Releases: syncfusion/ej2-angular-ui-components
Bug Fixes
- Chart cut off when the parent container width is less than the chart width has been fixed.#I427185
- The DateTimeCategory axis now correctly sorts data.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "Context menu Submenus not opening properly with multiple levels " has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Milliseconds is displayed but time is incorrect issue has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The Dialog component now closes properly when the escape key is pressed while the Rich Text Editor toolbar is extended and the Image Dialog is open.
Document Editor
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the positioning and line spacing issue in shape document
New Features
- Added API to modify form field name
Bug Fixes
- First column missing highlight when tabbing into grid issue has been fixed.#I427309
- API document has wrong information issue has been fixed.#I423348
- Autofit on the columns is not work as expected in the frozen grid has been fixed.#I419759
- Column Reordering is not working fine with Frozen column and hidden columns has been fixed.#I416705
- Alignment issue with row drag and drop and frozen columns in stacked headers has been fixed.#I424387
- Misalignment has been fixed when applying auto-fit for frozen columns withallowtextwrap
Bug Fixes
- Now, drag and drop between the cards will work fine with out any flickering.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- Now, the signature renders successfully even if the document contains an invalid signature field name.#F179704
- IfenableMeasureAnnotation
is set to false, the Annotation events for shape annotations are now properly triggered.#I426591
- After programmatically updating the signature field, the focus form field is now functioning.#I427179
- Now, blank pages prints on iPad printing issue has been fixed.#I427451
- Now, script error does not occurs while changing the dropdown value.#I427404
- Now, the signature field indicator sizes have been adjusted in consistent with the signature fields.
Pivot Table
Bug Fixes
- When switching from table to chart using the toolbar, the fieldlist popup now renders properly.
Bug Fixes
- Now, when typing in the Rich Text Editor the issue of letters appearing slowly has been resolved.#I417838
- Now, theUnderline
toolbar styles applied properly when we modify thefont-size
in the editor.
Bug fixes
- An issue with editor window not open in iPad device has been fixed.#I425181
- An issue with wrongly shown the occurrence alert while editing title of single occurrence of daily recurrence event has been fixed.#I427296
- An issue with wrongly shown the occurrence alert while editing the date of single occurrence of weekly recurrence event has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "scrollbar is moving automatically while rendering the component inside dialog and editing the view port cells" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Provided thehtmlAttributes
support to the switch component.
Tree Grid
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the data hiding issue while expanding child parent records in the case of observable binding.#I422337
- Resolved improper selection after an expanding or collapsing the records.
Bug Fixes
- Now accumulation chart keyboard focus element is removed from DOM properly after destroying the component.#I426112
- Now UseGroupingSeparator is working in data label.#I426849
- Tooltip and crosshair are now working properly for the missed data.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "Script error thrown in context menu when navigate using the keyboard" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now, Removed the "aria-describedby" attribute from Dialog element.
Document Editor
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the issue in the delete and backspace case in bookmark start and end element.#I425401
- Header is now read-only when resizing a table.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "aria-label added on input element instead of wrapper element while adding the aria-label by using Html Attribute property" has been resolved.
File Manager
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the console error while creating a folder with invalid text whenshowFileExtension
is disabled in the File Manager component.
Bug Fixes
- Issue in locale text of predecessor tooltip has been fixed.#I426170
- Incorrect request type in zooming action has been fixed.#FB39646
- Incorrect index value during row drag and drop has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Exception is thrown when exporting the grid with custom aggregate issue has been fixed.#F179549
is not working with Frozen Grid issue has been fixed.#I428130
- Group indent cell width is not properly set has been fixed.#I422144
- Validation message misalignment issue has been fixed.#I425048
- The last row bottom border issue in grouping has been fixed.#I424343
- Issue with dynamically changing pagerpageSize
property has been resolved.#I367619
- AddedpageSize
argument for paging action inactionBegin
- Checkbox state is now reading properly by JAWS screen reader, when select all checkbox is clicked.#I426392
- Grid Column Menu is misplaced in mobile device has been fixed.
Pivot Table
Bug Fixes
- While performing inline editing, the pivot table cell will now properly update for empty values.
Bug Fixes
- Changed event triggered unnecessarily when clicking daterangepicker issue has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the buttons for bold, italic, underline, and strikethrough are highlighted properly.#I426859
- Now, when the Rich Text Editor is included inside a Dashboard panel, no exception is raised.#I425631
- Now, with theenterKey
configuration set toBR
the script error is no longer raised while modifying values in the editor.#I420264
- Now, the Code Format feature will now work correctly when you copy and paste the code into the Editor with the paste clean up settings enabled.#I424567
- Now, the quick table toolbar is not misplaced outside the Rich Text Editor when enabling IFrame.
Bug fixes
- An issue with adding an aria-pressed attribute to the appointment has been fixed.#F40124
- The issue with the schedule tooltip displaying start and end times in 12 hour format when the schedule is in 24 hour format has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The expand icon not working properly in mobile mode issue has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Now the alignment of text is proper in the header of the tooltip and crosshair tooltip text.#I401851
- Axis title overlaps with axis labels issue has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The issuecssClass
property not updated properly while string with a white space in the end of the property in checkbox has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Added the aria-disabled attribute to the disabled Chip items.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "Browser would hang when entering a large difference between the start and end date values" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now, bezier control points dragging is restricted when we hide control points.#I425406
- Now, the bezier segment points are not static when we move connector source or target node.#I422049
- Now, calling doLayout after injecting line routing module working properly.#I421754
- The issue on tooltip relative mode mouse is now working properly.#I423978
- Now, HTML nodes gets update properly in the overview while auto scroll the diagram.
