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Simulator of experiments presented in "Enabling Long-term Fairness in Dynamic Resource Allocation", ACM SIGMETRICS 2023.

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Code of Enabling Long-term Fairness in Dynamic Resource Allocation

Simulator of experiments presented in

T. Si Salem, G. Iosifidis, and G. Neglia, "Enabling Long-term Fairness in Dynamic Resource Allocation", ACM SIGMETRICS 2023.

Please cite this paper (a preprint is available) if you intend to use this code for your research.

Reproduce Results.

  • Install Anaconda (v22.10.0) for Linux-x86_64
  • Create conda environment: conda env create -f environment.yml
  • Add execute permission to scripts: chmod +x scripts/*
  • Execute experiments (logs will be saved in res/ directory and PDF figures will be saved in out_figs/ directory): sh scripts/

Simulator Usage. The simulator is executed through the main pyton file

  --max_capacity MAX_CAPACITY
                        Maximum capacity per cache
  --min_capacity MIN_CAPACITY
                        Minimum capacity per cache
  --max_weight MAX_WEIGHT
                        Maximum edge weight
  --min_weight MIN_WEIGHT
                        Minimum edge weight
  --time_horizon TIME_HORIZON
                        Time horizon
  --catalog_size CATALOG_SIZE
                        Catalog size
  --query_nodes QUERY_NODES
                        Nodes generating queries
  --graph_size GRAPH_SIZE
                        Network size
  --graph_degree GRAPH_DEGREE
                        Degree. Used by balanced_tree, regular, barabasi_albert, watts_strogatz
  --graph_p GRAPH_P     Probability, used in erdos_renyi, watts_strogatz
  --random_seed RANDOM_SEED
                        Random seed
  --players PLAYERS     Number of agents
  --debug_level {INFO,DEBUG,WARNING,ERROR}
                        Debug Level
  --cache_type {fair,fairslotted,lru,lfu}
                        Policy type: fair is online horizon fair (OHF) policy, fairslotted is online slot fair (OSF)
  --traces TRACES       Traces' paths (generated by
                        Construct the Pareto front
  --n_pareto_front N_PARETO_FRONT
                        Number of samples to construct Pareto front
                        construct feasibility set (point cloud)
  --n_utility_point_cloud N_UTILITY_POINT_CLOUD
                        Number of random samples to construct feasibility set
                        Reuse offline results (Pareto front, feasibility set, static OPT, etc.)
  --output OUTPUT       Output path
  --alpha ALPHA         Inequality aversion parameter (alpha-fairness parameter)
  --custom_weights CUSTOM_WEIGHTS
                        Customize the retrieval costs (weights)
  --scale_repo_weight SCALE_REPO_WEIGHT
                        The retrieval cost to any repository node is scaled by this factor
  --fairslotted_freeze_period FAIRSLOTTED_FREEZE_PERIOD
                        Freezing period for fairslotted policy
  --telescope_requests  Traces are loaded at each query node. When this parameter is enabled, only a single request
                        batch is generated at a randomly selected node.
  --external_disagreement_points EXTERNAL_DISAGREEMENT_POINTS
                        Input disagreement points (Nash bargaining scenario) alpha = 1
  --umin_umax UMIN_UMAX
                        Input minimum and maximum value of benchmark utility
  --resources_bias RESOURCES_BIAS
                        Zipf distribution exponent. The number of nodes associated to each agent are generated
                        according to this distribtution. When set to 0, the number of nodes associated to each agent
                        is uniform on average.
  --repo_nodes REPO_NODES
                        Number of Repository nodes permanently storing the catalog.
  --graph_type {erdos_renyi,balanced_tree,hypercube,cicular_ladder,cycle,grid_2d,lollipop,expander,star,barabasi_albert,watts_strogatz,regular,powerlaw_tree,small_world,geant,abilene,dtelekom,servicenetwork,line}
                        Graph type
  --experiment_name EXPERIMENT_NAME
                        Experiment Name (allows for offline results reuse by sub-experiements)
  --experiment_subname EXPERIMENT_SUBNAME
                        Sub-experiment Name
                        Record offline statistics only (Pareto front, feasibility set, static OPT, etc.)

