Twitter Bot that notifies about upcoming Competitive Programming Contests using CList API
Set Up
~ $ wget -O cpnotif-installer "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tanujraghav/Contest-Notifier/master/install"
~ $ bash cpnotif-installer
~ $ cpnotif -h
usage: cpnotif [-h] [-d DAYS]
A personalized Twitter Bot that notifies about upcoming Competitive Programming Contests using CList API
- by Tanuj Raghav, https://github.com/tanujraghav/Contest-Notifier
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DAYS number of days to check for contests (default: 6)
Sample Config File
username = johndoe
api_key = yourclistapikey
resources = codechef.com,codeforces.com,topcoder.com
events = (Challenge)|(Codeforces Round)|(SRM)
[Time Zone]
offset = +05:30
name = Asia/Kolkata
code = IST
api_key = yourtwitterapikey
api_secret_key = yourtwitterapisecretkey
access_token = yourtwitteraccesstoken
access_token_secret = yourtwitteraccesstokensecret