Document Editor
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the text alignment issue in RTL paragraph.#I423889
- Resolved the content overlapping issue in RTL paragraph#F179129
- Resolved the paragraph format applying issue.#I419630
- Resolved the script error while opening a document containing clustered bar chart.#I422366
- Resolved the script error while removing content in protected document.#I424337
- Handled mouse selection inside table cell similar to Microsoft Word.#F179297
- Resolved the comment icon positioning issue.
Bug Fixes
- Issue in locale text of predecessor tooltip has been fixed.#I421870
- Record does not update properly when its modified inactionBegin
event issue has been fixed.#I420414
- Row height issue in task mode has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- New record ID undefined on Infinite Scroll Grid issue has been fixed.#I423348
does not work with Frozen Grid issue has been fixed.#I423530
- Row deselection is not working in Virtualization with checkbox column issue has been fixed.#I419838
- Custom filter dialog throws script error when we render filter template issue has been fixed.#I425048
- The last row bottom border issue in grouping has been fixed.#I425422
is not working onForeignKeyColumn
filter is fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The mentioned accessibility issue has been resolved in the ListView component.
Bug Fixes
- Now, thecssClass
property works fine in the Mention component.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "MultiSelect height not being set properly in the tailwind theme" has been resolved.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- Now, the problem with the signature value disappearing from the collection while scrolling has been fixed.#I411856
- Fixed the accessibility issues with the PDF Viewer component.#I423893
- Now, script error not occurs while double clicking on free text annotation.#I427362
- Now, the checkbox background color is properly updated while rendering using form field module.#I427364
- Now, the button images are rendered properly while scrolling the document.#I421445
- Now, the multiple Font-styles(bold, italic, underline and strikeout) can be applied together for textbox fields.
New Features
- Provided support for rendering the existing comb type textbox in form designer module.
Pivot Table
Bug Fixes
- The field list popup will now properly refresh while dynamically updating the data source in the pivot table.
Bug Fixes
- Accessibility issue in Query Builder has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now period selectors are updating properly for the range selector changes.
Bug fixes
- An issue with drag and drop with timeline view header rows has been fixed.#I425268
- An issue with drag and drop flickering witheventDragArea
in timeline views has been fixed.#I424662
- An issue with appointment resizing in month view with scrollbar has been fixed.
Svg Base
Bug Fixes
- Now the alignment of tooltip header and crosshair text is rendering properly without overlap.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with the "TreeView isInteracted property returning false value with the NodeExpanded and NodeCollapsed event" has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with the delay rendering of controls in thengAfterViewInit
hook has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "API documentation broken on autocomplete Component" has been resolved.
Bullet Chart
Bug Fixes
- Now label alignment property is working properly in bullet chart.
Bug Fixes
- The Blank carousel item displayed onautoplay
when a single item alone is rendered has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now axis label is aligned properly when minimum value is high.#I423606
- Trendline is now proper for zero values,#I424547
- Now zooming the multi colored line is working properly.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "Checkbox value not update properly while using edit template of grid" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Added the aria-disabled attribute to the disabled Chip items.
Circular Gauge
New Features
- WhenanimationDuration
is set in the rounded range bar pointer, the path element for the pointer is now improved.
Bug fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "Script error thrown in context menu when navigate using the keyboard" has been resolved.#I425402
- Accessibility issue in context menu has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The Milliseconds value is not parsed properly withparseJSON
method issue has been fixed
Bug Fixes
- Now, connector segment does not get split into multiple segment while hover on node.#I420202
- The issue on annotation interaction has been resolved.
New Feature
- Support to override the mouseWheel event has been added.
Bug Fixes
- Now, theDialogUtility
position property works properly when X coordinates are passed as strings and Y coordinates are passed as numbers.#I420058
- Now, the Dialog Close icon Button top and left position values are equal.
Document Editor
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the paragraph overlapping and border issue while opening the attached document.#I424498
- Attached document with hyperlink text is now displayed properly.#I425696
- Resolved the overlap issue in options pane.
Dropdown Tree
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the error after perform filtering in Dropdown Tree while updating data dynamically
Bug Fixes
- Accessibility issue in DropDownButton has been resolved.#I422250
- Keyboard navigation not working properly when we set arguments cancel property as true inbeforeClose
event of DropDownButton has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "aria-label added on input element instead of wrapper element while adding the aria-label by using Html Attribute property" has been resolved.
Excel Export
Bug Fixes
- Modified the "\n" character at end of row as "\r\n" in Grid to CSV export.
File Manager
New Features
- Provided the folder (directory) upload support for Physical File Provider.
- Provided the folder (directory) upload support for Azure File Provider.
- Provided the folder (directory) upload support for NodeJS File System Provider.
- Provided the folder (directory) upload support for Amazon S3 File Provider.
Floating Action Button Preview
The Floating Action Button (FAB) component performs the primary action that appears in front of all screen contents. It can be positioned in relation to a page or a target container.
- Rendering - The FAB component can be rendered as Icon only, Icon with Label, Label only, or in a disabled state.
- Positioning - Supports to place various built-in positions on the target element.
- Styles - The appearance of the FAB can be customized using predefined styles.
- Accessibility - The FAB provides built-in compliance with the
specifications and it is achieved through attributes.
