C# library leveraging BinaryNotes.NET to enable parsing/manipulation/encoding of MRTD security features (Passport certificates, picture/fingerprints Datagroups, etc).
Example of use:
using (FileStream fs = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open))
byte[] data = new byte[fs.Length];
fs.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
ContentInfo contentInfo = Utils.DerDecode<ContentInfo>(data);
KnownOids oid = Oids.ParseKnown(contentInfo.ContentType.Value.Value);
if (oid == KnownOids.signedData)
SignedData signedData = Utils.DerDecode<SignedData>(contentInfo.Content);
// check if SignedData contains a cscaMasterList object
if (Oids.ParseKnown(signedData.EncapContentInfo.EContentType.Value.Value) == KnownOids.cscaMasterList)
// check the masterlist digest signature here
// ....
// now obtain the master list content
CscaMasterList cscaMasterList = Utils.DerDecode<CscaMasterList>(signedData.EncapContentInfo.EContent);
Console.WriteLine("number of certs present in cscaMasterList : " + cscaMasterList.CertList.Count);
foreach (Certificate certificate in cscaMasterList.CertList)
// .. do stuff ..
see examples folder for additional examples, including parsing and visualization of face & fingerprints.
Output from examples.