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Full Stack Progressive Web Application (PWA) created for a fictional rabbit rescue charity. Frontend is built with ReactJS, React Router, Redux, CSS modules. Backend built with Django-REST, database uses PostgreSQL. Donation payment is implemented with Stripe, design is created in Figma.

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Full Stack Web Application for Hopper Farm Rabbit Rescue

Github Actions Badge DeepScan grade

Hopper Farm Rabbit Rescue is a fictional non-profit organisation. The website is designed to support the charity's primary mission which is to help find new homes for rescued pet rabbits. Admins can add/edit/delete rabbit records. Users can get information about the work of the charity, the adoption process as well as individual rabbits which are listed for adoption.

This App is a Full Stack Progressive Web App (PWA), installable and fully responsive on all devices.

The Frontend is implemented with React JS, Redux, React-Router, CSS Modules, HTML5 and Figma for design. Payment is implemented with STRIPE Link. The Backend is built with Django REST and the database with PostgreSQL. The EmailJS API is used to send forms. Dark mode is implemented throughout all pages.

View the live project here:

Light mode


I originally created the frontend of this project for Code Institute's Web Application Development Course as the 1st Milestone Project (User Centric Frontend Development Project) in HTML5-CSS3-BOOTSTRAP5, which can be found here.


The frontend of this project is a Single Page Application (SPA). React-Router was used to render three pages: About page, Adopt page and a Contact Us page. In addition, I added modals for displaying the volunteering form and the rabbit enquiry form as well as the thank you and error messages.

I also implemented Progressive Web App (PWA) features such as caching and installability.


Installation on Desktop is available through the "install" icon in the brwoser's search bar.

Install App on Desktop

On Android devices, there is an "Install app" menu item in the side menu:

Install App on Android 1 Install App on Android 1

On iOS and iPadOS devices, installation is only available from Safari through the "Add To Home Screen" menu item.

Install App on iPhone 1 Install App on iPhone 1

This is how the icons appear accross various devices:

iPhone Safari Android Windows
Icon on iPhone Icon on Safari Icon on Android Icon on Windows

Landing Page (About)

home-light-mode home-dark-mode

Side bars open from the burger menu icon:

sidebar-light-mode sidebar-dark-mode

Dark-mode responsive SVG icons

All icons are in SVG format that allowed me to set their colours programatically to respond to dark mode.

Rabbit Gift People Hands
icon-rabbit icon-gift icon-people icon-hands
icon-rabbit icon-gift icon-people icon-hands

Similarly, the Favicons respond to dark mode too:

favicon-light-mode favicon-dark-mode

Adopt Page

The Adopt page provides essential information about rabbit re-homing and also includes a gallery, listing all rabbits from the database that are eligible for adoption.

adopt-light-mode adopt-dark-mode

The user can click on the rabbit pictures to get more information:


When clicking Enquire, an Enquiry Form appears:


The 'Name' and the 'Email' fields are required fields:


A 'Thank You Message' notifies the user of a successful form submission: thanks-interest

Contact Us Page

On the Contact Us page, I included all the contact information the organisation can be reached from. Alongside the address, a live Google Maps frame helps with orientation.

contact-light-mode contact-dark-mode

The submission of a Volunteer form is another way of contacting the charity:

Volunteer Form - Light Volunteer Form - Dark
volunteer-form-light-mode volunteer-form-dark-mode

Donation Payments

I used the Stripe Link API for secure donation payments:


Success Message - Light Success Message - Dark
successful-payment-light successful-payment-dark



The relational database is built with PostgreSQL and Django's object-model system. I'm utilizing Django's built-in auth app and the admin panel, where users with staff permissions can add/edit/delete rabbit records.

The data model for rabbits comprises of 3 tables. As adoption of rabbits often happens in groups, I planned to list these rabbits together on the website. For this, I needed a rabbit_group model, which can include one or more individual rabbits. Similarly, the image model belongs to the rabbit_group, not to the individual rabbit, as the rabbits are often pictured together, not individually.



I wrote a python script,, to generate random data for my database. With this, I generated three json fixtures which I then used to load the records into the database:

  • rabbit_groups.json
  • rabbits.json
  • rabbit_images.json

Admin Functions

Admin functions are available through Django's built-in admin-panel. As this is part of my backend application, I configured the frontend-serving Nginx server to proxy-route the user here from the Frontend site. The link for this can be found in the Footer section of the site:

admin-login admin-login-andrew admin-rabbit-groups admin-edit-rabbits

Progressive Web App

I implemented PWA to allow the user to install the app, as well as to cache the static files to decrease subsequent loading times.


Local Development

To run and develop this project locally, the following steps are needed.


  1. Prerequisite: Make sure that python is installed.
  2. Clone the repo.
  3. Create a virtual environment in the root folder: python3 -m venv venv
  4. Activate this environment with either a prompt from the IDE or with source venv/bin/activate
  5. cd backend and install the python packages: pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Start the dev server: python runserver

The backend project will be available on the default django port: http://localhost:8000


  1. Prerequisite: Make sure that node is installed.
  2. From the root folder, cd frontend and install all packages with npm install.
  3. Start the development server with npm start

The frontend project will be running on the default Vite port: http://localhost:5173


Please view for more information on testing.


Both the backend and the Frontend are deployed on Heroku, in eco dynos. (As this is the most economical tier, the initial loading time is fairly long when the user visits the site for the first time.)


The django project is running on a Gunicorn server. The django projects' CORS and CSRF settings make sure that the Frontend can initiate communication. In the Procfile, I specified the commands that are needed after the build process: run all migrations and start up the Gunicorn server.

