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Conceal Core (CLI)

Latest Release: v5.4.3 Maintained by The Circle Team.


Conceal is a decentralized banking platform with encrypted messages and own privacy protected cryptocurrency.

Conceal is based on the Cryptonote protocol and runs on a secure peer-to-peer network technology to operate with no central authority. You control your private keys to your funds, you control your destiny. Conceal Network is accessible by anyone in the world regardless of his/her geographic location or status. Our blockchain is resistant to any kind of analysis. All your CCX transactions and messages are anonymous. Conceal Network provides an instant secure, untraceable and unlinkable way of encrypted communication - crypto messages.

Conceal is open-source, community driven and truly decentralized. No one owns it, everyone can take part.


Compiling Conceal from source

Linux / Ubuntu

  • You will need the following dependencies to build the Conceal CLI: boost, cmake, git, gcc, g++, python, and make.
  • On Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install -y build-essential python-dev gcc g++ git cmake libboost-all-dev


  • git clone
  • cd conceal-core
  • mkdir build && cd $_
  • cmake ..
  • make

If the build is successful the binaries will be in the src folder.

Windows 10

  • Install Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition
  • Install CMake
  • When installing Visual Studio, you need to install Desktop development with C++ and the MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools components. The option to install the v142 build tools can be found by expanding the "Desktop development with C++" node on the right. You will need this for the project to build correctly.
  • Use the premade binaries for MSVC 14.2
  • Install Boost 1.70.0, ensuring you download the installer for MSVC 14.2.
  • From the start menu, open 'x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for vs2019' or run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\Tools\VsMSBuildCmd.bat" from any command prompt.

  • git clone

  • cd conceal-core

  • mkdir build

  • cd build

  • cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2017" -A x64 -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR="c:\local\boost_1_70_0\lib64-msvc-14.2 .. (Or your boost installed dir.)

  • msbuild concealX.sln /p:Configuration=Release /m

If the build is successful the binaries will be in the src/Release folder.



In order to install prerequisites, XCode and Homebrew needs to be installed. Once both are ready, open terminal app, run following command:

$ xcode-select --install

and install all tools. On newer macOS versions (v10.14 and higher) this step is done through Software Update app.

After that, proceed with installing dependencies:

$ brew install git python cmake gcc boost

When all dependencies are installed, build Conceal Core binaries:

$ git clone
$ cd conceal-core
$ mkdir build && cd $_
$ cmake ..
$ make

If the build is successful the binaries will be located in src directory.

Special Thanks

Special thanks goes out to the developers from Cryptonote, Bytecoin, Monero, Forknote, TurtleCoin, and Masari.


Conceal Core - Daemon, RPC & CLI



Code of conduct

Security policy





No packages published


  • C++ 93.9%
  • C 5.6%
  • CMake 0.3%
  • Other 0.2%
  • Python 0.0%
  • Perl 0.0%