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Releases: syncfusion/ej2-angular-ui-components


17 Oct 01:30
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Bug Fixes

  • #I509029 - The issue with "HtmlAttributes property not working properly in checkBox component" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I506617 - Fixed issue where the previous and next icons were displaying incorrectly in the Fluent Theme.


Bug Fixes

  • #I504425 - Fixed an issue where typing "pm" and then focusing out would convert the "pm" extension to "am". This issue has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I511002 - Issue in Aria-label accessibility issue in DropDownButton has been resolved


Bug Fixes

  • #I498409 - Fixed an issue where the preselected value was getting cleared when updating the data source.
  • #I500431 - Fixed issue where the preselected value through index property was not updated when updating the data source.


Bug Fixes

  • #I498924 - Issue with the locale property in the Dropdown Tree component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I505985 - Provide the alert dialog for unsupported files and selecting multiple images in the Image Editor uploader.
  • #I507638 - Provide the support to hide the uploader toolbar item in the Image Editor.


Bug Fixes

  • #I503763 - The issue with "sub menu closes while click on the vertical scroll of sub menu" has been resolved.
  • The issue with "menu component in ribbon while switching to arabic localization" has been resolved


Bug fixes

  • The pivot table will now be exported as a PDF document when the export method is invoked without the pdFExportProperties parameter.


Bug Fixes

  • #F184903 - Issue with setRules method of the Query builder not working for complex data binding has been fixed.


  • #I502356 - Fixed the console error that throws when we resize the range navigator.


Bug Fixes

  • #I499852 - Now, pressing the enter key when the cursor is placed next to the image after pasting the image works properly.
  • #I456729 - Now, pasting the cropped images from MS Word into the Rich Text Editor works properly.
  • #I501846 - Now the Format Painter will copy and paste the list with paragraph elements.
  • #I499862 - Now, pasting contents into the RichTextEditor works properly.
  • #I498006 - Now, the NumberFormatList and BulletFormatList icon functions on the Safari browser are working properly.
  • #I503797 - Now, the CMD+B shortcut works properly in the Safari browser.


10 Oct 13:43
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Bug Fixes

  • #I506740 - An issue with the HTML element within the content of an Accordion item has been fixed.


  • #I499384 - Now the chart series is getting focused properly after legend click.


Bug Fixes

  • #I184539 - Now, BPMN Group shape will Function Like Subprocess.
  • #I484335 - Now, highlighter rendered properly on hovering ports and nodes.
  • #F183609 - Now, External entries are added in startgroup and endgroup action.


Bug Fixes

  • #I504008 - The zoom factor of the Maps will now be properly updated when the zoomByPosition method is called in the zoom event.


Bug Fixes

  • #I502310 - Now, the value argument in the valueChange event does not include the table resize helper element.


Bug fixes

  • #I184692 - An issue with the date navigation while clicking on the month date on mobile mode has been fixed.
  • #I504010 - The console error occurs when dragging events outside of the Scheduler area has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I503827 - Fixed CSP error that occurred when using the Toast Utility in conjunction with the CSP Meta Tag.
  • #I504520 - Fixed an issue where adding double quotes to the Toast Messages would result in an error.


04 Oct 08:12
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Bug Fixes

  • #I503999 - Now, the legend in the shape of a Cross renders properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #I498233 - Now the binInterval is properly updating on dynamic change.
  • #I504772 - Now, limit the zooming level in the chart through the onZooming event.
  • #I501725 - Subtitle is now rendering properly based on the chart width.


Bug Fixes

  • #I505814 - The issue with "Script error thrown in CheckBox While using the change event in React" has been resolved.


New Features

  • When the allowRangePreRender property is set to false, the axis line will be rendered first.


Bug Fixes

  • #I501652 - Now, dropping nodes in swimlane consider as child in angular.
  • #I47014 - The segmentCollectionChange is triggered when editSegment method called.


Bug Fixes

  • #I503134 - Fixed the issue where keyboard navigation was not working when null values were included in the datasource.


Bug Fixes

  • #I495933 - Resolved the GetImageData method does not return values properly in blazor image editor.
  • #I507638 - Resolved the image not opening in ImageEditor while the image file name has two dots.

In-Place Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #F495335 - Issue with "Clear Icon Not Initially Visible in DropDownList Inside InplaceEditor on First Focus" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I493841 - Issue with "Scrollbar in ListBox while using inside a splitter" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F496214 - The issue with "Sub Menu can’t hide while using hideItems method of menu" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I499489 - Issue with read only property not working in dropdowntree field of QueryBuilder has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I499363 - Now, the issue with the heading colour set to blue after copying and pasting content from MS Word has been resolved.
  • #I500996 - Now, the issue with the table resize icon is missing when the mouse is dragged out of the editor and clicked outside the table has been resolved.
  • #I493182 - Now, the issue with the enablePersistence API not working properly in the Rich Text Editor on page navigation has been resolved.
  • #F184513 - Now, integrating with Mention, the actionBegin and actionComplete events work properly.
  • #I488206 - Now, pasting contents into the Rich Text Editor when enterKey is configured as DIV works properly.
  • #I499035 - Now, the Rich Text Editor renders properly without any sass compilation errors.
  • #I499071 - Now, the image focus and resize class names are removed properly when the editor is focused out.
  • #I497587 - Now, the RichTextEditor height property works properly in percentage value.
  • #I503797 - Now, the shortcut key 'Command + B' is working fine on a Mac machine.
  • #I840680 - Now, the complex table resizing will work properly for the middle columns in the Rich Text Editor.
  • #I846935 - Now, the last and first column of the table resizing will work properly in the Rich Text Editor.


Bug fixes

  • #I503155 - Resolved an accessibility concern by including the necessary form labels in the Scheduler editor window.


