API for E commerce app from Requirement document
docker run --name mysql1 -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root mysql:latest
modify the properties file
- first install maven steps
- use this command to run spring project
mvn spring-boot:run
- clean create jar
mvn clean install
- run this jar
java -jar <jar file name>
create table category
id bigint not null
primary key,
name varchar(255) null
create table customer
id bigint not null
primary key,
email varchar(255) null,
password varchar(255) null
create table hibernate_sequence
next_val bigint null
create table order_item
id bigint not null
primary key,
image varchar(255) null,
name_ar varchar(255) null,
name_en varchar(255) null,
price bigint null,
quantity bigint null
create table orders
id bigint not null
primary key
create table customer_orders
customer_id bigint not null,
orders_id bigint not null,
constraint UK_4m0sjmnfkb97mpn89e5xnw3v3
unique (orders_id),
constraint FK39sxykqbp8npv4p80lt3p23i8
foreign key (orders_id) references orders (id),
constraint FK7ntkighomv9fa5287rev8a3wy
foreign key (customer_id) references customer (id)
create table orders_order_items
order_id bigint not null,
order_items_id bigint not null,
constraint UK_9d47gapmi35omtannusv6btu3
unique (order_items_id),
constraint FK3l8rktw0f4w5t6tift31e2d7c
foreign key (order_id) references orders (id),
constraint FK7nw03p9mxq154wvbsonaq0qrw
foreign key (order_items_id) references order_item (id)
create table product
id bigint not null
primary key,
image varchar(255) null,
limit_quantity bigint null,
name_ar varchar(255) null,
name_en varchar(255) null,
num_of_sold_units bigint null,
price bigint null,
quantity bigint null
create table category_products
category_id bigint not null,
products_id bigint not null,
constraint UK_fdnk3mk70n1rc08vw1cj65kqw
unique (products_id),
constraint FKe9irm5a62pmolhvr468cip3v3
foreign key (products_id) references product (id),
constraint FKqwkr0l0xbluhhkm7s0c1tg8en
foreign key (category_id) references category (id)