Bug Fixes
- Issue in locale text of predecessor tooltip has been fixed.#I420702
- Persistence settings prevent changing the timeline settings issue has been fixed.#I422731
- Issue when predecessor is given for unscheduled parent issue has been fixed.#I423435
- Customize baseline colour inqueryTaskbarInfo
event in segmented tasks issue has been fixed.#I420280
- TheactionBegin
event receives more records as modified data when task is edited issue has been fixed.#I422943
- Taskbar appearing on next date issue has been fixed.#I422476
- Progress value issue in parent task has been fixed.#I425389
- Baseline not properly rendered after moving Milestone.
Bug Fixes
- Script error thrown when saving the data with Shimmer effect issue has been fixed.#I422501
- Header tooltip displays when the header text is wrapped andclipMode
is set issue has been fixed.#I424277
- Ellipsis With Tooltip is now working fine with batch editing.#I421562
- Unable to filter the menu with autocomplete when grouping is applied has been fixed.
New Features
property is exposed to enable or disable multiple selection of the HeatMap cells.
Image Editor
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "Toolbar Alignment" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the dragged card is positioned properly when the swimlane is frozen with a fixed height for kanban.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "Data source not update properly when we filtering and clicking move All button in listbox toolbar sample" has been resolved.#I423072
- Issue with "actionBegin
event argument not passes the filtered item properly while filtering and clicking move All button in listbox toolbar sample" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "Sorting is not applied properly when entering different values in the text field of the ListView component" has been resolved.
New Features
- When panning is performed, the image rendering in online map providers is now improved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "Multiselect dropdown icon is not aligned properly" has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue "screen reader does not read the first popup element" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "change event doesn't trigger while modifying the value usingsetValue
method inside reactive form" is resolved.#I417969
- The issue "Clear button does not working after the component is enabled" has been resolved.
Office Chart
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the bar chart rendering issue.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- Now, the annotations are not delete while drag, resize or deleting the form fields.#I422542
- Now, the strike through can now be added to free text annotations programmatically.#I424231
- Now, the issue with the document's signature disappearing has been fixed.
Pivot Table
Bug Fixes
- Advanced filtering now works properly in a pivot table.
Bug Fixes
- Now, when Rich Text Editor is placed inside the modal dialog the hyperlink quickToolbar popup is visible.
Bug Fixes
- Now progress bar API reference are refreshing properly.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with Browser window get freezes when we set the Invalid SQL rule to query builder has been fixed.#I423706
- Issue with Field Dropdown list popups get collapses when we usevalidateFields
method in query builder has been fixed
Bug Fixes
- Now period selectors are updating properly for the range selector changes.
Rating Preview
Key features:
The Rating component lets the user provide a star rating or view other people’s ratings on a numeric scale for any service provided, such as for movies, applications, or products.
- Precision - Different precision modes to provide more accurate rating.
- Tooltip and Label - Provide more expressive rating with tooltip and label.
- Template - Support to customize the rating item to heart, svg or any content that precisely match our unique needs.
- Accessibility - The Rating provides built-in compliance with the
specifications and it is achieved through attributes.
Bug Fixes
- Now, when editing the values in the Rich Text Editor, the script error is not thrown.#I423129
- The toolbar bottom border now displays correctly while maximizing and minimizing the Rich Text Editor.#F179458
- Now, localization text of source Code and preview in tooltip are shown properly when hover the icons.#F179343
- Now, maximize and minimize toolbar icon of localization text is shown properly when hover the icons.
New Features
- Provided custom workdays support when resources are grouped by date.#I394207
- ProvidedcloseTooltip
method to close the appointment tooltip programmatically.#I399939
- ProvideddateRangeTemplate
template to customize the header date range in scheduler.
Speed Dial Preview
The Speed Dial component is an extension of the floating action button that displays a list of action buttons when clicked. It is useful when there is more than one primary action for the page.
- Rendering - The Speed Dial component can be rendered in two display modes: Line...
New Features
- Provided the Angular version 15 compatible support for the Angular components.
- The following components have been added to Angular.
- Rating
- The following components have been developed to meet industry standards and are now marked production-ready:
- AppBar
- Floating Action Button (FAB)
- Mention
- Message
- Speed Dial
Breaking Changes
- If you are using Syncfusion's Angular components without first registering a license, a license dialog will appear after a certain limit of usage, preventing further interaction in the application. Please make sure to register a valid license in order to continue using the Syncfusion Angular components without interruption.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "API documentation broken on autocomplete Component" has been resolved.
Bullet Chart
Bug Fixes
- Now label alignment property is working properly in bullet chart.
Bug Fixes
- The Blank carousel item displayed onautoplay
when a single item alone is rendered has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now cancel argument in legend click event working properly.#I423376
- Console error thrown when rendering the tooltip in trendlines has been fixed.#I422475
- Accumulation chart height is now proper with respect to its parent container.
New Features
- Provided support to wrap data labels in the accumulation charts.#I401851
- Provided support to rotate the axis title from 0 to 360 degree.- Provided support for dashed legends for dashed line series.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "Checkbox value not update properly while using edit template of grid" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- When settingenabled
value asfalse
in Chip component then the disabled chip item get focused issue has been resolved.
Circular Gauge
New Features
- WhenanimationDuration
is set in the rounded range bar pointer, the path element for the pointer is now improved.
Bug fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The Milliseconds value is not parsed properly withparseJSON
method issue has been fixed
New Feature
- Support to override the mouseWheel event has been added.
Bug Fixes
- Now, connector segment does not get split into multiple segment while hover on node.#I420202
- The issue on annotation interaction has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now, theDialogUtility
position property works properly when X coordinates are passed as strings and Y coordinates are passed as numbers.#I420058
- Now, the Dialog Close icon Button top and left position values are equal.