Bug Fixes

  • #I503827 - Fixed CSP error that occurred when using the Toast Utility in conjunction with the CSP Meta Tag.


26 Sep 12:31
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Bug Fixes

  • #I488912 - Resolved the ngModel data binding not working properly in Form Base.


Bug Fixes

  • #F184357 - Funnel chart is now rendering properly when all the data points value is zero.
  • #I498982 - Data labels are now displaying properly after legend click.


Bug Fixes

  • #I498152 - Fixed the issue of pane collapse when zooming in the chart.
  • #I498070 - Now, the tooltip is displaying properly for all series when the shared tooltip is enabled.
  • #I478252 - Updated legend aria-label based on the visibility of the series.
  • #I499382 - Changed the color of the tab bar line based on the theme.
  • #I499384 - Chart points are now focusing properly when navigating using arrow keys.
  • #I498673 - Now the primary axes are displaying properly when rendering series using secondary axes.
  • #I500178 - Fixed a issue where a console error was being thrown when trying to zoom in the Pareto chart during selection.
  • #I482650 - Fixed issue where the height of the chart would increase when the axis was hidden.


Bug Fixes

  • #I184493 - The null exception will no longer thrown while hovering over the ports.
  • #F45135 - Now, onUserHandleMouseUp event triggers for single time.
  • #I487517 - Now, while enabling virtualization constraints nodes does not disappears.


Bug fixes

  • #I490971 - Fixed a time zone conversion issue that occurred during date filtering in grid with UrlAdaptor.
  • #I503559 - Resolved the last column width issue in the frozen grid.
  • #I489490 - Fixed an issue where changeDataSource was not working properly when virtualization was enabled.
  • #I499794 - Fixed an issue where the disabled cursor was not showing when dragging rows outside the grid with the RowDragandDrop feature.
  • #I501376 - Resolved a script issue that occurred when dynamically changing the checkbox column to a data column and performing batch editing.


Bug Fixes

  • #I499689 - Provided the "ShapeChanging" event trigger support for pen action annotation.
  • #I495011 - Provided the "ShapeChanged" event trigger support for after shapes are changed and applied to canvas.


Bug Fixes

  • #I497871 - After adding a marker using the addMarker method, marker locations will now be correct when zooming and panning is performed on the Maps.


Bug fixes

  • F184045 - The pivot table can now be exported as Excel with conditional formatting.
  • I500613 - When an OLAP cube dimension member with a special character is used, the pivot table now works properly.
  • I496328 - Filtering is now applied properly in the pivot table when the showNoDataItems option is enabled.
  • I474787 - The pivot table will now be properly displayed while scrolling in MAC with the virtualization option enabled.


Bug Fixes

  • #I501894 - Now, the linear progress bar label renders properly when the alignment is set to center.


Bug Fixes

  • #I504588 - Issue with Query builder column template not render in Vue3 platform has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

#I491455 - Now, the flickering issue raised when dynamically enable/disable the ribbon item is resolved.

#I499031 - Now, the issue with overflow popup items are arranged in reversal order when being resized is resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I501151 - An issue where the eventDoubleClick event is not triggering has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I497270 - Provided the support to "GetSignature" public method returns base64 string with background.
  • #F184324 - Provided the "refresh" public method to signature component.


Bug Fixes

  • #I498062 - The console errors with the Tooltip component while dragging a diagram node over another node frequently has been resolved.


15 Sep 14:47
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  • #F155731 - Provided an option to enable or disable the animation across all Syncfusion components.

Bug Fixes

  • #I486549 - Provided clearTemplates support for Accordion Component.
  • #F45098 - Resolved the Complex Directives property changes not being applied properly.
  • #I496453 - Resolved the Template binding not working properly in Form Base.
  • #I473932 - Resolved the Angular Form states not working properly for the OnPush strategy.



  • #FB9773 - Introducing the Virtual Scrolling feature for the AutoComplete component, it is a game-changer for managing large datasets. This feature drastically improves performance by ensuring faster loading and smoother scrolling, even with extensive data.



  • #I462095 - Provided support for using column or bar charts to display data in the form of cylindrical-shaped items.
  • #I395116 - Provided support for synchronizing tooltips, zooming and panning, cross-hairs, highlights, and selection features across numerous charts.
  • #I420935 - Provided support for exporting chart data to Excel in a table format.
  • #I489636 - It is now possible to add a background and border to the chart title and subtitle.
  • #F182191 - Provided support to hide the nearest data in tooltip when having multiple axis.
  • #I294830 - Enhanced PDF export feature facilitates exporting charts from the web page onto multiple pages within a PDF document.



  • #FB9773 - Introducing the Virtual Scrolling feature for the ComboBox component, it is a game-changer for managing large datasets. This feature drastically improves performance by ensuring faster loading and smoother scrolling, even with extensive data.



  • #I379033 - Added port support for the connector.
  • Provided support to modify the bezier segment thumb.
  • Provided support to close the print window while closing the parent window.
  • Provided API support to add segments for straight connectors at runtime.
  • Provided support to toggle the selection state of the diagram elements at runtime.
  • #I476281 - Provided sticky mode support for the diagram tooltip.

Document Editor


  • #I471020 - Added support for table title and description.



  • #FB9773 - Introducing the Virtual Scrolling feature for the DropDownList component, it is a game-changer for managing large datasets. This feature drastically improves performance by ensuring faster loading and smoother scrolling, even with extensive data.

Bug Fixes

  • #I472623 - Resolved an issue when the window is resizing the popup position is misaligned



  • #I275966 - Provided lazy loading support in Gantt chart. Please find the demo link here.
  • #I396039 - Provided baseline support for PDF export in Gantt Chart.
  • Provided support to export the Gantt component where each rows are auto-fit to the PDF document page width. Please find the demo link here.
  • Provided touch interaction support for taskbar resizing, dragging, predecessor connectivity in Gantt chart.


