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Algorithmic Methods of Model-based Medical Image Segmentation Using Python


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Model-Based Algorithms for Medical Image Segmentation Using Python



This repository includes diverse algorithmic method of model-based medical image segmentation.
The terminology of model-based means one which is hypothesized and parameterized model,
so it is a bit free from the requirement of plenty of labeling data (the counter example is usually called data-driven method).

The below list describes the classification of model-based method and the representative models belonging to it.

  • Region-Based
    • Region Growing
    • Grow-Cut
  • Active Contour
    • Snake Model
    • Gradient Vector Flow
  • Level-Set
    • Level-set Method
    • Chan-Vese Model
    • Morphological Chan-Vese Model
    • Region Scalable Fitting Method (RSF)
    • Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution (DRLSE)
    • Kullback-Leibler-Based Level-set Method (to be updated)
  • Graph-Based
    • Graph-Cut
    • Simulated Annealing Method
    • Random Walker with Prior Model
    • Power Watershed Random Field (to be updated)
  • Clustering
    • Gaussian Mixture Model
    • Taboggan/Superpixel Clustering


You can simply use functions in this repository by cloning repository,

{user}@{work-node}: {workplace}$ git clone

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{user}@{work-node}: {workplace}$ sudo pip install git+ 


Usage of segmentation models is guided in './examples/xxxx.ipynb' with example runs, so please refer to the scripts to figure out how the models work!


All codes have developed in python and tested with python>=3.6.0 environment (but, it stably supports functions with python==3.8.0). Numerical schemes (e.g., matrix operation, linear algebra, graph algorithm, ... etc.) used in the models is designed with numpy and scipy modules for efficient computing.



  1. Build a GUI application for user-interactive medical image segmentation
  2. Upload Power Watershed Random Field model

Updates are being delayed due to busy life.


To be updated


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[11] C. Couprie, L. Grady, L. Najman and H. Talbot, "Power Watershed: A Unifying Graph-Based Optimization Framework," in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 1384-1399, July 2011, doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2010.200.

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