Here is the random list of useful things:
# download miniconda
# install miniconda
# add path to the pre-configured shared environments to conda config file
echo 'envs_dirs:
- /storage/shared_conda/envs' > ~/.condarc
# check if everything is ok and you see the envs
conda info -e
# activate needed env
conda activate nameoftheenvironment
If you want to run some calculation overnight or have unstable connection it is important to keep the ssh session alive. For this purpose there is a number of software that allows to detach ssh session and keep it alive on the server. Classical example is screen
, which also allows to multiplex a physical terminal between several processes.
# create named screen session
screen -S test
# press CTRL-A-D to detach the session and attach using
screen -r test
# if the session terminated abruptly, e.g. the connection broke, use
screen -rd test
# list available sessions
screen -ls
# more info
man screen
- Ctrl+a-c — create a new window
- Ctrl+a-" — visualize the opened windows
- Ctrl+a-p, Ctrl+a-n — switch with the previous/next window
- Ctrl+a-number — switch to the window number
- Ctrl+d — kill a window
You can easily google more detailed tutorials.