Bug Fixes
Fixed Angular peer dependencies warning issue.
Bug Fixes
Performance has been improved when dragging more number of nodes and connectors.
Issue on applying style for connector’s annotation is now fixed.
Document Editor
New Features
Table editing performance optimized.
Bug Fixes
Item text overflow issue fixed.
Bug Fixes
Edit dialog does not destroyed after perform add operation with custom binding is resolved.
Bug Fixes
When hover on pointer, console error thrown fixed now.
Bug Fixes
Value is updated in reverse while using select all option in checkbox selection issue has been resolved.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
Resolved the script error while accessing invalid link annotation destination.
Bug Fixes
Changing the font color of underlined text doesn’t change the color of the line, that issue has been fixed.
RichTextEditor injectable module is missed from import setting file in CRG , that issue has been fixed.
The change event is triggered on clicking into HTML source code view in Edge browser, that issue has been fixed.
Blur event is not triggered when we change focus directly from one RTE to another RTE, that issue has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
Tooltip text issue in RTL is fixed.
New Features
Pop-up positioning support has been provided.
Bug Fixes
Expand icon is prevented from displaying for the root/zeroth level record which has hasChildMapping
field as false.
Property change support for height
property has been provided.
Expand icon is prevented from displaying for the root/zeroth level record which has hasChildMapping
field as false.
Child records of third level or its successor displays properly based on their hierarchy relation in self reference data binding.
Bug Fixes
Resolved the issue with updating file data in uploader element while drag-and-drop the files.
New Features
Provided option to customize file upload's status message (label) which is sent from server on success and failure events.
Provided event which trigger before rendering each file item in a page that helps to customize its default UI structure.
Provided event to denote all the selected files has processed to upload successfully or failed to server.
You can’t perform that action at this time.