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An analysis of BERT-SUM and PEGASUS text summarization models and how they perform on various text documents.

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Hunter College - Natural Language Processing - Professor Sarah Ita Levitan

Muhammad Tanveer & Ansh Bhargava

Extractive vs Abstractive Text Summarization

Text summarization is a critical task in natural language processing, with two primary methods: abstractive and extractive summarization. This project explores the differences between these approaches by leveraging the PEGASUS and BERTSUM pre-trained models and evaluating their effectiveness using various metrics. The research focuses on summarizing long documents and investigates the performance of abstractive, extractive, and hybrid methods. The project utilizes datasets from CNN/DailyMail news articles and WikiHow instructional guides. A baseline model, selecting the first few sentences as the summary, is established for comparison. Results show that the baseline performs well due to the salient information being presented early in these domains, but caution is needed when generalizing to other contexts. Future work involves testing in different domains and on longer texts to enhance method effectiveness.

You can read more about the project in the Final Report, view our Presentation Slides and see how we implemented the project via Jupyter Notebook.

Here is a breakdown of the project

Overview of Dataset

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Evaluation Method

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Baseline Model

  • Our baseline model for summarization was simply to select the first sentences from the article 𝑘 as our summary.

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  • We notice that around 4 is the number of sentences from the start of the article that seems to perform the best amongst our baseline models. However, the evidence is not particularly convincing for this. We also notice that the scores for CNN/DailyMail are higher than WikiHow. This is intuitive since CNN/DailyMail are news articles which tend to put the most important information early in the article, whereas the WikiHow articles are instructional guides where the most important information is spread out throughout the article. This structural difference indicates that a better performing model would likely be able to discern importance beyond simple position in an article.

Abstractive Summarizer (PEGASUS)

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  • For this project we used the pre-trained abstractive summarizer PEGASUS (Pre-training with Extracted Gap-sentences for Abstractive Summarization). This is a self supervised model that is trained to produce an abstracted summary of text from an input text that is masked. When tasked with abstractive summarization, it performs really well on major metrics. However since it is a transformer based model, it has a finite context window and therefore loses performance over longer documents. This model also does not take into account the document’s structure or sectioning which may impact its performance.

Extractive Summarizer (BERTSUM)

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  • For the extractive summarizer we opted to use the BERTSUM (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) model. This pre-trained model uses words in both the previous and next context of a target word to create word embeddings. It allows for masked inputs to be detected as well as relations between two concurrent sentences. Concurrent sentences are rated based on their relation to one another, from completely related to not related at all. From there BERTSUM builds on BERT by classifying whether or not sentences belong in the summary i.e. their level of importance in relation to the text.

Custom Hybrid Summarizers

Graph Summarizer

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  • This method first converts the input text into a similarity matrix using TF-IDF vectorization and cosine similarity. The TextRank algorithm is then applied to this matrix to create a graph representation of the sentences, where nodes represent sentences and edges represent the similarity between them. The importance scores of each sentence are calculated using the PageRank algorithm. The top-ranked sentences are selected as the most important ones and are used as input for an abstractive summarization function to generate a final summary. Two key features of this are:

    1. By modeling the sentences as nodes in a graph and considering the similarity between them, the method captures the relationships and contextual information within the text, resulting in more coherent and relevant summaries.

    2. The graph-based approach can handle large amounts of text efficiently, as the calculations are based on matrix operations and graph algorithms, which are well-suited for parallelization and optimization.

Emsemble Summarizer

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  • This method leverages both extractive and abstractive summaries, ranking sentences in their outputs to generate a final summary. Specifically, it first extracts all sentences from both summaries and removes duplicates. Then, similar to the graph summarizer, we use PageRank to score each sentence (across both summaries) and finally return the top (n=5)sentences with the highest PageRank scores. Two key features of this are:

    1. Comprehensive Information Coverage: By combining extractive and abstractive summarization techniques, the ensemble approach aims to capture the strengths of both methods. Extractive summarization ensures that important sentences from the original text are included, preserving factual accuracy. Abstractive summarization, on the other hand, can generate more concise and coherent summaries by rephrasing and paraphrasing the content.

    2. Customizability and Flexibility: The ensemble approach allows for flexibility and customization by incorporating multiple summarization techniques. It enables the use of various extractive and abstractive algorithms, giving the ability to adapt to different text types, lengths, and summarization requirements. This flexibility allows for better optimization and tailoring of the summarization process to specific use cases or preferences.

  • We also implemented the following methods, but weren’t able to test fully due to compute constraints: two-step hybrid summarization, length weighted hybrid summarization, hierarchical summarization, iterative summarization. Our appendix contains a description of these and the submitted notebook contains their implementation.

Other Summarizers

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Results and Evaluation

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  • In conclusion, our baseline method has demonstrated remarkable performance relative to most other methods employed in our study. It is tempting to conclude that our machine learning models are not as capable in comparison. However, it is important to consider the specific domains we tested, namely news articles and how-to guides, as they are designed to encapsulate the most salient information within the first few sentences. Consequently, the baseline's superior performance in these domains may not necessarily translate to other subject areas. Furthermore, the success of extractive models in our study may be attributed to the nature of the data. Selecting key phrases and sentences from the source text aligns well with the structure of news articles and how-to guides, where certain phrases are deliberately intended to be "key." However, this may not hold true in many other domains, where the main ideas and connections between sections play a more significant role in conveying information. Therefore, while the baseline's strong performance and the success of extractive models in our specific data are noteworthy, caution should be exercised when extrapolating these results to other domains.

Future Work

  • In the future, there are several avenues of research that can be explored to further enhance the effectiveness of our methods. One important direction is to test the applicability of our approaches on other source domains where the content structure differs from news articles and how-to articles. This includes domains such as medical reports, legal briefs, and financial documents, where the key information may not always be captured in the first few sentences. By adapting our methods to handle these variations, we can expand the utility of our techniques in a broader range of contexts.

  • Another area for future work is to test the effectiveness of our methods on longer texts. While our current focus has been on news articles, it would be valuable to evaluate how well our approaches perform on lengthier documents. Longer texts often present additional challenges in information extraction and summarization, as they contain more nuanced and intricate details. By investigating the performance of our methods on longer texts, we can assess their scalability and identify potential areas for improvement.


An analysis of BERT-SUM and PEGASUS text summarization models and how they perform on various text documents.