Document Editor
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the curly braces preservation in RTL paragraph#I400473
- Resolved the paragraph mark selection issue on shift + page up.#I405251
- Resolved the script error while opening the document with duplicate style name.#I398151
- Resolved the issue with accept all/reject all from track changes pane.#I399611
- Paragraph formatting is now preserved properly on copy and paste.#I404592
- Resolved the script error while exporting the document with content control.#I405251
- Resolved the script error while opening the document with line break character.#I396300
- Resolved the overlapping issue while resizing the table cell.
Dropdown Tree
New Features
- Provided enableHtmlSanitizer support for Dropdown Tree component.#F169154
- Provided an option to prevent the parent node selection in the Dropdown Tree component.
Bug Fixes
- Script error occurs while usingbeforeOpen
event in DropDownButton issue has been resolved
Bug Fixes
- The issue "aria-label added on input element instead of wrapper element while adding the aria-label by using Html Attribute property" has been resolved.
Excel Export
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the exception issue when the images are added in the last column of Grid.
File Manager
New Features
- Provided the folder (directory) upload support for Physical File Provider.
- Provided the folder (directory) upload support for Azure File Provider.
- Provided the folder (directory) upload support for NodeJS File System Provider.
- Provided the folder (directory) upload support for Amazon S3 File Provider.
Bug Fixes
- Issue in locale text of predecessor tooltip has been fixed.#I417035
- Expand Collapse not working properly after cell editing issue has been fixed.#I421663
- The baseline end date has not been properly validated issue has been fixed.
- ProvidedRTL
support in Gantt chart. Please find the documentation link here.- Provided
support in Gantt chart. Please find the demo link here. #I407742
- Provided support to handle all the server returned data during CRUD operations.
New Features
- Provided the Shimmer effect for grid while loading, refreshing and data processing.- Provided the lazy load group support for infinite scrolling enabled grid.
- Grid features and icons have been enhanced to meet web accessibility standards and enabled localization support for aria-labels.#I395531
- Improved the template rendering performance in React.#I396818
- Provided support to add current selection to the filter.- Provided support to skip the focus in non-editable columns while pressing tab/shift-tab in batch edit.
- Provided the lazy load group support for virtual scroll enabled grid.
- Provided support to refresh the aggregate values with lazy load grouping.
Breaking Changes
- Prevented the group collapse action in infinite scrolling with cache mode by hiding the icons.
New Features
property is exposed to enable or disable multiple selection of the HeatMap cells.
Image Editor
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "Toolbar Template Alignment" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the dragged card is positioned properly when the swimlane is frozen with a fixed height for kanban.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "Command button not working properly for multiselect in ListBox in Mac" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "Sorting is not applied properly when entering different values in the text field of the ListView component" has been resolved.
New Features
- When panning is performed, the image rendering in online map providers is now improved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "Multiselect dropdown icon is not aligned properly" has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue "screen reader does not read the first popup element" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "change event doesn't trigger while modifying the value usingsetValue
method inside reactive form" is resolved. -
- The issue "Clear button does not working after the component is enabled" has been resolved.
Office Chart
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the bar chart rendering issue.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- Now, the zero thickness property is applied to the form fields.#I421990
- Updating read-only to false for a form field is working properly.#I420531
- The free text annotations are no longer scaled on double clicks.#F178453
- Cut, copy, and paste at the form fields are working properly on downloading.#I419557
- TheIsPrint
property value of the text markup annotation is properly updated.#I418726
- The draw and image type signatures are now preserved while changing the tabs on mobile devices.#I420588
- Printing the PDF document that contains signature fields on non-rendered pages won’t throw script errors.#I420304
- Programmatically updating the read only properties won’t throw script errors.#I416032
- The radio button now triggers the form field click event.#I420423
- The background color of the initial indicator settings can be applied programmatically while adding form fields.#I422736
- Fixed issue with saving the PDF document on form fields export.#I418731
- Export and import values of form fields with same name have been properly updated.#I416298
- Focusing the signature and initial fields are proper on different zoom levels.#I411856
- The issue with programmatically updating the initial indicator properties has been resolved.#F178660
- Fixed issue withRenderAnnotationComments
on the .NET 6.0 platform.#I418199
- Programmatically updating images in the form fields won’t throw script errors.#I408281
- Switching between the PDF view and the text view won’t throw script errors.#I413254
- Aspect ratio is maintained for the image type signatures.#F178250
- Now, the color palette is no longer obscured in the PDF Viewer.#I178667
- Now, the text box's border color is properly updated and no longer hidden.#I418214
- Session items of the older documents are cleared now.#I178018
- Searching for a multiple-sentence phrase no longer causes the PDF Viewer to freeze.#I421388
Bug Fixes
- The issue "API documentation broken on autocomplete Component" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The Blank carousel item displayed onautoplay
when a single item alone is rendered has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now chart axis is removing properly on dynamic update.#I421251
- Now Pie chart render properly when the width is less than 20% for the parent div.#I421251
- Pie chart gets crashed when setting the datalabel has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The Issue with the checkbox label size in the Fluent theme has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- When settingenabled
value asfalse
in Chip component then the disabled chip item get focused issue has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Dashboard Layout
Bug Fixes
- In the Dashboard Layout component, the panel template does not work while using the v-slot issue has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The panel exceeding the parent container while dragging or resizing in the DashboardLayout component has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The Milliseconds value is not parsed properly withparseJSON
method issue has been fixed
New Feature
- Support to override the mouseWheel event has been added.
