This code is the result I achieved for Udacity Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree - Project 2: Interactive Resume.
This code has been reviewed by me. According to me, based on the rubric used by the Udacity reviewer, this code at least meets specifications on all the criteria.
A list of websites, books, forums, blog posts, Github repositories etcetera that I have referred to or used in this submission can be found in the references.txt file.
This code is a fork of the frontend-nanodegree-resume repository provided by Udacity. Some additional things I've implemented in this project are:
- A visualization of my skills in a word-cloud (d3-cloud) constructed as an SVG, by making use of the D3.js library.
- Internship-objects in a separate attribute of the work-object, to show (and mark as such) in the 'Work Experience' section.
- Certifications in a separate array of the education-object, to show in the section about education.
The resume is hosted on GitHub Pages. If you're interested in the resume, you might check the result at: