Welcome to the Embed.ai assessment! This project is designed to evaluate your skills in React development. Below you will find instructions on how to get started with the project and details on what is expected from you.
To begin, clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/tarunbommali/assessment-embed-ai
### Technologies:
- Tailwind CSS: Utilized for styling purposes.
- Redux Toolkit: Employed for state management including store setup, slices, dispatch, and useSelector.
- React-Redux: Used for integrating Redux with React components.
- Custom Hooks: Created custom hooks for reusable logic.
- Firebase Google Authentication: Implemented Google Authentication using Firebase.
- react-router-dom (-v ^6.22.3)
- Lazy Loading (dynamic import , code spliting )
### Features:
- Discovery Route [HOME]: Implemented a home route for discovering content.
- Specific Chat Route [CHAT/:ID]: Implemented a route for specific chat conversations.
- CreateCharacter Route [CHARACTER/NEW]: Added a route for creating new characters.
- Setting Modal (Tailwind Modal): Utilized Tailwind CSS for creating modal components.
- Menu Dropdown (drop up at login button): Implemented a dropdown menu that appears above the login button.
## yet to be
- Responsiveness: Ensured responsiveness of the application for various screen sizes.
- Language and Theme: Included functionality for language and theme switching.
- Search Functionality: Implemented search functionality for searching content.