Environment variables:

  • FRONTEND_URL (required for the CORS and CSRF settings in
  • BACKEND_HOST (required for the ALLOWED_HOSTS setting in


To build the frontend project for production, we can utilize the built-in npm run build script, that builds the React app for production. We can run this locally and the run the project with npm run preview to test the production version locally.

In Heroku, I used the nodejs buildpack to run this process automatically with the help of the "heroku-postbuild" script which I included into the package.json file.

As a second step, I used an nginx buildpack to serve my frontend with the Nginx server. I included a config file for this (frontend/config/nginx.conf.erb). I configured this server to proxy-route my api requests (rabbit data requests) to the backend server. I also proxy-routed the requests for 'admin' (and the 'static' files that belong to the admin panel) so that the charity owner can reach the admin site from the Frontend.

As Environment variables, I used

  • BACKEND_URL (used for proxy-routing)
  • STRIPE_URL (for payments)

CI/CD with Github Actions

I automated the deployment process by utilizing Github Actions Workflows. On every push action, my main.yml file first runs all the automated tests and only if they pass deploys the application, backend and frontend into their own respective Heroku dynos.

The result of the latest deployment is represented with this badge:

Github Actions Badge

User Experience (UX)

Website Owner's Goals

  • To help people find the organisation for the primary purpose of rehoming a rescued rabbit.
  • To help find potential donors and volunteers willing to contribute to the charity's work.
  • To help visitors to make contact with the organisation through various channels.
  • The website to have simple structure and clear 'call to action' messages.
  • The website to be responsive to all screen sizes as well as light/dark mode preferences.
  • Allow the user to gain more information and send enquiry about individual rabbits.
  • Allow the visitor to Donate money to the organisation securely.

Website Visitors' Goals

  • To find the relevant piece of information quickly, be it about rabbit adoption, volunteering or donation.
  • To find specific information about individual rabbits and be able to express interest in adopting them.
  • To be able to make contact with the charity for relevant requests effectively.
  • To be able to find the location quickly.
  • To be able to access the website in any screen sizes.
  • To read the site comfortably when dark mode is preferrable.


All wireframes and design were created in Figma.

Colour Scheme

Animal charities most frequently use green as their primary colour and I kept the site in line with this customer expectation. I chose orange as an accent colour to emphasize the 'call to action' messages. In addition, I used various shades of greys to complement the two main colours.

I sampled the primary and the accent colours from the hero image of the landing page, then I slightly modified them to satisfy accessibility requirements.

Light mode palette:

Dark mode palette:


A font pairing website helped me make typograpy choice. I selected Nunito and Nunito Sans from the Google Fonts library for their simplicity and legibility yet fairly informal feel. To complement these simple styled main fonts, for the feature logo I chose a more decorative typeface, Bubblegum Sans.


All the images appearing on the site are unlicenced, sourced from Pexels and Unsplash. All pictures have been converted to .webp format to reduce file size and as such, reduce loading time. To further increase performance, more image sizes are available for the browser to load the most appropriate one for any screen resolutions. For older browsers that don't recognise .webp format, .png images were added as backups. This method makes sure that for every device, the best size and resolution will be chosen to achieve the best possible performance.

Some of the icons I drew myself in Figma, the others I downloaded from svgrepo. These latter icons are either unlicenced or open-source. All icons were drawn or edited to be uniform in design as well as responsive to dark mode or - as in the case of the rabbit icon - to screen size changes. All icons' colour is set programatically width css.

All references to the images and icons that have been sourced from other sites can be found in the credits section.

Wireframes - Figma

Wireframes were created in Figma.

Live link to wireframe for mobile


Live link to wireframe for desktop


High Fidelity Prototype - Figma

I created high fidelity prototypes with Figma, for both mobile and desktop screens.

Live link to HiFi Prototype for mobile


Live link to HiFi Prototype for desktop


Future Implementations

  • Replacing the EmailJS API with a setup of an SMTP service provider such as Google MAIL.
  • Building a comprehensive Admin interface in the Frontend.
  • Infinite scroll implementation for listing rabbits, for the scenario that numbers increase significantly.


  • To aid screen readers:

    • Semantic HTML were used throughout all pages.

    • All images have descriptive alt attributes and all other elements that have implied meanings are labelled with aria-labels.

    • Current pages and modals are also labelled with the appropriate aria properties to help navigation.

  • Lighthouse score for Accessibility are 100% across all pages. Detailed results can be found here.

  • Contrasts were checked with a11y Contrast Checker. All pages passed the test, detailed results can be found here.

Technologies Used


The site was built with the JavaScript library ReactJS v18.2.0, React Router v6.6.2 and React-Redux v8.0.5.


The Django REST Python framework was used for the backend, as well as PostgreSQL for the database.


Stripe Link for payments and EmailJS for sending forms.


  • Heroku - both backend and frontend are hosted on Heroku (eco dynos)

  • Cloudinary - database images are hosted on Cloudinary (free tier)

  • Clever Cloud - PostgreSQL database is hosted on the Clever Cloud platfrom (free tier)

Other Tools & Programs Used


Main images

Gallery images


All downloaded icons have been edited.

Other credits - incorporated ideas and solutions


This project was created with the sole purpose of writing a personal portfolio project.

Not for public use.


Full Stack Progressive Web Application (PWA) created for a fictional rabbit rescue charity. Frontend is built with ReactJS, React Router, Redux, CSS modules. Backend built with Django-REST, database uses PostgreSQL. Donation payment is implemented with Stripe, design is created in Figma.




