Releases: symbiotic-engineering/Aquaculture
This repository contains a Python to model an offshore aquaculture farm with co-located wave energy converters and determine potential sites using marine spatial planning.
File Structure
This repository consists of the following files:
- modules: scripts and functions to define "Wave-powered Aquaculture" optimization problem.
- objects: scripts and functions to define aquaculture and wave energy converter objects and their parameters.
- optimization: scripts and functions to perform a single objective optimization using brute-force.
- env_bruteforce: script to perform brute-force for defined net pen parmeters.
- run_sim_env: top-level script to perform the "marine spatial planning" optimization code using default values for defined environment with rasters and vectors of data.
- gis_handler: object to handle connection between GIS data and Python functions
- scripts/: relevant scripts including examples of how to use the GIS handler to query and save data
- data/: GIS files used in analysis including conflicts (.geojson) and conditions (.tif) (stored externally on Zenodo)
- requirements.txt: list of the required libraries.
How to use
Relevant data files must be first downloaded from the Zenodo at and placed in the data folder of this repository. In order to run the marine spatial planning optimization code and find optimal location for wave-powered aquaculture farm (WPAF) for constant net pen within the Northeast U.S, open and run the run_sim_env (.ipynb) file.
Python 3.9.18 is used to develop this package.
For other required libraries, please refer to requirements.txt file.
The project is part of research in the Symbiotic Engineering Analysis (SEA) Lab and is published in the Oceans 2023.
Hasankhani, A., Ewig, G., McCabe, R., Won, E. T., & Haji, M. (2023, June). Marine Spatial Planning of a Wave-Powered Offshore Aquaculture Farm in the Northeast US. In OCEANS 2023-Limerick (pp. 1-10). IEEE.
- Arezoo Hasankhani, (Point of contact)
- Gabriel Ewig,
- Rebecca McCabe,
- Eugene Thome Won,
- Maha Haji,
Funding Acknowledgement
This material is based upon work supported by the Sea Grant Regional Research Project No.: R/ATD-18-NESG.
This project is released open-source under the MIT License. Processed GIS data included in the repository is from publicly available sources, but may have different license terms.
This repository contains an "Optimization of offshore aquaculture with co-located wave energy", simulated through Python.
File Structure
This repository consists of the following files:
- modules: scripts and functions to define "Wave-powered Aquaculture" optimization problem.
- objects: scripts and functions to define aquaculture objects and their parameters.
- optimization: scripts and functions to perform a single objective optimization using SciPy open-source library.
- run_sim_wec&pen: top-level script to perform the "Wave-powered Aquaculture" optimization code using default values for environmental parameters.
- run_sim_wec&pen_random_init: top-level script to perform the "Wave-powered Aquaculture" optimization code using random values for starting points of design variables to check the convergence of the optimization.
- param_sweep: top-level script to perform the "sensitivity analysis".
- requirements.txt: list of the required libraries.
How to use
Sensitivity Analysis: In order to run the "sensitivity analysis", you can open and run the param_sweep (.ipynb) file.
In order to run the "Wave-powered Aquaculture" optimization code and find optimal wave energy convereter (WEC) and optimal pen considering constant environmental parameters, you can open and run the run_sim_wecpen (.ipynb) file.
In order to run the "Wave-powered Aquaculture" optimization code and find optimal WEC and optimal pen with random values for starting points of design variables to check the convergence of the optimization, you can open and run the run_sim_wecpen_random_init (.ipynb) file.
Python 3.8.8 is used to develop this package.
For other required libraries, please refer to requirements.txt file.
The project is part of research in the Symbiotic Engineering Analysis (SEA) Lab and has been submitted to the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE 2023).
Hasankhani, A., McCabe, R., Ewig, G., Won, E. T., & Haji, M. N. (2023, June). Conceptual design and optimization of a wave-powered offshore aquaculture farm. In The 33rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. OnePetro.
- Arezoo Hasankhani, (Point of contact)
- Rebecca McCabe,
- Gabriel Ewig,
- Eugene Thome Won,
- Maha Haji,
Funding Acknowledgement
This material is based upon work supported by the Sea Grant Regional Research Project No.: R/ATD-18-NESG.
This project is released open-source under the MIT License.