Bug fixes

  • #I488183 - Fixed an issue where the frozen columns get hidden while using auto-generated columns.
  • #I473780 - Resolved an issue where the frozen horizontal scroll did not work when a validation error message is shown.
  • #I486159 - Fixed an issue where the Column Reorder was not working properly when the frozen right feature is enabled.
  • #I498644 - Resolved an issue where the skip and take parameters are not passed to the server-side while performing grid actions only in the case of the total number of records and page sizes are equal.


  • #FB10384 - Provided the support for exporting the grid with Column template and Detail template at the client side by using the exportDetailTemplate event of the grid where each cell of the grid rows can be customized. Find the demo link here.
  • #FB10132 - Provided the support for exporting multiple grids in the same or different pages into PDF and Excel formats by listing the id values of each grid that needs to be exported in the exportGrids property of Grid. Find the demo link here.
  • #FB44392 - Provided the support for Column Virtualization with pagination in Grid.
  • Improved frozen rows and columns by enabling previously limited features such as Grouping, Row templates, Infinite scrolling, Stacked Header, and Column Virtualization. Find the demo link here.
  • Introduced a new column freezing mode known as Fixed, in addition to the existing Left, Right, and Center modes within the column settings' freeze property. This Fixed mode locks columns in place, ensuring their visibility during horizontal scrolling. Find the demo link here.

Breaking Changes

  • Revamped the frozen feature by replacing the previous three-table approach with a single table, resulting in significant performance improvements and a reduction in file size. This update eliminates the need to inject the Freeze module to utilize the frozen feature, making it more efficient. We have listed the deprecated methods of frozen feature and their alternatives.

Deprecated Methods

Deprecated Methods Previous Current Suggested Alternative Methods
getMovableRows() This method returns only the movable table rows (tr's). This method will return all table rows (tr's) of the entire table. The movable cells within the tr element can be selected using the e-unfreeze class. getRows()
getFrozenRightRows() This method returns only the table rows (tr's) from the freeze right table. This method will return all the rows (tr’s) of the entire table. The frozen right cells can be selected using the e-rightfreeze class. getRows()
* getMovableRowByIndex - select a movable row
* getFrozenRowByIndex - select a freeze row
* getFrozenRightRowByIndex - select a right freeze row.
This method will return the table row (tr) based on the given index. Additionally, class names for table cells (td's) have been separated as follows:
* Left-Freeze: e-leftfreeze
* Movable: e-unfreeze
* Right-Freeze : e-rightfreeze
* getMovableCellFromIndex() - select a particular cell in the movable table.
* getFrozenRightCellFromIndex() - select a particular cell in the right freeze table.
No change getCellFromIndex()
These methods return the viewport data rows for the freeze, movable, and right tables separately. This method, will return the entire viewport data rows. getDataRows()
These methods select the movable, right freeze, and left freeze headers from the table separately. No change getColumnHeaderByIndex()


Bug Fixes

#I492818 - Now, fast scrolling from top to bottom of the column continuously works properly.
#I495751 - Now, dragging a card to the first position in the Kanban works properly without flickering.


Bug Fixes

  • #F43705 - Issue with "Dropping selected items does not work correctly while enabling the checkbox in listbox component." has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with "the close icon being misaligned when the content alignment was set to centre" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I451885 - Resolved the performance issue when multiselect component is rendered with large number of data.

PDF Viewer

Bug fixes

  • #I489522 - Now, when annotations are double-clicked, the isDocumentEdited API no longer switches to the TRUE state.
  • #I492457 - Now, the page renders properly after zooming in and out when the provided PDF document is loaded.
  • #I488322 - Now, the annotations exported from the older version are imported into the latest version
  • #I491908 - Now, the type of handwritten signature in Arabic language is retained when downloading the document.
  • #I490945 - Now, the rotation of the annotations is properly preserved when importing them before rendering the pages.


  • #I472310 - Provided support to render the digital signature appearance in the exported images using the 'Export as Image APIs'.
  • #I445342 - Provided support to enable or disable the lock on comment replies for annotations.
  • #I320602, #I332921, #I335469, #I334005, #I336580, #I338402, #I340993, #I342275, #I342451, #I344418, #I345156, #I297938, #I374753, #F156674, #379682, #I379543, #I381844, #I428937, #I448747, #I450636, #I448292, #I453737, #I453781, #I494648, #I495352 - Provided support for client side rendering using the PDFIUM Web Assembly.
  • Provided support to restrict file downloads when exporting form fields and annotations using the event argument "cancel".


Breaking Changes

  • The skeleton (aka, HTML) of the pivot table has been restructured. Previously, the pivot table displayed frozen row headers and values data in a two-table manner. It has been simplified to one table. The appearance of the horizontal scrollbar has changed as the row headers...
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05 Sep 11:01
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Accumulation chart

Bug Fixes

  • #I494139 - The tab index is now properly displayed in the accumulation chart.


Bug Fixes

  • #I474929 - The issue with "CSP template not working in breadcrumb component" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F46021 - The issue where the current item position within the Carousel could shift off-center upon window resizing has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F46287 - Fixed an issue where the tooltip was not rendered when the chart id was a numeric value.
  • #I478252 - The legend aria label has been changed based on the legend click.
  • #I492750 - Fixed an issue where the zoom factor and zoom position were not applied after scrolling the chart.


Bug Fixes

  • #I488474 - The issue with "Hovering the checkbox checked items of checkbox is unchecked while using RTL mode" in Bigger mode has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #483288 - Fixed a script error that occurred when opening the combobox popup in the Internet Explorer browser.


Bug Fixes

  • #I491906 - Fixed an issue where the values were not being cleared or changed while the popup was open and the user focus out.


