Aircraft database - AircraftData.csv [1]
a. Aircraft: Aircraft identification;
b. ACN²: Aircraft Classification Number;
c. RequiredExtension: Runway length required for landing and takeoff operations;
d. Autonomy: Aircraft autonomy;
e. Passagers³: Number of passengers carried.
Updated: 25/12/2019 -
Airport database - AirportData.csv [2]
a. Airport ID: Unique identifier for this airport;
b. Airport: Name of airport;
c. City: Main city served by airport;
d. Country: Country or territory where airport is located;
e. IATA: 3-letter IATA code - Unused data;
f. ICAO: 4-letter ICAO code;
g. Latitude: Latitutide in decimal degrees. Negative is South, positive is North;
h. Longitude : Longitude in decimal degrees. Negative is West, positive is East;
i. Altitude: Altitude in feet - Unused data;
j. Timezone: Hours offset from UTC - Unused data;
k. DST: Daylight savings time. One of E (Europe), A (US/Canada), S (South America), O (Australia), Z (New Zealand), N (None) or U (Unknown) - Unused data;
l. Tz: Timezone in "tz" (Olson) format, eg. "America/Los_Angeles" - Unused data;
m. Type: Type of the airport - Unused data;
n. Source: Source of this data - Unused data.
Updated: 23/12/2019 -
Airport Database⁴ with extra data - AirportExtraData.csv [2]
a. ICAO: 4-letter ICAO code;
b. RWYLenght: Runway length in meters;
c. PCN: Runway structural strength number.
Updated: 28/12/2019 -
Basemap shapefile - 20191227_basemap.shp [3]
a. Layer file with boundaries of countries;
Updated: 28/12/2019
The data is UTF-8 encoded.
[1] World Aero Data (2019). World Aeronautical Database. Retrieved December 28, 2019, from https://worldaerodata.com
[2] OpenFlights (2019). Airport, airline and route data. Retrieved December 23, 2019, from OpenFlights: Airport and airline data
[3] Natural Earth (2019). Free vector and raster map data at 1:10m, 1:50m, and 1:110m scales. Retrieved December 25, 2019, from Natural Earth - Free vector and raster map data at 1:10m, 1:50m, and 1:110m scales