Reading a big data file with AWS Athena and AWS Glue
The fifth part of a case study on how I got on reading a big file with C, Python, spark-python, AWS elastic map-reduce and this - AWS Athena and Glue. You can read the parts in this series here:
As a reminder, I'm trying to read the same big file (21 Gbytes) we read before with C, python, spark-python and aws elastic map reduce but this time using AWS Athena. Just thought it would be interesting to try it out to see how the timings would differ. Just to recap, the data file is about 21 Gigabtyes long and holds approximately 366 Million pipe separated records. The first 10 records are shown below:
The second field in the above file can range between 1 and 56 and the goal was to split up the original file so that all the records with the same value for the second field would be grouped together in the same file. i.e we would end up with 56 separate files, period1.txt, period2.txt ... period56.txt each containing approximately 6 million records.
Just off the bat I will say this about AWS Athena and Glue - WOW!! They are blisteringly fast, read on to find out just how fast.
A little bit about Athena first. Athena is a relatively new service from AWS and is based on the Presto MPP SQL engine originally developed by Facebook. It is a serverless data processing tool that enables you to perform SQL queries on data files stored in AWS S3 buckets. It is fully managed and serverless which means it can scale automatically to handle HUGE data sets. It also means that you don't have to worry about infrastructure and can focus solely on creating SQL statements. To start using Athena you basically describe the location and format of the data file that you want to query. This involves creating an external schema/table in an Athena database that lets Athena know a) the bucket name where the data file(s) are stored, b) the format of the file e.g whether it's text, CSV, AVRO, Parquet etc ... and c) the fields in the file including the field separator , field name and field type e.g Float, SmallInt, Date and so on. Note that you can either create this Athena table manually or by using an AWS Glue via a crawler. In either case once it's created sucessfully you can simply run queries against it as you would a regular database table. It's also possible to hook up Athena to ODBC and JDBC for programmatic control. So, here are my timimngs.
NB Athena stores query outputs automatically into S3 either to a default or user-specified location
As a reminder, here are the timings I got using the other methods in this case-study:-
C program on a openVMS Alpha server (Dual 1.33Ghz processors, 32 GB Ram) :- 54 minutes
Python 3.6 program on a Quad 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7-3770 windows 7 PC with 16GB RAM : 18 minutes
Spark-Python 3.5 program on a Quad 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7-3770 windows 7 PC with 16GB RAM : 36 minutes
Spark-Scala 2.1 program on a Quad 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7-3770 windows 7 PC with 16GB RAM : 48 minutes
Visual Studio C++ program on a Quad 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7-3770 windows 7 PC with 16GB RAM : 59 minutes
AWS elastic map-reduce: 1 hour
Here are my AWS Athena timings (remember this is querying a 21Gb, 366 million record data file):
select count(*), periodid from holdings group by periodid : 15.83 seconds
select count(*) from holdings where periodid = 56 : 14.37 seconds to return 7,841,105 records
/ return the SUM of the numeric sixth field in my file /
select sum(sharesheld) from holdings : 19.68 seconds to return the number 170,237,428,853,225,337
select * from holdings where periodid = 56 : 42 seconds
Note that the last query above produces an S3 file with the required data I was looking for. Obviously I would have to repeat this for all 56 periodid's to get the data for each periodid in a separate file but even so the total time taken would be well under 40 minutes.
AWS Glue is a fairly new data extract, transform and load (ETL) service from Amazon. There are a number of parts to it. The most impressive one from my point of view is the data crawler. You specify to Glue where your data files sit , for example, in an S3 bucket and Glue will start a crawler process that finds the data files and attempts to create a schema or table that describes the data. Once you have a schema for your data you can use Athena to query it like you would a table in a relational database or you can optionally create an ETL job that you can run against the data. For the ETL job you specify the following
a) General ETL job properties such the IAM role for the job to assume whilst its running, the code used for the script e,g Python or Scala, where the script will be stored
b) The source table/schema
c) The target table/schema or an S3 bucket
d) Column mappings between input and output data
After this you can save the job and the script that it will run is displayed. At this point you can simply run the script if you’re happy with it or you can manually tweak it to do other things such as add transformations and so on. In y case I had to manually tweak it in order to get the data to be written out partitioned by the period ID. I had Glue write out the data in gzip and plain text formats. The timings for these are shown below.
Create 56 Gzip files partitioned on periodid : 28 minutes
Create 56 plain text files partitioned on periodid : 14 minutes
Since Glue writes out multiple files per periodid partition there would have to be a bit of data manipluation involved to collect all the files into one partition per periodid but this would not be significant time-wise in the overall scheme of things
Must admit to being well impressed by both Athena and Glue.