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This is a JAMstack app with Next. For checking my weight day by day

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Repository files navigation

🚧️ This app is still WIP 🚧️



This is a app you can check your weight daily.

Why I created this app

I created this app to show my developing skill.
I can write clean codes in Next.js and TypeScript with good architecture which makes the app sustainable.

Language, Libraries and Tools

  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • styled-components
  • Sass
  • eslint, prettier
  • react-hook-form (validation)
  • husky
  • microCMS
  • Vercel

In order to work with architecture, I'm conscious of AtomicDesign and CleanArchitecture. They enables you to write clean and readable codes by separation of concerns.

I intend to write test codes using Jest but I wanted to put a priority on developing features so I haven't written test cases this time yet. Of course, I know that writing test first is better though.



Data Layer

In data layer there are Repository, Entity and Hook. All of them has interface therefore it's easy to replace module and test.

Repository is just responsible for getting data from API(microCMS in this case).
For instance, WeightRepository connects to API to get weight-related data, and UserRepository connects to API to get user data.
The role of the Entity is to make the front application independent of the values returned by microCMS. It has a method for mapping JSON returned from the endpoint to the domain type. If you need some data using each entities, you can use hooks and make data at presentation upper layer such as Pages.

UI Layer

UI layer architecture is aware of AtomicDesign. I'm using next-useragent to separate the SP and PC UI.

Directory structure

Directory Detail
public Static file
src/components React components
src/constants Where to put the constants
src/entities See Data Layer above.
src/hooks custom hooks
src/libs Calling the library. Library repository written in Scratch.
src/pages Next.js Pages
src/repositories External API calls. Wrap API client code generated in the api directory.
src/styles css
src/test test (WIP)
src/utils General purpose utility

CI and Deployment

Checking eslint is done with husky when it is committed. Deployment is done automatically by Vercel.

Upcoming Features

  • Adjust style
  • Notifications
  • Cache data using SWR


Copyright 2021 Takaki Miyajima