Bug Fixes
- Now, theDialogUtility
position property works properly when X coordinates are passed as strings and Y coordinates are passed as numbers.#I420058
- Now, the Dialog Close icon Button top and left position values are equal.
Document Editor
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the issue with removing bookmark element.#I420043
- Table of content (TOC) is now updated properly.
Bug fixes
- The issue "Exception occurs when using grouping and filtering in the dropdownlist component" has been resolved.#I407373
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Excel Export
Bug Fixes
- Modified the "\n" character at end of row as "\r\n" in Grid to CSV export.
Bug Fixes
- Issue in locale text of predecessor tooltip has been fixed.#I417035
- Expand Collapse not working properly after cell editing issue has been fixed.#I421663
- The baseline end date has not been properly validated issue has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The reference link for thecheckBoxChange
event arguments has been updated in the documentation.#I420019
- script error for focusing the content after deleting all the records has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The axis labels and multilevel labels of the x-axis will be properly spaced.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the ability to drag & drop several cards onto the same column works properly.#F178604
- Now, the arrangement of several cards in descending order after drag and drop is now resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "Command button not working properly for multiselect in ListBox in Mac" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- When the highlight is removed from the interactive legend, the opacity of the corresponding shape is now properly maintained.#I412101
event will now trigger properly.#I411790
method will now work properly in the online map providers.#I401870
- The fixes for the styles, related to the Content Security Policy (CSP), are included.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "Multiselect dropdown icon is not aligned properly" has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue "screen reader does not read the first popup element" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "Clear button does not working after the component is enabled" has been resolved.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- Now, cut, copy and paste of form field are working properly on downloading.
New Features
- Now, improvements in text selectionstrikethrough
for specific document.#I419679
- Provided the ability to display or hide theFormDesignerToolbar
after document loading.
Pivot Table
Bug Fixes
- The pivot table will now properly refresh while performing value sorting with the grouping bar and autofit enabled.#I420612
- The pivot table will now be rendered properly while switching between reports in the toolbar.#F420612
- The pivot table's alphanumeric sorting will now works properly.
Bug Fixes
- Now progress bar API reference are refreshing properly.
Bug Fixes
- Provided Localization support SQL query builder operators.#F178375
- Issue with Browser window get freezes when we set the Invalid SQL rule to query builder has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Now period selectors are updating properly for the range selector changes.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the embed video is not removed when pressing the enter key.#I422764
- Now, when using similar fontFamily values for multiple items updates the dropDown text properly.
Bug fixes
- An issue with Appointments positioning when navigate to the next date via swiping in mobile mode has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with the custom component does not get unmounted with the property update, when placed inside the content template has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "autofill icon is not aligned properly while rendering the component in the RTL mode" has been resolved.#I420156
- Issue with "row and column resize is not working while rendering the component in the RTL mode" has been resolved.#I412801
- Issue with "cell text is not displayed while using the custom cell styling in the imported excel file" has been resolved.
Stock Chart
Bug Fixes
- Console error when specifyinglabelRotation
for stockchart issue has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "Refresh method is not working properly in TextBox component" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The Tooltip not shown for dynamically added target while pressing Tab key has been resolved.
Tree Grid
Bug Fixes
methods are working properly while expanding or collapsing a row respectively whenfrozenRows
property enabled
Bug Fixes
- The legend items now render in the same order as the color mapping objects.
Bug Fixes
- The TreeView performance issue in Vue3 framework has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "API documentation broken on autocomplete Component" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The Blank carousel item displayed onautoplay
when a single item alone is rendered has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now chart axis is removing properly on dynamic update.#I421251
- Now Pie chart render properly when the width is less than 20% for the parent div.#I421251
- Pie chart gets crashed when setting the datalabel has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The Issue with the checkbox label size in the Fluent theme has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- When settingenabled
value asfalse
in Chip component then the disabled chip item get focused issue has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Dashboard Layout
Bug Fixes
- In the Dashboard Layout component, the panel template does not work while using the v-slot issue has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The panel exceeding the parent container while dragging or resizing in the DashboardLayout component has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The Milliseconds value is not parsed properly withparseJSON
method issue has been fixed
Bug Fixes
- Now, the arg cancel property for sourcePoint and targetPoint change is working properly.#I419333
- Now, dragging a object outside the diagram canvas from symbol palette is updated properly.#I397852
- Now, defining connector without source or target id while injecting Line Routing is rendered properly.#I42108
- The issue on hovering the node ports has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now, theDialogUtility
position property works properly when X coordinates are passed as strings and Y coordinates are passed as numbers.#I420058
- Now, the Dialog Close icon Button top and left position values are equal.
Document Editor
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the issue with removing bookmark element.#I420043
- Table of content (TOC) is now updated properly.
Bug fixes
- The issue "Exception occurs when using grouping and filtering in the dropdownlist component" has been resolved.#I407373
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Issue in locale text of predecessor tooltip has been fixed.#I420414
- Unable to disable edit dialog fields in general tab issue has been fixed.#I420280
- TheactionBegin
event receives more records as modified data when a task is resized issue has been fixed.#I420126
- Error thrown when deleting a Unassigned task in the Resource View issue has been fixed.#I415400
- Cell Edit does not save when clicking on the chart side issue has been fixed.#I419273
- End Key not working as expected when selection type set to Both.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with custom toolbar template item in grid has been resolved.#I418069
- Searching issue when clicking search icon in adaptive mode has been fixed.#I417934
- Column Reordering was not working properly after hiding the column has been fixed.#I415585
- When JAWS is running, go to first page and last page buttons are working properly when enter key is pressed after focusing.
