40ServantsBot is a divination Discord bot (for fun, not actual fortune telling). You send it the command '+40Scard' and it returns a card. The cards are from Tommie Kelly's Forty Servants deck.
If you want to invite 40ServantsBot to your existing server, just point your browser at https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=812696812136955934&permissions=2147485696&scope=bot%20applications.commands .
In the Discord server running 40ServantsBot, type:
A random card's image and meaning will be returned to the channel, along with a link for more card details.
You can also send a DM to the bot, just like you would DM any other Discord user, and it will return your card privately.
Tommie Kelly was nice enough to allow me to use his deck for this. If you like the art, you can buy a physical or digital deck from http://thefortyservants.com .
Report an issue if you have problems.
Artwork and card descriptions are copyright Tommie Kelly and cannot be used without his permission.