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Docker image for running Sonar Scanner for .NET 6 in an Azure Pipelines container job

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Docker image to run Sonar Scanner for .NET in Azure Pipelines container jobs.


This image can be used to run Sonar Scanner CLI in Azure Pipelines container jobs.

Azure Pipelines Container Job

To use the image in an Azure Pipelines Container Job, add one of the following example tasks and use it with the container property.

The following example shows the container used for a deployment step which shows .NET version:

  - stage: Build
    - job: Build
      - task: SonarCloudPrepare@1
        displayName: 'Prepare analysis configuration'
        target: swissgrc/azure-pipelines-sonarscannermsbuild:latest
          SonarCloud: 'SonarCloud'
          organization: 'myOrganization'
          scannerMode: 'MSBuild'
          projectKey: 'my-project'
          projectName: 'MyProject'
      - bash: |
          dotnet build
        displayName: "Build"
        target: swissgrc/azure-pipelines-sonarscannermsbuild:latest
      - task: SonarCloudAnalyze@1
        displayName: 'Run SonarCloud analysis'
        target: swissgrc/azure-pipelines-sonarscannermsbuild:latest


Tag Description Base Image .NET SDK NodeJS Git Git LFS Size
6-unstable Latest unstable release (from develop branch) swissgrc/azure-pipelines-openjdk: 6.0.425 20.17.0 2.39.5-0+deb12u1 3.5.1 Docker Image Size (tag)


These environment variables are supported:

Environment variable Default value Description
DOTNET_VERSION 6.0.424 Version of .NET SDK installed in the image.
NODE_VERSION 20.17.0-1nodesource1 Version of Node.js installed in the image.
GIT_VERSION 2.39.5-0+deb12u1 Version of Git installed in the image.
GITLFS_VERSION 3.5.1 Version of Git LFS installed in the image.