- 解决同时兼容 1.20.x, 1.21.x 并且新增对 1.20.5, 1.20.6 的支持 / Supports 1.20.x(1.20.1 ~ 1.20.6) and 1.21.x
- 要求最低使用 JAVA 21 因为支持了 1.20.6 / Require JAVA 21 cause we supports 1.20.6
- 添加一个防止登陆时被踢出的配置项,避免某些跨服登陆插件阻止了假人加入游戏 / Adding a prevent-kicked-on-spawning configuration option to prevent some login plugins may block fake players from joinging the game.
- 修复了插件消息转发不生效导致可能跨服聊天出现问题 / Fix an issue where plugin message forwarding was not working, potentially causeing corss-server chat problems.
- 修复 1.20.x 与 PacketEvent 2.0 的兼容问题 / Fixed compatibility issues with PacketEvent 2.0 on 1.20.x