Bug Fixes

  • #I491906 - Fixed an issue where the values were not being cleared or changed while the popup was open and the user focus out.


Bug Fixes

  • #I491906 - Fixed an issue where the values were not being cleared or changed while the popup was open and the user focus out.


Bug Fixes

  • #I477867,#I486093 - Now, Html shapes in palette are rendered properly.
  • #F183998 - Now, When Dragging Swimlane from Palette to Diagram and Exiting Without Dropping is working properly.
  • #F184121 - Now, BPMN nodes styles are updated properly at runtime.


Bug Fixes

  • #I482911 - Fixed an issue where the refreshPosition method did not correctly append the model dialog to the intended position.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I479032 - Now, Application is working in IE 11.
  • #I484782 - Resolved the formatting issue occurred when converting to DOCX in Server side.
  • #I484763 - Fixed the issue editing header throws script error in console.
  • #I485502 - Fixed the issue in exporting the document with an image.
  • #I485763 - Resolved the navigation issue using Ctrl+Right key.
  • #I486538 - Fixed the issue in saving the svg image.
  • #I488148 - Now, Accept/reject work properly after stopping protection.
  • #F183848 - Fixed the issue in docx exporting.
  • #F183866 - Resolved the issue in pasting a larger image.
  • #I488197 - Resolved the issue in spellCheck.
  • #I489064 - Fixed the issue bottom text overlapped with the footer line.
  • #I489638 - Now, Doughnut chart renders properly in DocumentEditor.
  • #I490573, #I491902 - Now, Able to edit text file.
  • #I494011, #I494218 - Fixed the issue script error occurred when opening a document.


Bug Fixes

  • #I464511 – Now, the content of the free text annotation does not changes when we click outside of it.

DropDown List

Bug Fixes

  • #I490309 - The issue with the aria-owns attribute not having the correct ID of its popup list element has been fixed.
  • #I481443 - Resolved the issue where the "no records" template was not being displayed and a console error occurred.

Dropdown Tree

Bug Fixes

  • #F183599 - The issue duplicate child was rendered when using expanded field in Dropdown Tree component with Web API adaptor has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I486201 - Issue in "DropDownButton Popup flickering issue while using the target property." has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I461886 - Resolved the issue of multiple requests being sent on the dropdown when clicking on the input.

File Manager

Bug fixes

  • #I492594 - The issue related to the console error that occurred when moving between folders after performing a search operation within the File Manager component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • F159354 - Issue in locale text of predecessor tooltip has been fixed.

Gantt Chart

Bug Fixes

  • #I485527 - Filter menu opening issue in column menu has been fixed.
  • #I491313 - Multiple records were selected after using the context menu, adding the milestone position wrong issue has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I488479 - The problem of the incorrect right indent of the custom filter dialog in RTL mode has been resolved.
  • #I486810 - Resolved the issue where tab key focus navigation during batch editing.
  • #I480995 - The error that occurred when update an image using the updateCell method has been resolved.
  • #I489532 - The issue with the locale in the custom filter dialog for the excel filter has been successfully resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I487030 - When the cancel property in the event argument of the cellSelected event is set to true, selection will now be prevented.

Image Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I494726 - The issue with "Annotations pen drawing not working properly in ipad" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I481342 - Now, kanban virtualization works properly when a small amount of data is loaded.
  • #I484188 - Now, column scrolling works properly on Kanban virtualization when the Kanban columns have different data sizes.
  • #F45534 - Now, dragging and dropping a card into any position within a column works properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #I485947 - Issue with "Script error thrown While Drag and Drop in dual ListBox with filtering option in blazor" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I488100 #F45810- Facing a console error when clicking in an empty ListView component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I485498 - Mouse events will now work properly on the marker templates.


Bug Fixes

  • #I483185 - The issue with "Script error throws on destroying menu when its sub menus are still open" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I479749 - Resolved the issue of "Unable to retrieve preselected variable values that are not present in the data source".

Office Chart

Bug Fixes

  • #I489638 - Resolved the Doughnut chart renders issue as black.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I492457 - Now, the page renders properly after zooming in and zooming out when the provided PDF document is loaded.
  • #I488322 - Now, annotations that were exported from the older version are imported into the latest version.
  • #I491908 - Now, the type handwritten signature in Arabic language is retained when downloading the document.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • The issue with server side rendering in next.js has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I493593 - Resolved the Script error thrown in getRule method of QueryBuilder while using change event.


Bug Fixes

  • I491455 - Now, the script issue raised when enable/disable the Ribbon items is resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I488885 - Now, pressing CTRL + Enter does not trigger the enter action in the Rich Text Editor.


Bug fixes

  • #I488001 - An issue where the description field of an ICS file was not being parsed correctly upon import into the Schedule has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • F45705 - The issue with a changed event in the Slider component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F45948 - Fixed issue with sparkline pie not displaying properly when having single point.
  • #F45935 - Fixed an issue where the chart gets vanished when data updated after resizing the chart.


Bug Fixes

  • #483152 - Resolved an issue where the cssClass property was not able to accept multiple classes.


Bug Fixes

  • #I483293 - Fixed memory leak issue in Splitter component.


Bug Fixes

  • #I488994 - Issue with "row height is not updated properly when save and load the data using openFromJson method and then perform undo action" has been resolved.
  • #I489469 - Issue with "component throws an exception when open JSON data using the openFromJson method and sets the showSheetTabs property value to false on that JSON" has been resolved.
  • #I489978 - Issue with "applied conditional formatting on hidden rows and columns are removed when unhide the hidden rows and columns" has been resolved.
  • #I485361 - Issue with "pasted text overlaps with adjacent cell content while pasting the long text into the editor element" has been resolved.
  • #I486679 - Issue with "cell borders are removed incorrectly during the undo operation after copy / paste from an external Excel file" has been resolved.

