A website to display my Physics 2 notes, for fellow struggling students.
The generated code for the GitHub page displayed at https://t-z-scott.github.io/physics-notes/ is in the website-bug-testing
branch, located here. What's in the main branch is the code and Markdown notes I wrote for this project.
- Fix the inline math issue.
- Add an Markdown index to this README.
- Add more pages.
Optional: Make a script to convert Obsidian-flavored markdown to GitHub-flavored markdown (currently doing it manually). - Use CSS (or a theme) to make the pages look nicer.
- Optional: Add the other topics in another repository (includes Introduction to Cybersecurity, Computer Organization and Design, etc.).
Note: The files in the notes
folder are in GitHub-flavored markdown, so they won't show up on my website (rendered in HTML). I have a couple ways to solve this:
Convert each page to HTML (doable with free tools online, but might not convert parts of the page). -
Find and import a script that displays Markdown files as HTML. -
Make a script that displays Markdown files as HTML (not sure how to accomplish this).
Thanks to MathJax and the online Markdown to HTML converter at W3Docs, I was able to get the page in HTML and link it. I've decided, however, that it would be easier to use MDwiki to display the original Markdown pages and fix the inline math issue in one fell swoop.
MathJax renders the $$
equations by default, not the inline math (ex: