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Contributing work to the libtabula development effort

If you are going to make any changes to libtabula, here are some rules and hints to keep in mind while you work.

Code Repository Access

libtabula 4.0 and newer uses the Fossil distributed version control system.

To clone the code repository anonymously, say:

$ fossil clone libtabula.fossil

If you have a developer account on's Fossil instance, just add your username to the URL like so:

$ fossil clone libtabula.fossil

That will get you a file called libtabula.fossil containing the full history of libtabula from just after the MySQL++ 3.2.1 fork.

You can call that clone file anything you like. Even the .fossil extension is just a convention, not a requirement.

Then to "open" the repo clone so you can hack on it, say:

$ mkdir libtabula
$ cd libtabula
$ fossil open ../libtabula.fossil

As with libtabula.fossil, you can call the working directory anythihg you like. I actually prefer a tree like this:

museum/                    # Where fossils are kept
src/                       # Working tree for software projects
        skull/             # Fossil head, get it?   I crack me up.
        trunk -> skull/    # Alias to match Fossil branch naming
            build/         # Build directory for the skull/trunk
        some-branch/       # Separately-opened working branch
            build/         # Build directory for the working branch
        4.0.0/             # Release branch checkout
        head/              # MySQL++ Fossil trunk checkout
        3.2.3/             # Release tarball unpacked

Fossil will let you make any modifications you like to your local repository copy. For those with privileges on the upstream copy, checkins get automatically synced with it by default. (If you prefer Git or Mercurial style two-phase commits, you can say fossil settings autosync off.) If you don't have such permissions, you just modify your local copy, then have to merge in upstream changes when updating your local clone.

Developers are expected to make all nontrivial changes on a branch, rather than check such changes directly into the trunk. Once we have discussed the change on the mailing list and resolved any isssues with the experimental branch, it will be merged into the trunk.

Creating a branch in Fossil is scary-simple, to the point that those coming from other version control systems may ask, "Is that really all there is to it?" Yes, really, this is it:

$ fossil checkin --branch new-branch-name

That is to say, you make your changes as you normally would; then when you go to check them in, you give the --branch option to the ci/checkin command to put the changes on a new branch, rather than add them to the same branch the changes were made against.

At some point, the trunk version becomes the next major version. Stable versions become either tags or branches. (The only difference between tags and branches in Fossil is that branches may have subsequent changes made to them.)

Bootstrapping the Library

If you are coming to libtabula from MySQL++ and remember having to bootstrap the library to get it to build from a Subversion checkout, you can forget all that. CMake takes care of that for us now. Just use the normal build procedures documented in README-*.md.

CMake Build Directories

Although the Bakefile + Autotools based build system allowed separate source and object file trees, it was not the standard way of working on MySQL++. If you say something like ./bootsrap && make && make install, you get what is called an in-tree build.

CMake works best with out-of-tree builds. Therefore, the standard commands after you have "opened" the libtabula Fossil repository are:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..

Once CMake has generated the Makefiles, you can run make as normal.

You may prefer parallel build and source trees to the above nested scheme. This works as you would expect:

$ mkdir ../build
$ cd ../build
$ cmake ../trunk

Debug Builds

By default, CMake creates a release build on Unixy systems, which means you don't get debugging symbols in the resulting binaries. To enable a debug build, change the "cmake .." command above to:

 $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..

On Manipulating the Build System Source Files

The CMake build system files are called CMakeLists.txt, of which there are several in the libtabula tree. These files in turn depend on files in the modules directory off the top level of the libtabula source tree.

Everything that is customizable about libtabula's build system either lives in one of these files already, or should be added to one of them. Changes go in the file "nearest" to the affected subsystem. For instance, to customize the way the examples get built, put the change in examples/CMakeLists.txt, not the top-level CMakeLists.txt file.

Submitting Patches

The simplest way to send a change to libtabula is to say this after developing your change against the trunk of libtabula:

$ fossil diff > my-changes.patch

Then attach that file to a new mailing list message.

If your change is more than a small patch, fossil diff might not incorporate all of the changes you have made. The old unified diff format can't encode branch names, file renamings, file deletions, tags, checkin comments, and other Fossil-specific information. For such changes, it is better to send a Fossil bundle:

$ fossil checkin --branch my-changes
$ fossil bundle export --branch my-changes my-changes.bundle

The checkin command will fail on the "autosync" step if you did an anonymous checkout of the libtabula Fossil repo, but your changes will get stored in a new branch. The "bundle" feature of Fossil takes that branch and packs just your changes up into a file that one of the developers can temporarily attach to their local repository, then apply if they approve the changes.

Because you are working on a branch on your private copy of the libtabula Fossil repository, you are free to make as many checkins as you like on the new branch before giving the bundle export command.

Contributors with a history of providing quality patches/bundles can apply to get a developer login on the repository.

Please make your patches or experimental branch bundles against the tip of the current trunk. libtabula often drifts enough during development that a patch against a stable release may not apply to the trunk cleanly otherwise.

The libtabula Code Style

Every code base should have a common code style. Love it or hate it, here are libtabula's current code style rules:

Source Code

File types: ac, cpp, h, in, m4, pl

  • Tabs for indents, size 4

  • Unix line endings. Any decent programmer's editor can cope with this, even on Windows.

