This release brings a lot of new features, Dump Scraper is getting more and more stable.
This is a list of all the changes:
- Added feature to directly scrape Pastebin instead of relying on Dumpmon Twitter bot
- Avoid errors when calculating training data score
- Added support for MySQL < 4.1 hashes
- Added support for Apache MD5 hashes
- Added support for standalone passwords in foreign language (Spanish)
- Added support for MD5 salted hashes
- Added warning when a new release is found
- Added support for dump files containing plain passwords
- Added "clean" parameter for the classify job, so you can automatically clean previous results
- Moved the features file up one level for better reading
- Added shortcut to open the current file while training the system
- Added support for SQLmap cracked passwords
- Added support for keylogger files
- Removed the need to press "Enter" while screening for training files
- Added "review" command to quickly review organized files
- Added support for "greedy": a tradoff between data retrieved and amount of false positives
- Added log file for extensive logging
- Removed compiled binaries: sorry too much hassle