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Rust Base App Template for AWESOME-APP

Base desktop application code with Tauri, Native Web Components, and SurrealDB (follow the VMES app architecture)

Note: To enable persitent storage, edit the src-tauri/Cargo.toml to enable all surrealdb features.

Hot Reload dev

For hot-reload UI and Tauri development, run the following in your VSCode from this root folder:

awesome-app dev

IMPORTANT - Requires node.js v8 and above.

This assumes awesome-app was installed locally (e.g., cargo install awesome-app)

How it works

awesome-app dev will create an Awesome.toml which will be the list of commands it will run (format is self-explanatory).

You can run the commands manually if you want, or see below for list of commands.

We recommend using awesome-app dev but running each command manually might help troubleshoot.

Build manually

IMPORTANT: Make sure to have node.js latest of 16 or above.

  • yarn tauri icon src-tauri/icons/app-icon.png - This will build the application icons.

  • yarn pcss - This will build the postcss files (src-ui/pcss/**/*.pcss).

  • yarn rollup - This will build and package the typescript files (src-ui/src/**/*.ts).

  • yarn localhost - This will run a localhost server with the dist/ folder as root (frontend hot reload)

  • In another terminal, yarn tauri dev - Will start the Tauri build and start the process.


  • Make sure to have node.js 18 or above.
  • If some cryptic errors, run the command above one by one.
  • If yarn tauri dev commands fail, try to do:
    • cd src-tauri
    • cargo build
    • This might be an important first step when using full surrealdb (i.e., with default features and not only kv-mem)

Requirements on fedora 36:

On Fedora, and probably linux, the following needs to be present on the system.

dnf install gtk3-devel
dnf install webkit2gtk3-jsc-devel 
dnf install libsoup-devel
dnf install webkit2gtk3-devel.x86_64

Happy Coding!