -s stable
rvm install 2.5.0
rvm use 2.5.0

Using Debian (>= Stretch) package manager

sudo apt-get install ruby-dev libffi-dev zlib1g-dev

Install the hybrid_platforms_conductor rubygem

This can be done either in your Ruby system directories, or defined as a dependency of a Ruby project

As a system-wide tool

sudo gem install hybrid_platforms_conductor

Then the tools can be used directly from the terminal (they should be part of the PATH).

As a Ruby project

This needs bundler to be installed as well (see below).

  1. In a new directory, create a file named Gemfile, and declare the dependency on the hybrid_platforms_conductor rubygem:

Gemfile content:

source ''

# Orchestrate all the platforms with Hybrid Platforms Conductor
gem 'hybrid_platforms_conductor'
  1. Install the dependencies of your Ruby project
bundle config set --local path vendor/bundle
bundle install
bundle binstubs hybrid_platforms_conductor

Then the tools can be used directly from the Ruby project directory, inside the ./bin folder.

Create the Hybrid Platforms Conductor main configuration file

As a minimum requirement, the current directory from which the tools are being called should have a file named hpc_config.rb. The file can be empty, and directives can be used to define the various platforms and configuration parameters.

Check installation

A correct Hybrid Platforms Conductor installation can be checked by running the run --help command.

The output should look like this:

Usage: run [options]

Main options:
    -d, --debug                      Activate debug mode
    -h, --help                       Display help and exit
    -c, --command CMD                Command to execute (can't be used with --interactive) (can be used several times, commands will be executed sequentially)
    -f, --commands-file FILE_NAME    Execute commands taken from a file (can't be used with --interactive) (can be used several times, commands will be executed sequentially)
    -i, --interactive                Run an interactive SSH session instead of executing a command (can't be used with --command or --commands-file)
    -p, --parallel                   Execute the commands in parallel (put the standard output in files <hybrid-platforms-dir>/run_logs/*.stdout)
    -t, --timeout SECS               Timeout in seconds to wait for each command (defaults to no timeout)

Nodes handler options:
    -o, --show-nodes                 Display the list of possible nodes and exit

Nodes selection options:
    -a, --all-nodes                  Select all nodes
    -b, --nodes-platform PLATFORM    Select nodes belonging to a given platform name. Available platforms are: (can be used several times)
    -l, --nodes-list LIST            Select nodes defined in a nodes list (can be used several times)
    -n, --node NODE                  Select a specific node. Can be a regular expression to select several nodes if used with enclosing "/" characters. (can be used several times).
    -r, --nodes-service SERVICE      Select nodes implementing a given service (can be used several times)
        --nodes-git-impact GIT_IMPACT
                                     Select nodes impacted by a git diff from a platform (can be used several times).
                                     GIT_IMPACT has the format PLATFORM:FROM_COMMIT:TO_COMMIT:FLAGS
                                     * PLATFORM: Name of the platform to check git diff from. Available platforms are:
                                     * FROM_COMMIT: Commit ID or refspec from which we perform the diff. If ommitted, defaults to master
                                     * TO_COMMIT: Commit ID ot refspec to which we perform the diff. If ommitted, defaults to the currently checked-out files
                                     * FLAGS: Extra comma-separated flags. The following flags are supported:
                                       - min: If specified then each impacted service will select only 1 node implementing this service. If not specified then all nodes implementing the impacted services will be selected.

Command runner options:
    -s, --show-commands              Display the commands that would be run instead of running them

Actions Executor options:
    -m, --max-threads NBR            Set the number of threads to use for concurrent queries (defaults to 16)

For a system-wide installation

run --help

For a Ruby project installation

./bin/run --help

Other dependencies

The following dependencies are not needed for a minimum installation, but are required for some of the plugins provided by default.


sudo apt install git
git config --global "<your_email>"
git config --global "<your_user_name>"

SSH client

sudo apt install openssh-client


sudo gem install bundler