Svg Base

Bug Fixes

  • #I483794 - Fixed an issue where the bold formatting was not applied correctly in the tooltip header.


Bug Fixes

  • #I469335 - Provided clearTemplates API support to control template clearing while adding, updating, and deleting items.


Bug Fixes

  • I453508 - Fixed the issue where the e-outline breaks when an icon is prepended to the textbox.



  • #I480992 - Added support for configuring server time zone settings to the component. The serverTimezoneOffset property can now be used to set the pre-bound value based on the time zone provided to the component.


Bug Fixes

  • #I488643 - Resolved an issue where the Tooltip does not update properly for the rect and g elements.


29 Aug 01:40
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Accumulation chart

Bug Fixes

  • #I494139 - The tab index is now properly displayed in the accumulation chart.


Bug Fixes

  • #I474929 - The issue with "CSP template not working in breadcrumb component" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F46021 - The issue where the current item position within the Carousel could shift off-center upon window resizing has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F46287 - Fixed an issue where the tooltip was not rendered when the chart id was a numeric value.
  • #I478252 - The legend aria label has been changed based on the legend click.
  • #I492750 - Fixed an issue where the zoom factor and zoom position were not applied after scrolling the chart.


Bug Fixes

  • #I488474 - The issue with "Hovering the checkbox checked items of checkbox is unchecked while using RTL mode" in Bigger mode has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #483288 - Fixed a script error that occurred when opening the combobox popup in the Internet Explorer browser.


Bug Fixes

  • #I492075 - Fixed an issue where the popup in the DateRangePicker Component would not close when clicking outside the component while using the Preset Ranges feature.


Bug Fixes

  • #I477867,#I486093 - Now, Html shapes in palette are rendered properly.
  • #F183998 - Now, When Dragging Swimlane from Palette to Diagram and Exiting Without Dropping is working properly.
  • #F184121 - Now, BPMN nodes styles are updated properly at runtime.


Bug Fixes

  • #I482911 - Fixed an issue where the refreshPosition method did not correctly append the model dialog to the intended position.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I479032 - Now, Application is working in IE 11.
  • #I484782 - Resolved the formatting issue occurred when converting to DOCX in Server side.
  • #I484763 - Fixed the issue editing header throws script error in console.
  • #I485502 - Fixed the issue in exporting the document with an image.
  • #I485763 - Resolved the navigation issue using Ctrl+Right key.
  • #I486538 - Fixed the issue in saving the svg image.
  • #I488148 - Now, Accept/reject work properly after stopping protection.
  • #F183848 - Fixed the issue in docx exporting.
  • #F183866 - Resolved the issue in pasting a larger image.
  • #I488197 - Resolved the issue in spellCheck.
  • #I489064 - Fixed the issue bottom text overlapped with the footer line.
  • #I489638 - Now, Doughnut chart renders properly in DocumentEditor.
  • #I490573, #I491902 - Now, Able to edit text file.
  • #I494011, #I494218 - Fixed the issue script error occurred when opening a document.


Bug Fixes

  • #I464511 – Now, the content of the free text annotation does not changes when we click outside of it.

DropDown List

Bug Fixes

  • #I490309 - The issue with the aria-owns attribute not having the correct ID of its popup list element has been fixed.
  • #I481443 - Resolved the issue where the "no records" template was not being displayed and a console error occurred.

Dropdown Tree

Bug Fixes

  • #F183599 - The issue duplicate child was rendered when using expanded field in Dropdown Tree component with Web API adaptor has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I486201 - Issue in "DropDownButton Popup flickering issue while using the target property." has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I461886 - Resolved the issue of multiple requests being sent on the dropdown when clicking on the input.

File Manager

Bug fixes

  • #I492594 - The issue related to the console error that occurred when moving between folders after performing a search operation within the File Manager component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • F159354 - Issue in locale text of predecessor tooltip has been fixed.

Gantt Chart

Bug Fixes

  • #I485527 - Filter menu opening issue in column menu has been fixed.
  • #I491313 - Multiple records were selected after using the context menu, adding the milestone position wrong issue has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I488479 - The problem of the incorrect right indent of the custom filter dialog in RTL mode has been resolved.
  • #I486810 - Resolved the issue where tab key focus navigation during batch editing.
  • #I480995 - The error that occurred when update an image using the updateCell method has been resolved.
  • #I489532 - The issue with the locale in the custom filter dialog for the excel filter has been successfully resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I487030 - When the cancel property in the event argument of the cellSelected event is set to true, selection will now be prevented.

Image Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I494726 - The issue with "Annotations pen drawing not working properly in ipad" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I481342 - Now, kanban virtualization works properly when a small amount of data is loaded.
  • #I484188 - Now, column scrolling works properly on Kanban virtualization when the Kanban columns have different data sizes.
  • #F45534 - Now, dragging and dropping a card into any position within a column works properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #I485947 - Issue with "Script error thrown While Drag and Drop in dual ListBox with filtering option in blazor" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I488100 #F45810- Facing a console error when clicking in an empty ListView component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I485498 - Mouse events will now work properly on the marker templates.


Bug Fixes

  • #I483185 - The issue with "Script error throws on destroying menu when its sub menus are still open" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I479749 - Resolved the issue of "Unable to retrieve preselected variable values that are not present in the data source".

Office Chart

Bug Fixes

  • #I489638 - Resolved the Doughnut chart renders issue as black.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I490803 - The script error is now resolved when deleting annotations from different pages.
  • #I490484 - The comment panel value in the ink annotation is added in the provided document.
  • #I489551 - Now, the ink annotation in the provided document does not get duplicated.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • The issue with server side rendering in next.js has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I493593 - Resolved the Script error thrown in getRule method of QueryBuilder while using change event.