Bug Fixes
- The axis labels and multilevel labels of the x-axis will be properly spaced.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the ability to drag & drop several cards onto the same column works properly.#F178604
- Now, the arrangement of several cards in descending order after drag and drop is now resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "Command button not working properly for multiselect in ListBox in Mac" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- When the highlight is removed from the interactive legend, the opacity of the corresponding shape is now properly maintained.#I412101
event will now trigger properly.#I411790
method will now work properly in the online map providers.#I401870
- The fixes for the styles, related to the Content Security Policy (CSP), are included.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "Multiselect dropdown icon is not aligned properly" has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue "screen reader does not read the first popup element" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "Clear button does not working after the component is enabled" has been resolved.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- Now, cut, copy and paste of form field are working properly on downloading.
New Features
- Now, improvements in text selectionstrikethrough
for specific document.#I419679
- Provided the ability to display or hide theFormDesignerToolbar
after document loading.
Pivot Table
Bug Fixes
- The pivot table will now properly refresh while performing value sorting with the grouping bar and autofit enabled.#I420612
- The pivot table will now be rendered properly while switching between reports in the toolbar.#F420612
- The pivot table's alphanumeric sorting will now works properly.
Bug Fixes
- Now progress bar API reference are refreshing properly.
Bug Fixes
- Provided Localization support SQL query builder operators.#F178375
- Issue with Browser window get freezes when we set the Invalid SQL rule to query builder has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Now period selectors are updating properly for the range selector changes.
Bug Fixes
- Now, pasting the content from MS Word will maintain the DOM structure properly.#I418749
- Now, pasted texts get inside thecontentEditable div
when using theenterKey
Bug fixes
- An issue with Appointments positioning when navigate to the next date via swiping in mobile mode has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with the custom component does not get unmounted with the property update, when placed inside the content template has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "autofill icon is not aligned properly while rendering the component in the RTL mode" has been resolved.#I420156
- Issue with "row and column resize is not working while rendering the component in the RTL mode" has been resolved.#I412801
- Issue with "cell text is not displayed while using the custom cell styling in the imported excel file" has been resolved.
Stock Chart
Bug Fixes
- Console error when specifyinglabelRotation
for stockchart issue has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "Refresh method is not working properly in TextBox component" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The Tooltip not shown for dynamically added target while pressing Tab key has been resolved.
Tree Grid
Bug Fixes
- Resolved template column not rendered properly when stacked header enabled..#I419658
- Resolved template column not rendered properly when stacked header enabled.
Bug Fixes
- The legend items now render in the same order as the color mapping objects.
Bug Fixes
- The TreeView performance issue in Vue3 framework has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
- The issue "API documentation broken on autocomplete component" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The Blank carousel item displayed onautoplay
when a single item alone is rendered has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now axis labels are placed inside the chart properly.#I412377
- Margin gets added when adding the axes dynamically issue has been fixed .#F178666
- Now the data point aria label is proper.
Bug Fixes
- The Issue with the checkbox label size in the Fluent theme has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- When settingenabled
value asfalse
in Chip component then the disabled chip item get focused issue has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Dashboard Layout
Bug Fixes
- In the Dashboard Layout component, the panel template does not work while using the v-slot issue has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The panel exceeding the parent container while dragging or resizing in the DashboardLayout component has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the resize handle has been rendered properly while set node pivot as 0,0.#I418026
- Now, the annotation for the swimlane child node is updated properly after dragging it outside the swimlane.
Bug Fixes
- Now, theDialogUtility
position property works properly when X coordinates are passed as strings and Y coordinates are passed as numbers.#I420058
- Now, the Dialog Close icon Button top and left position values are equal.
Document Editor
Bug Fixes
- The page number is not updated properly while inserting TOC.#I418000
- Resolved the tab character width issue.
Bug fixes
- The issue "Exception occurs when using grouping and filtering in the dropdownlist component" has been resolved.#I407373
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Issue in locale text of predecessor tooltip has been fixed.#I419062
- Edit type issue when datasource is undefined issue has been fixed.#I417042
- A console error is thrown when updating the parent task's start date.#I419262
- The dependency line is rendered even after cancel.
Bug Fixes
- When pressing Tab Key, the first focusable element in the grid is need to be focused, instead of grid container issue has been fixed.
New Features
- ThebackgroundColor
property can now be used to change the color of the HeatMap's background.
Bug Fixes
- Now, dragging and dropping cards quickly onto empty columns works properly.#F178105
- Now, dragging and dropping cards between the columns for the first time will trigger thedataSourceChanged
event properly.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "Command button not working properly for multiselect in ListBox in Mac" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- When the highlight is removed from the interactive legend, the opacity of the corresponding shape is now properly maintained.#I412101
event will now trigger properly.#I411790
method will now work properly in the online map providers.#I401870
- The fixes for the styles, related to the Content Security Policy (CSP), are included.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "Multiselect dropdown icon is not aligned properly" has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue "screen reader does not read the first popup element" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "Clear button does not working after the component is enabled" has been resolved.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- Now, theIsPrint
property values for text markup annotation have been properly updated.#I418726
- Now, the draw and image signature is now preserved while changing tabs on mobile devices.#I420588
- Now, the Script error does not occur while printing the document contains signature fields on non-rendered pages.#I420304
- Now, the script error does not occur while updating read only property programmatically.
New Features
- Now, Angular applications may render PDF Viewer controls without ID properties.#I409823
- Support was given for a custom margin property in the free text annotation.
