@tauri-apps/action-core v0.1.3
- Linux: Upload AppImage updater artifacts if available.
macOS: Replace[AppName].app.tgz
to align with updater artifacts. - Fix incorrect version being used in release names
Package Publish
@tauri-apps/action-core@0.1.3 prepublishOnly .
rollup --config
index.ts → dist...
(!) Unresolved dependencies
os (imported by index.ts)
fs (imported by index.ts)
created dist in 2.2s
BUILD: 2245ms, 65.9 MB / 99.7 MB
generate module graph: 54ms, 2.76 MB / 97.6 MB
- plugin 0 (typescript) - resolveId: 13ms, 426 kB / 97.6 MB
- plugin 1 (stdin) - resolveId: 0ms, 1.28 kB / 97.6 MB
load modules: 2ms, 60.6 kB / 94.9 MB - plugin 0 (typescript) - load: 1ms, 37.2 kB / 94.9 MB
- plugin 0 (typescript) - load (async): 1ms, 18.6 kB / 94.9 MB
generate ast: 19ms, 513 kB / 95.7 MB
analyse ast: 12ms, 1.32 MB / 97.1 MB
sort modules: 4ms, 346 kB / 97.9 MB
mark included statements: 6ms, 1.33 MB / 99.3 MB
treeshaking pass 1: 5ms, 1.04 MB / 99 MB
treeshaking pass 2: 1ms, 181 kB / 99.2 MB
treeshaking pass 3: 0ms, 99.4 kB / 99.3 MB
GENERATE: 5ms, 645 kB / 100 MB
generate chunks: 1ms, 55.3 kB / 99.8 MB
render modules: 4ms, 495 kB / 100 MB
render format: 0ms, 37.2 kB / 100 MB
npm notice
npm notice 📦 @tauri-apps/action-core@0.1.3
npm notice === Tarball Contents ===
npm notice 9.7kB dist/index.js
npm notice 510B rollup.config.js
npm notice 459B package.json
npm notice 179B tsconfig.json
npm notice 2.5kB CHANGELOG.md
npm notice 3.8kB tauri-apps-action-core-0.1.3.tgz
npm notice 9.3kB index.ts
npm notice === Tarball Details ===
npm notice name: @tauri-apps/action-core
npm notice version: 0.1.3
npm notice package size: 9.6 kB
npm notice unpacked size: 26.4 kB
npm notice shasum: 058e43c13583c32077853d1ba4ae06ee925a3496
npm notice integrity: sha512-koJtFtGO7awxi[...]N0MoCVkdGBFrg==
npm notice total files: 7
npm notice
- @tauri-apps/action-core@0.1.3