Bug Fixes

  • I491455 - Now, the script issue raised when enable/disable the Ribbon items is resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I488885 - Now, pressing CTRL + Enter does not trigger the enter action in the Rich Text Editor.


Bug fixes

  • #I488001 - An issue where the description field of an ICS file was not being parsed correctly upon import into the Schedule has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • F45705 - The issue with a changed event in the Slider component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F45948 - Fixed issue with sparkline pie not displaying properly when having single point.
  • #F45935 - Fixed an issue where the chart gets vanished when data updated after resizing the chart.


Bug Fixes

  • #483152 - Resolved an issue where the cssClass property was not able to accept multiple classes.


Bug Fixes

  • #I483293 - Fixed memory leak issue in Splitter component.


Bug Fixes

  • #I488994 - Issue with "row height is not updated properly when save and load the data using openFromJson method and then perform undo action" has been resolved.
  • #I489469 - Issue with "component throws an exception when open JSON data using the openFromJson method and sets the showSheetTabs property value to false on that JSON" has been resolved.
  • #I489978 - Issue with "applied conditional formatting on hidden rows and columns are removed when unhide the hidden rows and columns" has been resolved.
  • #I485361 - Issue with "pasted text overlaps with adjacent cell content while pasting the long text into the editor element" has been resolved.
  • #I486679 - Issue with "cell borders are removed incorrectly during the undo operation after copy / paste from an external Excel file" has been resolved.

Svg Base

Bug Fixes

  • #I483794 - Fixed an issue where the bold formatting was not applied correctly in the tooltip header.


Bug Fixes

  • #I469335 - Provided clearTemplates API support to control template clearing while adding, updating, and deleting items.


Bug Fixes

  • #I477545 - Fixed an issue where error colors were not being applied correctly in the Textbox Component.



  • #I480992 - Added support for configuring server time zone settings to the component. The serverTimezoneOffset property can now be used to set the pre-bound value based on the time zone provided to the component.


Bug Fixes

  • #I488643 - Resolved an issue where the Tooltip does not update properly for the rect and g elements.


22 Aug 18:19
Choose a tag to compare

Accumulation chart

Bug Fixes

  • #I490028 - Fixed an issue where the centerLabel text was not being displayed in bold formatting.


Bug Fixes

  • #I487053 - Now, startFromZero is functioning correctly in stackingColumn.


Bug Fixes

  • #I488474 - The issue with "Hovering the checkbox checked items of checkbox is unchecked while using RTL mode" in Bigger mode has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #483288 - Fixed a script error that occurred when opening the combobox popup in the Internet Explorer browser.


Bug Fixes

  • #I489129 - Fixed an issue where the Daterangepicker popup was not opening properly on iPad devices.


Bug Fixes

  • #I484458 - Now, order commands for dropped swimlane is working properly
  • #I485386 - Now, Copy and paste the child nodes from group is working properly.
  • #F182827 - Now, Swimlane child nodes are positioned properly and the exception will no longer thrown while performing delete and undo.


Bug Fixes

  • #I483277 - Fixed a memory leak issue in the dialog component.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I482625 , #F183478 - Resolved the script error of opening a chart document.
  • #F183689 , #F183682 - Resolved the issue while inserting svg image.
  • #I483658 - Resolved the frozen issue while loading the given document.
  • #I483659 - Fixed the issue document editor crashes when trying to edit.
  • #I483689 - Fixed the Overlapping issue while loading.
  • #I484763 - Fixed the issue of editing header throws script error in console.
  • #I485401 - Resolved the script error while downloading the document.
  • #I485791 - Fixed the overlapping issue when we do enter before the shape.
  • #I486671 - Resolved the script error occurred when scrolling.


Bug Fixes

  • #I464511 – Now, the content of the free text annotation does not changes when we click outside of it.

DropDown List

Bug Fixes

  • #I481443 - Resolved the issue where the "no records" template was not being displayed and a console error occurred.

Dropdown Tree

Bug Fixes

  • #F183599 - The issue duplicate child was rendered when using expanded field in Dropdown Tree component with Web API adaptor has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I486201 - Issue in "DropDownButton Popup flickering issue while using the target property." has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I461886 - Resolved the issue of multiple requests being sent on the dropdown when clicking on the input.

File Manager

Bug fixes

  • #I492594 - The issue related to the console error that occurred when moving between folders after performing a search operation within the File Manager component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • F159354 - Issue in locale text of predecessor tooltip has been fixed.

Gantt Chart

Bug Fixes

  • #I486977 - Zoom To Fit issue when we resize browser window has been fixed.
  • #I484086 - Other instance of the taskbar not moved in the resource view issue has been fixed.
  • #I482456 - Critical path is incorrect in the Gantt Chart issue has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I487601 - Fixed the issue that prevented batch adding is working properly with hidden primary key column.
  • #I444618 - Script error thrown when performing print with empty dataSource has been resolved.
  • #I485367 - The problem of the pager dropdown and message not displaying correctly when the Grid is rendered within the Tab component has been successfully resolved.
  • #I839020 - Resolved an issue where row span was not being applied correctly when showing or hiding columns using the column chooser.
  • #I483559 - Issue with the focused cell was not being properly indicated during row selection has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I487030 - When the cancel property in the event argument of the cellSelected event is set to true, selection will now be prevented.

Image Editor

Bug Fixes

  • Issue with "Script error thrown while editing multiple text area" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I481342 - Now, kanban virtualization works properly when a small amount of data is loaded.
  • #I484188 - Now, column scrolling works properly on Kanban virtualization when the Kanban columns have different data sizes.
  • #F45534 - Now, dragging and dropping a card into any position within a column works properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #I485947 - Issue with "Script error thrown While Drag and Drop in dual ListBox with filtering option in blazor" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I485498 - Mouse events will now work properly on the marker templates.