The traces used by the simulator can be generated by executing

--time_horizon TIME_HORIZON
                        Time horizon
  --catalog_size CATALOG_SIZE
                        Catalog size
  --distribution_roll DISTRIBUTION_ROLL
                        Distribution roll
  --batch_min_size BATCH_MIN_SIZE
                        Batch min size
  --batch_max_size BATCH_MAX_SIZE
                        Batch max size
  --zipfs_exponent ZIPFS_EXPONENT
                        Zipfs law exponent
  --random_seed RANDOM_SEED
                        Random seed
  --traces_dir TRACES_DIR
                        Trace output
  --adversarial_1       Adversarial trace type
  --adversarial_2       Adversarial trace type
  --shuffle             Shuffle the request process. Convert any trace to a stationary one, but maintaining the same
                        static optimum

Examples. Execution examples can be found in scripts/ directory. We provide here, as an example, the configurations of the different topologies:

Tree Grid Abilene GEANT
--graph_type balanced_tree --graph_size 8 --query_nodes 4 --min_capacity 1 --max_capacity 5 --players 3 --graph_type grid_2d --graph_size 8 --query_nodes 2 --repo_nodes 1 --min_capacity 1 --max_capacity 5 --players 3 --graph_type abilene --query_nodes 2 --repo_nodes 2 --min_capacity 1 --max_capacity 5 --players 3 --graph_type geant --query_nodes 3 --repo_nodes 2 --min_capacity 1 --max_capacity 5 --players 3

We provide another example. To reproduce a specific figure (Fig. 11 (b) in paper), execute the following:

    # Simulate instance
    conda activate acm_sigmetrics #Activate environment acm_sigmetrics
    B=50 # Batch size
    T=5000 # Time horizon
    for exponent in 1.2; do 
      # Generate traces
      python --batch_min_size $B --batch_max_size $B --time_horizon ${T} --zipfs_exponent 1.2 --adversarial_1 --shuffle
      python --batch_min_size $B --batch_max_size $B --time_horizon ${T} --zipfs_exponent 1.2 --adversarial_2
      # Run processes in parallel for alpha = 3, and for policies fair (OHF) and fairslotted (OSF).
      for param in 3.0; do
        python --alpha ${param} --custom_weights 1-2-2 --traces traces/trace_catalog_20_T_${T}_B_${B}_${B}${T}_B_${B}_${B}_s_${exponent} --cache_type fairslotted --output res/2players-online-adversarial-$B --construct_utility_point_cloud --construct_pareto_front --cached_offline_results --external_disagreement_points 0.0-0.0 --experiment_subname fairslotted_${param} --time_horizon $T &
        python --umin_umax 0.1-1.0 --alpha ${param} --custom_weights 1-2-2 --traces traces/trace_catalog_20_T_${T}_B_${B}_${B}${T}_B_${B}_${B}_s_${exponent} --cache_type fair --output res/2players-online-adversarial-$B --construct_utility_point_cloud --construct_pareto_front --cached_offline_results --external_disagreement_points 0.0-0.0 --experiment_subname fair_${param} --time_horizon $T &
    # ...when simulation terminates
    # Plot results
    python --ylim 0.45-0.6 --xlim 0.45-0.85 --task 2dplot --output ./out_figs/2players-online-adversarial-50.pdf --input ./res/2players-online-adversarial-50/ --policies fair-fairslotted --legend --alpha 2.0    

The above script correponds to executing scripts/ and scripts/

Keywords: Online learning, Multi-timescale fairness, Axiomatic bargaining, Dynamic resource allocation, Regret analysis, Adversarial analysis, Cache network simulator, Gradient descent, Online optimization.


Simulator of experiments presented in "Enabling Long-term Fairness in Dynamic Resource Allocation", ACM SIGMETRICS 2023.







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