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The AWS/GCP connector between Talon.One and commercetools


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commercetools accelerator

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The Talon.One's commercetools accelerator allows you to integrate the Talon.One Promotion Engine with your commercetools Commerce Platform.

Important: This commercetools accelerator is experimental and is best suited for use in proof-of-concept or simulation projects, not in production environments.


The accelerator relies on AWS or GCP. To use the accelerator, ensure you have:

  • A commercetools Commerce Platform account
  • An AWS account with Amazon Lambda OR a Google Cloud Platform account
  • A Talon.One deployment with at least one enabled campaign with one test rule. Example: Always trigger a notification.


The accelerator covers the following use cases and effects:

Action/Effects Possibility
Customer Profile Create (Registration/Login) YES
Update (only supported fields) YES
Cart Activity Free Item (Product ID, Variant SKU, Product ID + Variant SKU) YES
Cart level discount YES
Per item discount YES
Notifications YES
Coupons Single coupon discount YES
Multiple coupon discount
Create coupon code
Accept Coupon YES
RejectCoupon YES
Referral Codes Create Referral Code YES
AcceptReferral YES
RejectReferral YES
Loyalty Addition of points YES
Deduction of points YES
Paying with points YES
Additional Cart Item Flattening - Disabled
Cart Item Flattening - Enabled
Custom Cart Level attributes DEVELOPMENT REQUIRED
Custom Customer Profile attributes DEVELOPMENT REQUIRED
Multiple Talon.One Apps supportability
Specifying T1 App ID from CT cart object
Dynamic T1 App ID from CT cart object
Cascading discounts
Strike though pricing
Session States Set to Open once a product is added to the cart YES
Set to Closed when payment is complete YES
Cannot set to Closed when payment is not successful (eg Payment Failed) YES
Set to Cancelled when order is returned YES
Effects Rollback on Order cancellation YES

See the available effects in the Talon.One documentation.

Getting started

Apply all the following sections in sequence to configure and install the accelerator.

Installing the tools

  1. Install the following tools:

  2. To use serverless:

  3. Clone the repository.

  4. From the root, run:

    yarn install
  5. Check your setup:

    For AWS:

    aws sts get-caller-identity
    serverless --version</pre></td>

    For GCP:

    gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file="<path to credentials>"
    gcloud info

Creating the .env file

  1. From the root of the repository, copy the .env sample file:

    cp .env.sample .env

Choosing the platform

Open the .env file and choose between GCP or AWS.

Using AWS

AWS is the default.

  • Edit the CTP_POST_BODY variable under For AWS: It contains the commercetools API Extension configuration parameters.
    • accessKey: An AWS access key.
    • accessSecret: An AWS secret.

Important: This variable contains a JSON object. Ensure it is valid JSON.

To configure accessKey and accessSecret create another IAM user with minimal privileges. See an example in iam/ct-dev-iam.sample.json. Also see AWS Lambda.

Using GCP

Uncomment all commented variables under For Google and edit them:

  • CTP_POST_BODY: It contains the commercetools API Extension configuration parameters.

    • url: URL for the lambda function. Retrieve it from CLI after deployment or from Google Console. Example:
    • headerValue: A combination of BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME and BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD. You can generate a hash with echo -n "<user>:<password>" | base64.
  • PROVIDER: google. Defaults to: aws.

  • GCP_PROJECT: Google project name.

  • GCP_CREDENTIALS: The absolute path to your Google service account credentials file created in the Installing the tools section.

  • BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME and BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD: for security reasons we need to set up basic authentication for the HTTP endpoint (same as in the first point)

Important: This variable contains a JSON object. Ensure it is valid JSON.

CTP_POST_BODY="{"destination":{"type":"HTTP","url":"","authentication":{"type":"AuthorizationHeader","headerValue":"Basic dXNlcjEyMzpwYXNzd29yZDEyMw=="}},"triggers":[{"resourceTypeId":"cart","actions":["Create","Update"]},{"resourceTypeId":"customer","actions":["Create","Update"]},{"resourceTypeId":"order","actions":["Create","Update"]}]}"

In the above example, the CTP_POST_BODY variable contains the following fields and values:

  "destination": {
    "type": "HTTP",
    "url": "",
    "authentication": {
      "type": "AuthorizationHeader",
      "headerValue": "Basic dXNlcjEyMzpwYXNzd29yZDEyMw=="
  "triggers": [
    { "resourceTypeId": "cart", "actions": ["Create", "Update"] },
    { "resourceTypeId": "customer", "actions": ["Create", "Update"] },
    { "resourceTypeId": "order", "actions": ["Create", "Update"] }

Editing the shared variables

  1. Edit its content to update the following variables:

    • CTP_PROJECT_KEY, CTP_CLIENT_SECRET, CTP_CLIENT_ID, CTP_AUTH_URL, CTP_API_URL, CTP_SCOPES: commercetools API Client Configuration. Create a new API Client with scope manage_project to get the values. See API Clients.

    • TALON_ONE_API_KEY_V1_<currency code>: Create an API key to get the values: See Creating an API key.

      <currency code> is the ISO 4217 currency code of your Application.

      Example: TALON_ONE_API_KEY_V1_EUR=fae976f994ec07bfc33e.

    • TALON_ONE_BASE_PATH_<currency code>: The base URL of your Talon.One deployment.


    • LANGUAGE: The default language code used to map information from commercetools to Talon.One. Defaults to en. Find the value in Settings > Project settings > Languages in the Merchant Center. Each product must have a name in the chosen language.

    • DISCOUNT_TAX_CATEGORY_ID: Tax category identifier in commercetools applied to discounts from Talon.One. Note: If you are using discounts or coupons in Talon.One, you must set this variable. See details.

