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Repository files navigation

Nuxt 3 Boilerplate


Install the packages with yarn.

yarn install


yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Nuxt Config Settings


Enter the site address.

const BASE_URL = "";

Enter the email address. (Example usage in Footer.vue)

email: "";

Enter the page addresses.

pages: {
  about: {
    en: '/about', //http://localhost:3000/en/about
    tr: '/hakkimizda', //http://localhost:3000/tr/hakkimizda
  about_theteam: {
    en: '/about/team', //http://localhost:3000/en/about/team
    tr: '/hakkimizda/ekip', http://localhost:3000/tr/hakkimizda/ekip
  about_company: {
    en: '/about/company',
    tr: '/hakkimizda/firma',
  contact: {
    en: '/contact',
    tr: '/iletisim',
  news: {
    en: '/news',
    tr: '/haberler',

Enter the Google Analytics code.

gtag: {

Configure Google Fonts.

googleFonts: {
  families: {
    Raleway: '100..900',
    'Libre+Baskerville': [400, 700],

Tailwind Config Settings


Define the fonts added to Nuxt Config.

fontFamily: {
  Raleway: ['Raleway', 'sans-serif'],
  Libre: ['Libre Baskerville', 'serif'],

Add additional colors if any.

'malachite': {
    '50': '#f0fdf4',
    '100': '#dbfde7',
    '200': '#b9f9ce',
    '300': '#82f3aa',
    '400': '#45e37d',
    '500': '#1ed760',
    '600': '#11a847',
    '700': '#11843b',
    '800': '#136832',
    '900': '#12552c',
    '950': '#042f16',


lang/tr.ts , lang/en.ts ...

Add the required translations for each page. Add other translations if any.

about: 'About',
aboutDescription: 'About Page Description',
aboutHeaderTitle: 'About Page Header Title',
aboutHeaderDescription: 'About Page Header Description',



Add the classes to be added to <body> to the first div; add the classes to be added to the contents to <main>.

  class="flex flex-col justify-between min-h-svh bg-slate-100 font-Raleway text-slate-900 dark:bg-slate-900 dark:text-slate-200"
  class="... [&_a]:border-b-2 [&_a]:border-dotted [&_a]:border-malachite-500 hover:[&_a]:border-solid [&_a]:dark:border-malachite-200 [&_p]:mb-4 [&_p]:text-pretty"



Write the menu titles. Use i18n addresses in name and to parts.

const navigation = [
  { name: "index", to: "/" },
    name: "about",
    to: "about",
    subItems: [
      { name: "about_theteam", to: "about_theteam" },
      { name: "about_company", to: "about_company" },
  { name: "news", to: "news" },
  { name: "contact", to: "contact" },



Write the file name of the page.

const pageName = "about";

Select the header image.

image: '/images/d.png',

Page Contents

content/aboutTR.vue, content/aboutEN.vue ...

Create a separate page for each language.

Start with the page name and add the language code in uppercase.

Deployment to Server


Enter the server IP and folder information of the site (

"config": {
  "server": "deployer@",
  "path": "/home/deployer/sites/"

If the above settings are done, run the following command.

yarn deploy

This command will:

  • Delete the dist folder locally,
  • Create a new dist folder with nuxt generate,
  • Delete the dist folder on the server,
  • Copy the newly created dist folder locally to the server with Secure Copy scp.