A Polkadot parachain for bridging arbitrary data from and to Ethereum.
See our Rustdocs for an overview of the crates, APIs, and types that make up our parachain.
Follow these steps to prepare your local environment for Substrate development.
The project is currently being developed and is working with the following version of Rust:
stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)
rustc 1.45.0 (5c1f21c3b 2020-07-13)
Install all the required dependencies with a single command (be patient, this can take up to 30 minutes).
curl https://getsubstrate.io -sSf | bash -s -- --fast
Find manual setup instructions at the Substrate Developer Hub.
Before building the parachain, ensure our smart contracts are deployed on your local truffle chain.
Follow the Setup guide to do this.
For a fully operational chain, further configuration may be required.
Each application module (ETH, ERC20) within the parachain must be configured with the contract address for its peer application on the Ethereum side. These addresses are included in Genesis storage via the chain spec.
For development and testing, it is not necessary to configure these. The builtin chain-spec already includes addresses that work out of the box with contracts deployed via ganache-cli
To change the config to use your own addresses, follow these steps:
Generate a development chain-spec:
target/debug/artemis-node build-spec --dev > spec.json
Edit the generated spec file and replace the following addresses:
"ethApp": {
"address": "0xfc97a6197dc90bef6bbefd672742ed75e9768553"
"erc20App": {
"address": "0xeda338e4dc46038493b885327842fd3e301cab39"
It is not required to change anything here for local development and testing.
The parachain depends on a external relayer service to forward messages to and from Ethereum. The relayer service is trusted by the parachain. Its identity should be injected into the GenesisConfig for the Verifier pallet.
The node's baked-in chain spec uses //Relay
as the relayer's account seed. For reference, see chain_spec.rs.
Once the development environment is set up, build the node template. This command will build the Wasm and native code:
cargo build --release
Purge any existing dev chain state:
target/release/artemis-node purge-chain --dev
Start a dev chain:
target/release/artemis-node --tmp --dev
Or, start a dev chain with a custom chain spec:
target/release/artemis-node --tmp --spec spec.json
You can interact with a development chain using our webapp. Its an instance of the Polkadot-JS webapp with the necessary configuration to interact with our development chain.
For interacting with our chain using the Polkadot-JS API, you'll need to supply these custom types:
"Address": "AccountId",
"LookupSource": "AccountId",
"AppId": "[u8; 20]",
"Message": {
"payload": "Vec<u8>",
"verification": "VerificationInput"
"VerificationInput": {
"_enum": {
"Basic": "VerificationBasic",
"None": null
"VerificationBasic": {
"blockNumber": "u64",
"eventIndex": "u32"
"EthereumHeader": {
"parentHash": "H256",
"timestamp": "u64",
"number": "u64",
"author": "H160",
"transactionsRoot": "H256",
"ommersHash": "H256",
"extraData": "Vec<u8>",
"stateRoot": "H256",
"receiptsRoot": "H256",
"logBloom": "Bloom",
"gasUsed": "U256",
"gasLimit": "U256",
"difficulty": "U256",
"seal": "Vec<Vec<u8>>"
"Bloom": {
"_": "[u8; 256]"
"AssetId": {
"_enum": {
"ETH": null,
"Token": "H160"