run the datomic transactor in a pod. backup and restore the db using boot tasks.
deployment tasks forthcoming. sometime. eventually.
[tailrecursion/boot-datomic "0.1.3"] ;; latest release
install the transactor libary and its dependent libraries into your local maven repo. ideally, someone at cognitect would notice this and decide it would be a great idea to distribute the transactor alongside the peer in the datomic repo. :)
boot install-jars -f datomic-pro-0.9.5561.50/datomic-transactor-pro-0.9.5703.jar -f datomic-pro-0.9.5703/lib
set the DATOMIC LICENSE KEY environment variable.
export DATOMIC_LICENSE_KEY=<license-key>
add boot-datomic and your preferred logging framework to the environment.
for the sake of expediency, here's an example of a build.boot
file using this task:
:resource-paths #{"src"}
:source-paths #{"ini" "rsc"}
:dependencies '[[com.datomic/datomic-pro "0.9.5703" :exclusions [org.slf4j/slf4j-nop org.slf4j/slf4j-log4j12]]
[tailrecursion/boot-datomic "0.1.2-SNAPSHOT"]
[ch.qos.logback/logback-classic "1.2.3"] ]
:repositories [["clojars" ""]
["maven-central" ""]
["datomic" {:url ""
:username (System/getenv "DATOMIC_REPO_USERNAME")
:password (System/getenv "DATOMIC_REPO_PASSWORD") }]
["companyname" {:url "s3p://companyname.repository/snapshot" ;; transactor jar
:username (System/getenv "COMPANY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY")
:password (System/getenv "COMPANY_AWS_SECRET_KEY") }]])
'[tailrecursion.boot-datomic :refer [datomic backup restore]] )
(def datomic-data-readers
{'base64 datomic.codec/base-64-literal
'db/id datomic.db/id-literal
'db/fn datomic.function/construct })
(def backup-uris
{:production "bak/production"
:staging "bak/staging"
:development "bak/development" })
(def datomic-uris
{:production "datomic:ddb://us-east-1/foo/bar"
:staging "datomic:ddb://us-east-1/foo/bar"
:development "datomic:dev://localhost:4334/bar" })
(defn backup-uri [environment]
(.toString (.toURI (io/file (backup-uris environment)))) )
(defn datomic-uri [environment]
(let [acc-key (System/getenv "COMPANY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY")
sec-key (System/getenv "COMPANY_AWS_SECRET_KEY")
rmt-env? (or (= environment :production) (= environment :staging))
base-uri (datomic-uris environment) ]
(assert acc-key "Missing environment variable COMPANY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY.")
(assert sec-key "Missing environment variable COMPANY_AWS_SECRET_KEY.")
(info "Connecting datomic to %s %s environment...\n" (if rmt-env? "remote" "local") (name environment))
(str base-uri (if rmt-env? (str "?aws_access_key_id=" acc-key "&aws_secret_key=" sec-key))) ))
(deftask run
(comp (wait) (speak) (datomic :license-key (System/getenv "DATOMIC_LICENSE_KEY")) ))
(deftask backup
[e environment ENV kw "The application environment to backup."]
(assert environment "Missing required environment argument.")
(db/backup :from-db-uri (datomic-uri environment) :to-backup-uri (backup-uri environment)) )
(deftask restore
[e environment ENV kw "The application environment to restore."]
(assert environment "Missing required environment argument.")
(db/restore :from-backup-uri (backup-uri environment) :to-db-uri (datomic-uri environment)) )
(deftask develop
[e environment ENV kw "The backed up environment to restore the local dev db from."]
(let [init* #(db/restore :from-backup-uri %1 :to-db-uri %2)
init #(if % (init* (backup-uri %) (datomic-uri :development)) identity) ]
(comp (wait) (speak) (datomic) (init environment)) ))
copyright (c) jumblerg. all rights reserved.
distributed with clojure under the eclipse public license