Bug Fixes

  • #I483185 - The issue with "Script error throws on destroying menu when its sub menus are still open" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I479749 - Resolved the issue of "Unable to retrieve preselected variable values that are not present in the data source".

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I489048 - Now, the Unload API is properly called for the respective components when we use multiple components on a page.
  • #I489448 - Now, it is possible to add form fields after a few pages with edited properties.
  • #I490199 - Now, the touch-based page scrolling is works as expected on simulated iOS/iPad devices.
  • The issue with server side rendering in next.js has been resolved.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • The issue with server side rendering in next.js has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F183921 - Resolved the Script error thrown while changing Boolean value in dropdowntree fieldMode of QueryBuilder.


Bug Fixes

  • #I488885 - Now, pressing CTRL + Enter does not trigger the enter action in the Rich Text Editor.


  • #I478902 - Performance issue in calculating scrollbar width has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • F45705 - The issue with a changed event in the Slider component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F45948 - Fixed issue with sparkline pie not displaying properly when having single point.
  • #F45935 - Fixed an issue where the chart gets vanished when data updated after resizing the chart.


Bug Fixes

  • #483152 - Resolved an issue where the cssClass property was not able to accept multiple classes.


Bug Fixes

  • #I483293 - Fixed memory leak issue in Splitter component.


Bug Fixes

  • #I489469 - Issue with "component throws an exception when open JSON data using the openFromJson method and sets the showSheetTabs property value to false on that JSON" has been resolved.
  • #I489978 - Issue with "applied conditional formatting on hidden rows and columns are removed when unhide the hidden rows and columns" has been resolved.
  • #I485361 - Issue with "pasted text overlaps with adjacent cell content while pasting the long text into the editor element" has been resolved.
  • #I486679 - Issue with "cell borders are removed incorrectly during the undo operation after copy / paste from an external Excel file" has been resolved.

Svg Base

Bug Fixes

  • #I483794 - Fixed an issue where the bold formatting was not applied correctly in the tooltip header.


Bug Fixes

  • #I469335 - Provided clearTemplates API support to control template clearing while adding, updating, and deleting items.


Bug Fixes

  • #I477545 - Fixed an issue where error colors were not being applied correctly in the Textbox Component.



  • #I480992 - Added support for configuring server time zone settings to the component. The serverTimezoneOffset property can now be used to set the pre-bound value based on the time zone provided to the component.


Bug Fixes

  • #I488643 - Resolved an issue where the Tooltip does not update properly for the rect and g elements.


15 Aug 12:48
Choose a tag to compare

Accumulation chart

Bug Fixes

  • #I486337 - Fixed an issue where the console error thrown when disabling the animation.
  • #I486337 - Now the destroy method is properly working in accumulation chart.


Bug Fixes

  • #I487053 - Now, startFromZero is functioning correctly in stackingColumn.


Bug Fixes

  • #I488474 - The issue with "Hovering the checkbox checked items of checkbox is unchecked while using RTL mode" in Bigger mode has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #483288 - Fixed a script error that occurred when opening the combobox popup in the Internet Explorer browser.


Bug Fixes

  • #I486181 - Fixed an issue where the DateRangePicker popup was not opening when there was not enough space in the window.


Bug Fixes

  • #I486118 - Now, the orthogonal connector routing works properly when we drag connector segment.
  • #I484774 - Now, Double click on node annotation will open the edit of invisible annotation is resolved.
  • #I484563 - The DOM Exception will no longer thrown while removing connector with Virtualization Enabled.
  • #I484335 - Now, highlighter rendered properly on hovering ports and nodes.


Bug Fixes

  • #I483277 - Fixed a memory leak issue in the dialog component.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I482578 - Fixed the unsafe-eval error in source.
  • #I486542 - Now, the Desired Font Family present properly in selecting Dropdown.
  • #I485462 - Resolved the issue in updating font families dynamically.
  • #F183689 - Resolved the issue while inserting svg image .
  • #I483658 - Resolved the frozen issue while loading the given document.
  • #I475459 - Added sanitize for the open, copy, and paste APIs.

DropDown List

Bug Fixes

  • #I477135 - Fixed a memory leak issue in the Dropdownlist Component.
  • #I486973 - Fixed an issue where the last selected item in the DropDownList would be retained in the list of items when the data source was changed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I486201 - Issue in "DropDownButton Popup flickering issue while using the target property." has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I461886 - Resolved the issue of multiple requests being sent on the dropdown when clicking on the input.


Bug Fixes

  • F159354 - Issue in locale text of predecessor tooltip has been fixed.

Gantt Chart

Bug Fixes

  • #I485657 - Misalignment happened in timeline while exporting PDF in Gantt has been fixed.
  • #I485398 - console error occurs while using segment data issue has been fixed.
  • #I487527 - Data manager URL is called twice.
  • #I484079- Vertical scroll and taskbar is not fully visible in yearly mode issue has been fixed.
  • #I461564- No action is performed when we try to add task when the cell is in edited state issue has been fixed.
  • #I486234 - Label gets hidden in Gantt Chart when task mode is manual issue has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I487601 - Fixed the issue that prevented batch adding is working properly with hidden primary key column.
  • #I444618 - Script error thrown when performing print with empty dataSource has been resolved.
  • #I485367 - The problem of the pager dropdown and message not displaying correctly when the Grid is rendered within the Tab component has been successfully resolved.
  • #I839020 - Resolved an issue where row span was not being applied correctly when showing or hiding columns using the column chooser.
  • #I483559 - Issue with the focused cell was not being properly indicated during row selection has been resolved.