Pivot Table
Bug Fixes
- The pivot table will now properly refresh while performing value sorting with the grouping bar and autofit enabled.#I420612
- The pivot table will now be rendered properly while switching between reports in the toolbar.#F420612
- The pivot table's alphanumeric sorting will now works properly.
Bug Fixes
- Now corner radius is applied when applying the range colors for Progress bar.
Bug Fixes
- Provided Localization support SQL query builder operators.#F178375
- Issue with Browser window get freezes when we set the Invalid SQL rule to query builder has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Now, pressing the enter key at the start of a line after deleting the previous line works properly.#I412883
- Now, pressing the enter key at the start of the dynamically inserted text works properly.#I412540
- Now, the indentation format is maintained properly when pasting content from MS Word.#I416708
- Now, pressing the backspace key after pasting contents from MS Word works properly.
Bug fixes
- An issue with Appointments positioning when navigate to the next date via swiping in mobile mode has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with the custom component does not get unmounted with the property update, when placed inside the content template has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "SUM formula range is not updated properly while inserting a new row at the last index of formula range" has been resolved.#I418122
- Issue with "autofit rows and columns are not working properly when rows and columns contain the wrap content" has been resolved.#I416319
- Issue with "exception throws in the data validation input field while providing input value as formula like (TODAY()) " has been resolved.#I406345
- Issue with "page goes unresponsive on editing cell which has multiple formula dependency" has been resolved.#I412994
- Issue with "string value is converted into Date value when string contains the month name as its part of the string" has been resolved.#I411919
- Issue with "performance issue occurs on the chart refresh when chart is mapped to formula applied cells" has been resolved.
- ProvidedsetRowsHeight
methods to set the height and width to multiple rows and columns respectively.
Stock Chart
Bug Fixes
- Console error when specifyinglabelRotation
for stockchart issue has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "Refresh method is not working properly in TextBox component" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The Tooltip not shown for dynamically added target while pressing Tab key has been resolved.
Tree Grid
Bug Fixes
- NVDA screen reader problem for expand/collapse action has been resolved.#I418121
- Resolved row selected issue while performing expand/collapse operation.
Bug Fixes
- The legend items now render in the same order as the color mapping objects.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "Expand animation is not working for the dynamically added node on initial expanding in TreeView" has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
- The issue "API documentation broken on autocomplete component" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The Blank carousel item displayed onautoplay
when a single item alone is rendered has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now axis labels are placed inside the chart properly.#I412377
- Margin gets added when adding the axes dynamically issue has been fixed .#F178666
- Now the data point aria label is proper.
Bug Fixes
- The Issue with the checkbox label size in the Fluent theme has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- When settingenabled
value asfalse
in Chip component then the disabled chip item get focused issue has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Dashboard Layout
Bug Fixes
- In the Dashboard Layout component, the panel template does not work while using the v-slot issue has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The panel exceeding the parent container while dragging or resizing in the DashboardLayout component has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the resize handle has been rendered properly while set node pivot as 0,0.#I418026
- Now, the annotation for the swimlane child node is updated properly after dragging it outside the swimlane.
Document Editor
Bug Fixes
- Comment with multiple paragraph is now exported properly.#I414849
- Textbox with no outline is now exported properly.#I419171
- Resolved the script error while discarding the unposted comment.#I417911
- Resolved the consecutive symbol selection issue while selecting text with white spaces.#I418127
- Image width and height is now resized to fit inside the page width.#I417899
- Table borders are now removed when border style set as none.#I417257
- Ordinal number format is now preserved properly in exported word document.#F178501
- Resolved document corruption issue due to insert revision not serialized properly.
Bug fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Issue in locale text of predecessor tooltip has been fixed.#I416610
- Able to scroll vertically when virtual scrolling enabled without scrollable records issue has been fixed.#I417049
- Adding duration to an unscheduled task affects the project start date.
Bug Fixes
- Enter and shift enter key functionalities are working fine with template columns.#F178089
- Script error with virtual scroll and frozen columns has been resolved.#I414874
- Column chooser checkbox state is now reading properly by JAWS screen reader.#I379911
- Now, the selected page will be read as current page by JAWS screen reader.#I408692
- Tooltip Issue while using fancy characters in grid has been fixed.#F38295
- Incorrect Ellipsis with narrow checkbox column in grid has been fixed.#I413202
- Issue with rendering dropdown component in grid cell with batch editing has been fixed.
New Features
- ThebackgroundColor
property can now be used to change the color of the HeatMap's background.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "Script error thrown when we drag and drop the listbox item in angular platform" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- When the highlight is removed from the interactive legend, the opacity of the corresponding shape is now properly maintained.#I412101
event will now trigger properly.#I411790
method will now work properly in the online map providers.#I401870
- The fixes for the styles, related to the Content Security Policy (CSP), are included.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "Multiselect dropdown icon is not aligned properly" has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue "screen reader does not read the first popup element" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "Clear button does not working after the component is enabled" has been resolved.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- Now, for fields with the same name, the export and import form fields' values have been properly updated.#I411856
- The issue with programmatically updating the initial indicator properties has been resolved.#F178660
- Fixed issue withRenderAnnotationComments
on.NET 6.0
New Features
- Now, the ability to support retrying Ajax requests with a status code collection.
Pivot Table
Bug Fixes
- The pivot table will now work properly in the Angular ng-template.#I405590
- The pivot table will now properly refreshed while performing value sorting with autofit enabled.
New Features
- When using a server-side engine, the aggregated values of the pivot table will now be customized via the controller.
Bug Fixes
- Now corner radius is applied when applying the range colors for Progress bar.
