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Query-Efficient Black Box Approximation for OCR

The repository contains code for training and evaluating the experiments performed in the submission titled "Document Image Cleaning using Budget-Aware Black-Box Approximation". A large part of the code is derived from Gradient-Approx-to-improve-OCR.

arXiv Hugging Face Spaces


Create a python virtual environment and install the required packages using

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


The dataset links are as follows:

Train, Val and Test splits should be extracted and placed in a folder called "data".


An example command to train a preprocessor using the POS dataset is shown below -

python -u --epoch $EPOCH --data_base_path $DATA_PATH --crnn_model  $CRNN_MODEL_PATH --exp_base_path $EXP_BASE_PATH  --minibatch_subset TopKCER --minibatch_subset_prop 0.95  --inner_limit 1 --inner_limit_skip --cers_ocr_path $CER_JSON_PATH --ocr $OCR

Relevant arguments are explained here

  • data_base_path: Path to folder containing train, val and test sets.
  • crnn_model: Path to pre-trained CRNN model
  • exp_base_path: Path for saving model checkpoints
  • minibatch_subset: Used to specify different selection algorithms. (Random=random, TopKCER=TopKCER, UniformCER=rangeCER)
  • minibatch_subset_prop: Specify the proportion of samples for each OCR is not queried. Here, 0.95 indicates skipping almost 95-96% of samples, hence the OCR is queried for only 4% of samples.
  • inner_limit: Number of times the images are jittered. If inner_limit_skip is specified, label tracking is enabled and images are not jittered at all.
  • cers_ocr_path: Initialize the sample cers with a json file. E.g. VGG, POS
  • ocr: Specify the OCR - Tesseract / EasyOCR

To train a preprocessor with the VGG dataset, use with the same arguments as

An example command to train a CRNN model is shown below -

python -u --batch_size $BATCH_SIZE --epoch $EPOCH --crnn_model_path $CRNN_MODEL_PATH --dataset vgg --data_base_path $DATA_PATH --ocr EasyOCR

Evaluation is used for evaluating a trained preprocessor.

python -u --prep_path $PREP_PATH --dataset pos --prep_model_name $PREP_MODEL_NAME --data_base_path $DATA_PATH --ocr EasyOCR
  • prep_path specifies folder path containing preprocessor checkpoints.
  • prep_model_name specifies name of specific model checkpoint to be evaluated.
  • dataset specifies pos/vgg dataset.

Trained Models

The directory pretrained_models contains trained preprocessors and pretrained CRNN models from some experiments. The preprocessor directory contains models with name n_model where n can be 4, 8 or 100 (indicating the query budget). The models in the preprocessor directory were obtained using the POS dataset and Tesseract OCR engine.

Pending Items

  • Trained Models
  • Add colab link