    • TALON_ONE_ATTRIBUTES_MAPPINGS: Determines the mapping between the Talon.One attributes and their commercetools equivalents. See Mapping attributes.


    • LOGGER_MODE: The level of logging. You can set it to DEBUG if you want more information about the setup process.

    • MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE: The size of the data bulk (number of customers) fetched from commercetools and sent to Talon.One. Defaults to 20.

    • ROUNDING_MODE: The type of rounding to perform for all session amount operations. Possible values:

      • ROUND_HALF_EVEN: Round the amount to the nearest even number.
      • ROUND_HALF_UP: Round the amount up to the next integer.
      • ROUND_HALF_DOWN: Round the amount down to the previous integer.
  2. (Optional) Set the following variables:

    • TALON_ONE_FALLBACK_CURRENCY: One of the currency codes used above or an empty string. The fallback is used when the currency from commercetools cannot be matched in Talon.One.


      • If EUR is received from commercetools and the Talon.One Application uses PLN and USD, and PLN as fallback, we use turn EUR into PLN.
      • If the fallback is an empty string, no data is shared with Talon.One if the currency doesn't match.
    • ONLY_VERIFIED_PROFILES: commercetools will send only profiles with a verified email address.

    • SKU_TYPE: Determines how the SKU from Talon.One is converted to SKU_TYPE in commercetools. Possible values:

      • CTP_PRODUCT_ID: Talon.One SKU to CTP Product ID.
      • CTP_PRODUCT_ID_WITH_VARIANT_ID: Talon.One SKU to CTP Product ID and Variant ID. If you choose this, also set SKU_SEPARATOR. Defaults to @.
      • CTP_VARIANT_SKU: Talon.One SKU to CTP SKU.
    • VERIFY_PRODUCT_IDENTIFIERS: Determines whether to validate SKUs from Talon.One in commercetools. ⚠️ May reduce performance. Possible values: 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled.

    • VERIFY_TAX_IDENTIFIERS: Determines whether to validate the TAX ID from the lambda configuration in commercetools. ⚠️ May reduce performance. Possible values: 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled).


    • PAY_WITH_POINTS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: The name of the attribute to use to pay with loyalty points (e.g. PayWithPoints).

Important: Some of these variables contain JSON data. Ensure it is valid JSON.

Creating types in commercetools

Types define custom fields in commercetools. To support Talon.One-specific data, run the following command to create the appropriate types:

yarn register-api-types

Note: You can see the created types using Impex using the Types endpoint. The are prefixed by talon_one.

Creating the API extension in commercetools

Register a new API extension to process the required custom types in commercetools.

To create the required extension, run the following command:

yarn register-api-extension

Note: You can see the created extensions using Impex using the Extensions endpoint. The function is named t1-ct-dev-api-extension.

The application is ready to be deployed.

Deleting an extension

⚠️ This cannot be undone!

If you run this script again, or if you already have extensions in commercetools, you are prompted to select the extension to remove.

To delete an extension, find the lambda function by following the structure below and select it:

arn:aws:lambda:<AWS REGION>:<AWS ACCOUNTID>:function:t1-ct-<STAGE>-api-extension

Note: If you don't remove the redundant function, all registered functions run every time you call the commercetools API related to those API Extensions.

Deploying an application

  1. To deploy the extension, run:

    yarn deploy [--stage stage]

    Note: By default, stage is set to dev.

  2. When the application is deployed, call the Lambda function and check the logs:

    yarn api-extension:invoke
    yarn api-extension:logs
  3. If you use GCP, allow unauthenticated HTTP function invocation.

Mapping attributes between commercetools and Talon.One

You can create custom attributes in Talon.One to represent any data you require to manage your promotions.

This accelerator supports a list of commercetools customer core fields. Map the ones you need to their Talon.One equivalents that you created.

To define the mapping, use the TALON_ONE_ATTRIBUTES_MAPPINGS env variable as a one-line JSON object:

  • The keys in the mappings object are commercetools fields.
  • The correpsonding values are Talon.One attributes.

Important: This variable contains a JSON object. Ensure it is valid JSON.

Indented example:

For example, if you have a custom attribute in Talon.One called shippingAddressStreet, you can map the address of a customer from commercetools with the following JSON:

      "onlyVerifiedProfiles": true,

To see the supported customer core fields, see Supported fields.

To map cart item attributes and cart item attributes, see Data mapping examples.

Testing your integration

Once you have configured the accelerator, you can test the integration:

  1. Enable your connected Application's campaign in Talon.One.
  2. Ensure the campaign contains a "triggerable" rule. We recommend a rule that always sends a notification.
  3. Trigger a data transfer to Talon.One, for example by creating a cart in your e-commerce platform.
  4. Check the API logs in Talon.One to check the data you received by clicking Account > Dev Tools > Integration API Log.

You can also use Impex's GraphiQL tool to run the GraphQL queries.

For example, if your Talon.One campaign has a rule that generates a notification, you can run the following query:

  createCart (draft: {
    currency: "EUR"
  }) {
    custom {
      customFieldsRaw {

It should return a talon_one_cart_notifications custom field.

For more GraphQL queries, see Frontend integration.

Related topics


PRs Welcome

If you are using commercetools <-> Talon.One accelerator, found a bug or have an idea how to improve it, please read our Contributing Guidelines first and follow them.

You can follow the list of open and active issues or contact us directly under

Code of Conduct

We have adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to adhere to. Please read the full text so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated as part of your activity in this community.


The AWS/GCP connector between Talon.One and commercetools



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