Course-instructor: Ahnaf Hosssain Rodoshi (AHR)
Course Outline:
Week & lecture | Topic |
Week 1 | Arrays |
Lecture 1 | Linear Array, Array creation, iteration, copying, resize, reverse,shifting left-right, rotating left-right, insertion, deletion etc |
Lecture 2 | Circular Array Forward and backward iteration, linearization, resizing, insertion and deletion. |
Week 2 | Linked Lists |
Lecture 1 | Singly Linked list Creation, iteration, counting elements, searching elements by value or index, insertion, removal, copying, reverse, left right rotation etc. |
Lecture 2 | Doubly Linked list Creation, iteration, insertion, deletion, link list conversions etc |
Week 3 | Stacks and Queues |
Lecture 1 | Stack Implementation, infix-postfix conversions, string reversal, edit history maintenance, grid traversal, histogram problem etc. |
Lecture 2: | Queue Implementation, palindrome checking, grid traversal etc. |
Week 4 | Recursion |
Lecture 1 | Recursive definitions recurrence relations, recursive programming, fibonacci numbers, factorials, length of a string or list, sum of an array, exponentiation etc. |
Lecture 2 | linear search, binary search, finding max of a list in the linear way or the divide and conquer approach, selection sort, insertion sort and bubble sort, Iterative memoization and recursive memoization. |
Week 5 | Searching and Sorting |
Lecture 1 | Searching Linear search, binary search, ternary search, random search etc. |
Lecture 2 | Sorting Insertion sort, bubble sort, selection sort etc. |
Week 6 | Graph |
Lecture 1 | Graph Terminologies Directed vs undirected graphs, weighted vs unweighted graphs, directed acyclic graphs etc Lecture 2 |
Week 7 | Trees |
Lecture 1 | Tree terminologies Free tree vs rooted tree, ordered tree, n-ary tree tree, binary tree etc, recursive definitions of n-ary tree, rooted tree, ordered tree etc |
Lecture 2 | Tree Traversal pre-order, post order, in-order, breadth first, depth first etc, some recursive algorithms Finding the depth, sum, max etc of a tree. |
Week 8 | Unbalanced Binary Trees |
Lecture 1 | Examples of unbalanced binary trees |
Lecture 2 | Performance analysis of binary search tree |
Week 9 | Priority Queue and Heap |
Lecture 1 | Priority Queue using sorted or unsorted array |
Lecture 2 | Priority Queue using heap |
Week 10 | Balanced Binary Trees |
Lecture 1 | Tree Balancing, examples of BBT such as Red-black tree, AVL tree, Treap etc. |
Lecture 2 | Performance analysis of AVL tree. |
Week 11 | Hashing |
Lecture 1 | Key indexed searching aka counting sort |
Lecture 2 | Hash Tables |
Marks Allotment:
- Quizzes: 5-10%
- Assignments: 15-20%
- Labs: 25%
- Midterm: 20%
- Final Exam: 30%
Introduction to Algorithms is a book on computer programming by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein.
The Algorithm Design Manual by Steven Skiena Algorithms in Java by Robert Sedgewick
Practice data structures problems here at
For data structures visualization
Google doc link to course info & outline & resources : here
Personal Drive folder for cse220 here
Self Suggestion
Workload - 30 days
Ending on 1st August: 2022