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Utilities for LIFT (Lexicon Interchange Format). Lift is a XML vocabulary for representing lexicon in language description projects. It is used by application such as SIL Flex and Elan, associated with tools for the interlinearisation of texts.


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The package install a liftlex command at the command line.

Print summary of a lexicon

$ liftlex summary tests/data/FlexLiftExport.lift
182 entries
184 senses
22 variants
0 examples
Object languages: qaa
Meta languages: tpi, en

List values for a given field

Print all the values for a given field. For instance, for extracting the list of categories:

$ liftlex values --field=category tests/data/FlexLiftExport.lift
field      category
0              Noun
1              Noun
2              Noun
3              Noun
4              Noun
..              ...
179            Noun
180       Adjective
181            Noun
182            Noun
183            Noun

Note that column headers are given on two rows: "field" and "subfield". Some fields have "subfield", i.e. several values for different languages or types of information, for instance glosses in several languages:

$ liftlex values --field=gloss tests/data/FlexLiftExport.lift
field   gloss        
lang       en     tpi
0        road     rod
1        skin        
2      paddle   pulim
3        swim  waswas

See next section for the available fields.

Available fields

Many commands take an argument -f/--field for mentioning the field(s) one is interested in. A list of available fields together with their definition, is given with the fields command:

$ liftlex fields tests/data/FlexLiftExport.lift

          name                              node_xpath value_xpath   level              field_type  mixed_content                     description
            ID                                       .         @id   ENTRY                  UNIQUE          False       Id of an dictionary entry
          form                       lexical-unit/form        text   ENTRY   UNIQUE_BY_OBJECT_LANG           True             lexem citation form
   variantform                                    form           . VARIANT   UNIQUE_BY_OBJECT_LANG           True         variant form of a lexem
     morphtype               trait[@name='morph-type']      @value   ENTRY                  UNIQUE          False           morph type of a lexem
      category                        grammatical-info      @value   SENSE                  UNIQUE          False part of speech of a lexem sense
         gloss                                   gloss      ./text   SENSE MULTIPLE_WITH_META_LANG           True          gloss of a lexem sense
    definition                         definition/form           .   SENSE     UNIQUE_BY_META_LANG           True     definition of a lexem sense
       sense_n                                       .      @order   SENSE                  UNIQUE           True          number of lexem senses
       example                                  ./form      ./text EXAMPLE   UNIQUE_BY_OBJECT_LANG           True              text of an exemple
     ex_source                                       .     @source EXAMPLE                  UNIQUE           True            source of an example
ex_translation                      ./translation/form      ./text EXAMPLE     UNIQUE_BY_META_LANG           True       translation of an example
semanticdomain ./trait[@name = 'semantic-domain-ddp4']      @value   SENSE                MULTIPLE           True            Semantic domain ddp4

Commands accept field names ID, form, variantform, etc. Each field is described by the XPath expression pointing at it, relatively to the node of a level (entry, sense). Other fields can be added.

Frequency count

$ liftlex count -f category tests/data/FlexLiftExport.lift 
Noun       133
Adverb       5
Adjective   25
Verb        11
n            2
Pronoun      3

Convert into other data format

Convert into csv

Conversion into CSV of a table as defined by a set of fields is done with:

$ liftlex convert --format=csv --field=form,gloss,ID pylift/tests/data/tiny.lift
field    form ID   gloss         parent_id
subfield  tww         en     tpi          
0         efe  1    road     rod         1
1         efe  1    skin                 1
2         hei  2  paddle   pulim         2
3         hei  2    swim  waswas         2

Data are tabulated on console output for readibility; data printed into a file or in a pipe is well-formed CSV; see | cat :

$ liftlex convert --format=csv --field=form,gloss,ID tests/data/tiny.lift | cat

Two options are available in order to deal with the situation where one entry has several fields related to it (such as several gloss, examples, etc.):

  • by default, the parent fields are repeated in order to match the number of child fields, as in the previous example: several lines have the efe form, to match the two senses given for this item ('road', 'skin').
  • Alternatively, with the -aggregate flag, child fields are aggregated
    • In that case, the optional -aggresep argument (default: ;) give the string used between aggregated values
$ liftlex convert --format=csv --aggregate --field=form,gloss,ID tests/data/tiny.lift 
field    form ID parent_id        gloss              
subfield  tww                        en           tpi
0         efe  1         1    road;skin          rod;
1         hei  2         2  paddle;swim  pulim;waswas

Convert into CLDF wordlist

$ liftlex --output=cldf convert --format=CLDFWordlist  --aggregate --field=form,gloss,ID tests/data/tiny.lift

Command line help

$ liftlex -h
usage: liftlex [-h] [--verbose] [--output [OUTPUT]] {summary,fields,values,count,convert,validate} ... filename

Utilities for LIFT (lexicon interchange format) lexicon.

positional arguments:
  filename              Lift filename

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --verbose, -v         output detailled information
  --output [OUTPUT], -o [OUTPUT]
                        output file (or standard output if not specified)

  one valid subcommand

                        subcommand: the main action to run. See `subcommand -h` for more info
    summary             Print summary about the lexicon
    fields              List the available fields in the dictionary that can be refered to in other commands
    values              List the values for the given field
    count               compute frequencies for the given field
    convert             Convert toward other formats
    validate            validation against LIFT schema

See also


Utilities for dictionaries in LIFT XML vocabulary








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