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Near Real-Time Weather Data Processing


Near Real-Time Weather Data Processing

In this project we are trying to learn diffrent technologies from the back-end to the front-end. In this project we don't have a goal in the weather data itself but the most important is to gain some basic knowledge in near-real time data processing.

  • Project Components:
    • Kappa Architecture: a data processing architecture that is designed to provide a flexible, fault-tolerant, and scalable architecture for processing large amounts of data in real-time. But in our case we will use it for near-real time because weather data can't be real time also can't be too accurate.
    • Open Weather APIs:
      • Geocoding API: a simple tool that OpenWeather developed to ease the search for locations while working with geographic names. We will use this api to get the lat & lon of the city that the user search for than we will get the weather data of that city.
      • Weather Current Data API: Access current weather data for any location on Earth! OpenWeather collects and process weather data from different sources such as global and local weather models, satellites, radars and a vast network of weather stations. Data is available in JSON, XML, or HTML format.
    • EC2 instance: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud is a part of's cloud-computing platform, Amazon Web Services, that allows users to rent virtual computers on which to run their own computer applications. We have use it to create a Ubuntu VM to contain our back-end code.
    • AWS GATEWAY API: an AWS service for creating, publishing, maintaining, monitoring, and securing REST, HTTP, and WebSocket APIs at any scale. We used it secure the connection between the VM and the front-end that is deployed over GitHub pages.
    • Angular: a TypeScript-based, free and open-source single-page web application framework. We used it to communicate between our Spring Boot Api and the User Interface.
    • Kafka, Spark and Cassandra: that is the near-real time data processing team :)
    • Dashboard Update: Still working on it. Not supported in the v1.0.1.

To try the app go to:

Developer Guide:

In order to run the code on your local machine you can clone the repository:

git clone
cd Near-Real-Time-Weather-Data-Processing

we need some requirements Zookeeper, Kafka, Spark and Cassandra you can get them by running the docker compose file:

sudo docker-compose up -d

the -d just to not display the logs so you don't have to run another terminal.

For the spark container you can run this command:

sudo docker run --name spark-container --net put-the-same-network-name-that-the-services-running-in -it apache/spark:v3.2.3 /opt/spark/bin/spark-shell

if you don't know the network that the services are using you can run:

sudo docker inspect kafka-or-cassandra-container-name-just-one-of-them

To check that the the services are running use:

sudo docker ps

They should be up and running.

Now, you can choose to run the code by yourself or create a docker image from the app. here is how you can do it:

sudo docker build -t name-your-image:tag-image .

We told docker to create an image from a dockerfile exist in the current directory .

Now, lets create a container for our app:

sudo docker run --name weather-api-v1 --net put-the-same-network-name-that-the-services-running-in -p 8080:8080 name-your-image:tag-image

Now, you can access the app over: http://localhost:8080

  • if you want to change the varibale envirements you can change them use -e tag in running command. here is the varibales that you can adjust:
    you can do it like this:
    sudo docker run --name weather-api-v1 --net put-the-same-network-name-that-the-services-running-in -e CASSANDRA_CONTACT_POINTS=new_cassandra -e KAFKA_PORT=new_port -p 8080:8080 name-your-image:tag-image
  • The last thing don't forget to create a keyspace with same name in your cassandra container:
      sudo docker exec -it cassandra-container-ip cqlsh
    Now create it:
      WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};

Enjoy developing the app and happy learning :)