  • C/C++ rules:

    • Base whitespace style is AT&Tish: K&R/Stroustrup, plus a little local spice. If you have the indent(1) program, the command is:

        indent -kr -nce -cli4 -ss -di1 -psl -ts4 FILES...
      That is, start with K&R, don't cuddle else, indent case
      statement labels, space before semicolon with empty loop
      body, no extra space between a variable type and name, return
      value of function on separate line from rest of definition,
      and use 4-column tabs.
    • Class names are in CamelCase, uppercased first letter

    • Method names are in all_lower_case_with_underscores(); ditto most other global symbols.


    • All public declarations require a Doxygen comment unless there is a very good reason to keep the thing undocumented.

  • Perl and shell script rules are more or less the same as for C/C++, to the extent this makes sense.

XML/HTML Dialects

File types: dbx, hta

  • Spaces for indents, size 2. Shallow indents due to the high level of nesting occurring in such files, and spaces because they're not as annoying at shallow indent levels in editors that don't treat space indents like tabs.

  • Unix line endings. Again, these are intended to be viewed in a programmer's text editor, which should work with Unix line endings no matter the platform.

Plain Text Files

File types: md, txt

  • Spaces for indents, size 4. Spaces because such files are often viewed in Notepad and similarly crippled text editors which use a default indent level of 8.

  • Unix line endings. Notepad can't cope with LF line endings, and it is the default handler of *.txt on Windows, but then, such files are all build and test system files, so you really want to be editing them in a competent programmer's text editor to begin with, and such things understand LF line endings.

    As for *.md, there is no default association for that on Windows, so you might as well associate it with either a competent plain text editor or a Markdown editor/viewer.

When in doubt, mimic what you see in the current code. When still in doubt, ask on the mailing list.

Testing Your Proposed Change

libtabula includes a self-test mechanism called dtest. It's a Bourne shell script, run much like exrun:

$ ./dtest [-s server_addr] [-u user] [-p password]

This automatically runs most of the examples, capturing the program outputs to a file, and then compares that to a known-good run's outputs, stored in bmark.txt. So, before you submit a patch, run dtest to see if anything has changed.

The easiest way to run dtest is as make dtest, which assumes you have a "test" user with password "test" on your system's default DBMS.

If dtest turns up a change and you can't account for it, it represents a problem that you'll have to fix before submitting the patch. If it gives an expected change, remove bmark.txt, re-run dtest, and include the bmark.txt diffs in your patch. This communicates to us the fact that you know there are differences and want the patch evaluated anyway. Otherwise, we are likely to view the change as a regression.

dtest also runs all of the unit tests in test/* which don't purposely fail.

(One of the unit tests won't even build, on purpose, because it tests whether a compile-time check within the library stops compilation as it should.)

The purpose of test/* is different from that of examples/*:

  • test/* are unit tests: each tests only one libtabula class, independent of everything else. Because DB access requires several libtabula classes to cooperate, a unit test never accesses a database; hence, no unit test needs DB connection parameters. We will never get 100% code coverage from test/* alone.

  • examples/* can be thought of as integration tests: they test many pieces of libtabula working together, accessing a real database server. In addition to ensuring that all the pieces work together and give consistent results from platform to platform and run to run, it also fills in gaps in the code coverage where no suitable test/* module could be created.

  • test/* programs always run silently on success, writing output only to indicate test failures. This is because they're usually only run via dtest.

  • examples/* are always "noisy," regardless of whether they succeed or fail, because they're also run interactively by people learning to use libtabula.

Patches should include tests if they introduce new functionality or fix a bug that the existing test coverage failed to catch. If the test is noisy, needs DB access, or tests multiple parts of the library at once, it goes in examples/*. If your change affects only one class in libtabula and testing it can be done without instantiating other libtabula classes — other than by composition, of course — it should go in test/*.

In general, prefer modifying an existing examples/* or test/* program. Add a new one only if you're introducing brand new functionality or when a given feature currently has no test at all.

Beware that the primary role the examples is to illustrate points in the user manual. If an existing example does something similar to what a proper test would need to do and the test doesn't change the nature of the example, don't worry about changing the example code. If your test would change the nature of the example, you either need to do the test another way, or also submit a change to doc/userman/*.dbx that incorporates the difference.

Building libtabula with Unsupported C++ Compilers/IDEs

As described above, libtabula uses the CMake build system, which actually supports more IDE and compiler types than libtabula is known to work with. Before you go trying to hack up a one-off set of project files, or whatever, run cmake --help and see if there is already a generator for your favorite tool. If there is, it might work without any help.

If there is a CMake generator for your tool and it doesn't work, we're going to want to fix it, either by changing the libtabula CMake input files or by working to get CMake itself fixed. We don't want your hand-built IDE project files. They're unmaintainable; we know from experience that they won't get updated every time something in the library changes that would require a change to all supported platform build systems. It's why we use a cross-platform build system like CMake in the first place.

If you do get libtabula building on a platform that isn't already known to work, please test it thoroughly. Run its test suite, and get it linking to your own program and doing real work before reporting success. At that point, a success report on the mailing list would be welcome. Even more welcome would be a README-*.md file for your platform.