- First and foremorest, adhere to the Contributor Code of Conduct!
- If you are making a contribution without an open issue, create an issue and then perform a pull request.
- If you are adding a feature, you must include a passing test for the new functionality to be considered as well as inline documentation.
- Make sure to review any open pull requests before performing your own on an existing issue. There may already be a fix pending review!
- If you want to contribute to the project, but don't know where to start, check out the Tesseract C API and see if there is something that is not implemented in the SwiftyTesseract API that you would like to see included! Contributions to the documentation are also welcome.
- Any source breaking changes will be deferred to the next major release.
- Last but not least, if you need any help or have ANY questions about contributing to the project you can DM Steven on Twitter @steven_0351 or send an email to steven.sherry@affinityforapps.com