Image Editor

Bug Fixes

  • Issue with "Script error thrown while applying text area changes to canvas" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I481342 - Now, kanban virtualization works properly when a small amount of data is loaded.
  • #I484188 - Now, column scrolling works properly on Kanban virtualization when the Kanban columns have different data sizes.
  • #F45534 - Now, dragging and dropping a card into any position within a column works properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #I485947 - Issue with "Script error thrown While Drag and Drop in dual ListBox with filtering option in blazor" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I485498 - Mouse events will now work properly on the marker templates.


Bug Fixes

  • #I483185 - The issue with "Script error throws on destroying menu when its sub menus are still open" has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I487346 - The free text annotation is now visible during printing when the free text annotation settings is customised.
  • #I489176 - Now, the line type annotations are drawn properly on mobile devices after zooming.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • I489341 - The toolbar menu items will now be properly displayed in the pivot table with the material dark theme.


Bug Fixes

  • #F183921 - Resolved the Script error thrown while changing Boolean value in dropdowntree fieldMode of QueryBuilder.


Bug Fixes

  • #I481854 - Now, pasting the content into the Rich Text Editor, which is rendered inside the Dialog without manually focusing the editor, works properly.
  • #I484797 - Now, pressing the backspace key when the cursor is placed after a line with a br tag works properly.


  • #I478902 - Performance issue in calculating scrollbar width has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • F45705 - The issue with a changed event in the Slider component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #483152 - Resolved an issue where the cssClass property was not able to accept multiple classes.


Bug Fixes

  • #I483293 - Fixed memory leak issue in Splitter component.


Bug Fixes

  • #I486679 - Issue with "cell borders are removed incorrectly during the undo operation after copy / paste from an external Excel file" has been resolved.

Svg Base

Bug Fixes

  • #I483794 - Fixed an issue where the bold formatting was not applied correctly in the tooltip header.


Bug Fixes

  • #I469335 - Provided clearTemplates API support to control template clearing while adding, updating, and deleting items.


Bug Fixes

  • #I477545 - Fixed an issue where error colors were not being applied correctly in the Textbox Component.



  • #I480992 - Added support for configuring server time zone settings to the component. The serverTimezoneOffset property can now be used to set the pre-bound value based on the time zone provided to the component.


Bug Fixes

  • #I488643 - Resolved an issue where the Tooltip does not update properly for the rect and g elements.


08 Aug 12:36
Choose a tag to compare


Bug Fixes

  • #I483107 - Data editing is now working properly, along with the zoom property.
  • #I484578 - The trendline is now rendered for the polynomial type in datetime.
  • #I485511 - Fixed an issue where the trackball was not rendered properly in canvas mode.


Bug Fixes

  • #I488474 - The issue with "Hovering the checkbox checked items of checkbox is unchecked while using RTL mode" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #483288 - Fixed a script error that occurred when opening the combobox popup in the Internet Explorer browser.


Bug Fixes

  • #I482420 - Now, Connector draw cursor is enabled while hover the group node port.
  • #I484353 - Now, copy paste the group node multiple times is working properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #I483277 - Fixed a memory leak issue in the dialog component.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I482386, #I486455 - Resolved the spell check issue.
  • #I482694 - Now, the table Header repeating is proper while enter new data at last row of the page.
  • #I483711 - Fixed the issue in custom style preservation and applying.
  • #I478257 - Fixed the issue in list format rendering.
  • #I484131 - Resolved the table lines missing after saving the document.
  • #I485502 - Resolved the issue in exporting the document with an image.
  • #I486096 - Now, Update field appear in the context menu.

DropDown List

Bug Fixes

  • #I474541 - Fixed an issue where the position of the popup was incorrect when enabling RTL mode.


Bug Fixes

  • #I486201 - Issue in "DropDownButton Popup flickering issue while using the target property." has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • F159354 - Issue in locale text of predecessor tooltip has been fixed.

Gantt Chart

Bug Fixes

  • #I485907 - When multiple records are selected after using the context menu to delete, it is not working issue has been fixed.
  • #I483579 - Splitter resize issue when we resize browser window issue has been fixed.
  • #I483399 - Style not applied for the collapsed row when the virtual scroll is enabled issue has been fixed.
  • #I473286 - Unable to drag taskbar and tooltip is misaligned issue has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I475018 - Grid filter showing duplicate values without ignoring case has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I485947 - Issue with "Script error thrown While Drag and Drop in dual ListBox with filtering option in blazor" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I485498 - Mouse events will now work properly on the marker templates.


Bug Fixes

  • #I483185 - The issue with "Script error throws on destroying menu when its sub menus are still open" has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I484429 - Now, the error does not occur when we programmatically delete the added annotation.
  • #I485416 - Now, the ink annotations are rendered properly after programmatically adding the highlight annotation.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • I485463 - The pivot table can now be properly rendered when sorting is applied with virtualization.
  • I486436 - The pivot chart can now be properly rendered with remote data binding.
  • F183726 - The "multiLevelLabelRender" event will now work properly in the Angular pivot table.


Bug Fixes

  • #I469225 - Resolved the Custom operator not working properly in QueryBuilder While dynamically change locale property.


  • #I478902 - Performance issue in calculating scrollbar width has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #483152 - Resolved an issue where the cssClass property was not able to accept multiple classes.

Svg Base

Bug Fixes

  • #I483794 - Fixed an issue where the bold formatting was not applied correctly in the tooltip header.


Bug Fixes

  • #I469335 - Provided clearTemplates API support to control template clearing while adding, updating, and deleting items.


Bug Fixes

  • #I477545 - Fixed an issue where error colors were not being applied correctly in the Textbox Component.



  • #I480992 - Added support for configuring server time zone settings to the component. The serverTimezoneOffset property can now be used to set the pre-bound value based on the time zone provided to the component.