This part of the repo is responsible for development and deployment of the Stubber smart contract to the Ethereum blockchain.
There is also a very small frontend application that was used during the initial development of the Stubber platform under the src/
In order to develop this contract the following steps were taken to setup the environment.
## Install project dependencies
npm install
Install and run Ganache CLI (formally you would have used TestRPC). Alternatively you can install Ganche UI.
npm install -g ganache-cli
ganache-cli -p 8545
Navigate into the root of this project and install truffle (if you haven't already got it). Run the truffle test command to compile and test the contracts.
npm install -g truffle
truffle test
The configuration for running the network locally using truffle is in the truffle.js
file with the configuration below.
networks: {
development: {
host: "",
port: 8545,
network_id: "*" // Match any network id
The current configuration is setup to use INFURA gateway for deployment. You will need to register for a free Token on their site.
You'll also need to create a development wallet and get a hold of the private key to use it.
With both these pieces of data, create a file called .env
in this part of the repo and deplace the two fields. Check .env.example
for an example.
## .env
Once your keys and token is setup, you can run the following to compile and then migrate to ropsten
truffle compile
truffle migrate --network ropsten
NOTE I've left the configuration for Rinkeby in truffle-config.js / truffle.js as an example for how to deploy there.
To change the network address this Dapp connects to simple open up src/js/app.js
and change the following line to point at your deployed verions of this repos contract
StubTokenAddress: '0x000...',
, ERC721Token.sol
and assertRevert.js
contracts/tests are provided by the zeppelin-solidity repo.