Bug fixes
- An issue with Appointments positioning when navigate to the next date via swiping in mobile mode has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with the custom component does not get unmounted with the property update, when placed inside the content template has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "exception throws in the data validation input field while providing input value as formula like (TODAY()) " has been resolved.#I406345
- Issue with "page goes unresponsive on editing cell which has multiple formula dependency" has been resolved.#I412994
- Issue with "string value is converted into Date value when string contains the month name as its part of the string" has been resolved.#I411919
- Issue with "performance issue occurs on the chart refresh when chart is mapped to formula applied cells" has been resolved.
- ProvidedsetRowsHeight
methods to set the height and width to multiple rows and columns respectively.
Stock Chart
Bug Fixes
- Console error when specifyinglabelRotation
for stockchart issue has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "Refresh method is not working properly in TextBox component" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The Tooltip not shown for dynamically added target while pressing Tab key has been resolved.
Tree Grid
Bug Fixes
- NVDA screen reader problem for expand/collapse action has been resolved.#I418121
- Resolved row selected issue while performing expand/collapse operation.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "Expand animation is not working for the dynamically added node on initial expanding in TreeView" has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
- The issue "API documentation broken on autocomplete component" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now technical indicator visible property working properly .#I412377
- Space is not removed when removing the axis has been fixed .#I415516
- Chart height is not proper issue has been fixed .
Bug Fixes
- When settingenabled
value asfalse
in Chip component then the disabled chip item get focused issue has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Dashboard Layout
Bug Fixes
- In the Dashboard Layout component, the panel template does not work while using the v-slot issue has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the connector position is updated properly after resizing overview panel.#I405669
- Now, adding BPMN Text annotation node inside swimlane at runtime is working properly.#I412144
- Now, the segment thumb do not gets rendered while render orthogonal connector as a straight line.#I412144
- Provided the support for orthogonal segment overlap with the source and target node.
Document Editor
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the browser hanging issue while opening the document.#I415359
- Resolved the table layouting issue while resizing the table.#I414775
- Resolved the layouting issue while inserting page break.#I414224
- Table resizing is now working properly in header/footer.#I413303
- Resolved the script error while opening the word document.#I413477
- Resolved the script error while deleting text with comment.#F178063
- Scrolling on bookmark navigation is now working similar to Microsoft Word.
Bug fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Issue in locale text of predecessor tooltip has been fixed.#I413261
- Dependency values for the parent task are not properly updated issue has been fixed.#I410200
- Timeline headers disappears when timeline changes dynamically.#I413560
- Datasource Property not updated properly after row indent and outdent issue has been fixed.#I65261
- Filtering functionality issues in duration column.#I65321
- Task duration is not calculated properly in dialog edit.
Bug Fixes
- Enter and shift enter key functionalities are working fine with template columns.#F178089
- Script error with virtual scroll and frozen columns has been resolved.#I414874
- Column chooser checkbox state is now reading properly by JAWS screen reader.#I379911
- Now, the selected page will be read as current page by JAWS screen reader.#I408692
- Tooltip Issue while using fancy characters in grid has been fixed.#F38295
- Incorrect Ellipsis with narrow checkbox column in grid has been fixed.#I413202
- Issue with rendering dropdown component in grid cell with batch editing has been fixed.
New Features
- ThebackgroundColor
property can now be used to change the color of the HeatMap's background.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "Script error thrown when we drag and drop the listbox item in angular platform" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- When the highlight is removed from the interactive legend, the opacity of the corresponding shape is now properly maintained.#I412101
event will now trigger properly.#I411790
method will now work properly in the online map providers.#I401870
- The fixes for the styles, related to the Content Security Policy (CSP), are included.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue "fieldset disabled attribute does not disable the form components" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "Clear button does not working after the component is enabled" has been resolved.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- Now, the Script error does not occur while updating the image in the form fields programmatically.#I408281
- Now, the Script error does not occur while changing the PDF view to the text view in the sample.#I413254
- Now, the aspect ratio value for the image type signature has been properly handled.#F178250
- Now, the Color Palette is no longer obscured in the PDF Viewer.#I178667
- Now, the text box's border color is now properly updated and no longer hidden.#I418214
- Cleared session items for the older documents.#I178018
- Now, searching for a multiple-sentence phrase no longer causes the PDF Viewer to freeze.
Pivot Table
Bug Fixes
- The pivot table will now work properly in the Angular ng-template.#I405590
- The pivot table will now properly refreshed while performing value sorting with autofit enabled.
New Features
- When using a server-side engine, the aggregated values of the pivot table will now be customized via the controller.
Bug Fixes
- Now corner radius is applied when applying the range colors for Progress bar.
Bug fixes
- An issue with Edit recurrence series to greater than its end date has been fixed.
- An issue with timeline month view appointment flickers on initial resizing has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "string value is converted into Date value when string contains the month name as its part of the string" has been resolved.#I411919
- Issue with "performance issue occurs on the chart refresh when chart is mapped to formula applied cells" has been resolved.
- ProvidedsetRowsHeight
methods to set the height and width to multiple rows and columns respectively.
Bug Fixes
- The issue "Refresh method is not working properly in TextBox component" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The Tooltip not shown for dynamically added target while pressing Tab key has been resolved.
Tree Grid
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the tree column cell was selected while performing the expand or collapse operation.#I414378
- ResolvedselectedItems
not getting properly after performing the filter action with checkbox enabled.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "Expand animation is not working for the dynamically added node on initial expanding in TreeView" has been resolved.#I417236
- The accessibility issue mentioned in the TreeView component has been resolved.