Basic CRUD application with Express backend, React frontend and MongoDB database.
Download the app as a zip folder from github.
If you have Brew installed you can skip the first command, and if you have Brew and MongoDB installed you have to use only the last three commands of phase 1.
App is using MongoDB, so if your computer does not have MongoDB installed we need to install it. MongoDB can be installed by using Brew. If you dont have Brew installed you can do it by running command
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Once Brew is installed run command
Now you can install mongodb-community by running command
Once the install is complete you can run MongoDB by command
Now you can start MongoDB shell in your terminal with command
To switch database type following command to MongoDB shell
Now the database should be up and running. Now we need to set up the server and client.
Navigate to the downloaded project folder in your terminal. It should be called Book-Shelf-App-master
Run command
Navigate to client folder and run command
Now navigate back to the project main folder "Book-Shelf-App-master" and run command