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Homework 2 - JavaScript Basics

Out: 9/9 (Thu) Due: 9/17 (Fri) 18:00 (This is a hard deadline)

ANY KIND OF CHEATING IS NOT ALLOWED FOR THE HOMEWORK. Please be aware that we run software plagiarism detection tools.

This is an individual assignment. This assignment is for you to become familiar with JavaScript. JavaScript will be used to build a frontend system in hw3, using the React framework. By implementing features in this assignment, you will learn the followings:

  1. JavaScript built-in methods (e.g. map, filter, etc)
  2. JavaScript regular expression RegExp
  3. Handling HTML form element

Popular Baby Name Website

Using the information parsed in hw1, you will implement a website that shows the statistics (e.g. annual ranking, year-on-year change of name popularity) of popular baby names in the USA. To complete this assignment, you have to implement 4 functions (parseAndSave, provideYearData, provideChartData, and handleSignUpFormSubmit) in app.js. The skeleton of each function is provided.

File Description

[hw2 root]
  ├── app.js  <= you need to modify this file.
  ├── base.css
  ├── base.js
  ├── chart
  │   └── chart.min.js
  ├── data
  │   └──
  ├── index.html
  └── materialize
      ├── LICENSE
      ├── css
      │   └── materialize.min.css
      └── js
          └── materialize.min.js

Each of the file or directory in this repository serves the following role:

NOTE: Students are only required to modify app.js file in this section.

  • app.js : includes data parsing/processing and form checking functions.
  • base.js : includes event handling and rendering codes. Functions in app.js are called from base.js.
  • index.html : defines the layout of the webpage.
  • data/ : includes the top 1000 baby names for each year.
  • base.css : style formats utilized by index.html.
  • chart/chart.min.js : includes a function which visualizes a baby name's rank trend.
  • materialize/ : Materialize CSS framework code.

The following 4 functions in app.js are to be filled in by students:

  • parseAndSave(text): parses text (the content of CSV file) and saves the parsed data into the global variable, records.
  • provideYearData(year): filters baby names of the year from records and joins the male and female records with the same rank. The output is an array of joined data that are organized in ascending order based on the rank.
  • provideChartData(name, gender): returns the ranks from 2001 to 2018 of a baby name to show the chart of name popularity by year.
  • handleSignUpFormSubmit(form): checks if the sign up form at the bottom of the web page satisfies the requirements.

You can refer to base.js to figure out the usages of each function and how the elements of the html changes using DOM APIs. (This is optional; It's totally okay to skip it over.)

How To Start

To open the website, you should run an HTTP server. There are two options to do this:

[Option 1] Open with VSCode extension "Live Server".

live server extension

  • Open VSCode extension tab (Code > Preferences > Extensions) and search "Live Server".
  • When you click "Install", then you can find a "Go Live" button on the right-bottom side of the status bar.

start live server

  • Open your hw2 root folder (e.g. swpp-hw2-USERNAME) on VSCode. (File > Open)
  • Click "Go Live" button, then your default web browser will be automatically opened, and you will see the initial website like below.

site overview

  • When you click a name, an empty chart will be dropped down.

chart overview

  • When you want to close the live server, click the button highlighted with the red box.

disable live server

[Option 2] Open with Python http.server.

$ cd swpp-hw2-USERNAME    # You should run the server in hw2 root directory.
$ python -m http.server
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ...

# You will a message like above. Copy and paste the address to your web browser.

When you open the url ( in the example above), you can see the initial skeleton website.

Expected Output

NOTE: Displaying the expected output does not guarantee a full score. Read the detailed notes in the code comments carefully to get a full mark.

Correctly implemented functions in app.js will show the results as follows:

1) parseAndSave and provideYearData

By implementing both parseAndSave and provideYearData, name and rank data of the year will show up in the table.

correct list

2) provideChartData

A baby name's rank chart will be drawn with the data provided by provideChartData, when the user clicks a name in the table.

correct chart

3) handleSignUpFormSubmit

By clicking the sign-up button, handleSignUpFormSubmit will conduct form checking and an alert message will show up. There are four input fields to fill in and each field should meet the following requirements to be validated.

  • Email: Start with characters other than @ or whitespace, followed by an @ sign, followed by more characters (except @, ., or whitespace), then a ., and finally followed by 2 to 3 alphabets from a to z.
    • characters(except for whitespace and '@') @ characters(except for whitespace, '@' and '.') . 2-3 alphabets
    • characters mean one or more characters including alphabets, numbers or special characters.
    • alphabets include both lowercase and uppercase.
    • e.g.) (O), (X)
  • First name (English) : Start with a capital letter, followed by one or more lowercase letters. Should only contain alphabets (A-Z, a-z)
  • Last name (English) : Start with a capital letter, followed by one or more lowercase letters. Should only contain alphabets (A-Z, a-z)
  • Date of birth: The format should be YYYY-MM-DD.
    • YYYY (Year) : Must be a number between 1900 and 2020 (inclusive).
    • MM (Month) : Must be a number with two digits between 01 and 12.
    • DD (Date) : Must be a number with two digits between 01 and 31.

If users submit invalid data, the alert message should pop up and validation error messages show up right below the corresponding input fields. The validation error messages of each field should be:

  • First Name : "Invalid first name"
  • Last Name : "Invalid last name"
  • Email : "Invalid email"
  • Data of birth : "Invalid date of birth"

Below is an example when you enter the wrong data into every field.

invalid form

Following is an example when you enter the valid data into every field. In this case, each input field should not show any message.

valid form

If the form does not satisfy the requirements (for example, if Email, First Name, Last Name and Data of Birth fail), the alert message should look like:

You must correct: 

First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth

The first error message "You must correct" is followed by the empty line. Names of incorrect inputs are listed up from the third line. The listing order of those names does not matter. Leading and trailing whitespaces of each line are not taken into account in grading.

If the form satisfies the requirements, the alert message must be Successfully Submitted!. Leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored as well.

You should set the value of alertMessage following the specification above. Please make sure that you do not trigger the alert function in this function. It is handled in base.js.

The function argument form is of HTMLFormElement. This is a DOM element corresponding to the following form tag in index.html:

<form id="signup-form" class="...">
  <input name="first-name" type="text" class="...">

You can access the input element of the form using the name attribute of the form (e.g. let field = form['first-name']). Then, you can access its value with field.value. All the other input fields can be accessed likewise.

For more information on HTML Form APIs, see the documents: HTMLFormElement and HTMLInputElement.

Important Note: You must not manipulate or directly read from HTML elements except the form object given as function argument in app.js. For example, you are not allowed to get the reference to the form by using document.getElementById, document.querySelector and other similar APIs.


This assignment is composed of a total of 15 points.

The functions in app.js will be graded. We will see the outputs to validate your answers.

  • parseAndSave : 3 points
  • provideYearData : 5 points
  • provideChartData : 2 points
  • handleSignUpFormSubmit : 5 points
  • Partial points for minor errors


Due: 9/17 (Fri) 18:00 (This is a hard deadline)

We will check the snapshot of the master branch of your Github repository at the deadline and grade it. As you already did in hw1, create a private repository with name swpp-hw2-{USERNAME} and invite swpp-tas as your collaborator in the repository settings! Your repository should look like below:

  ├── app.js
  ├── base.css
  ├── base.js
  ├── chart
  │   └── chart.min.js
  ├── data
  │   └──
  ├── index.html
  └── materialize
      ├── LICENSE
      ├── css
      │   └── materialize.min.css
      └── js
          └── materialize.min.js

Also, make sure to push your work on Github on time.