Wisdom of the crowd web framework rank.
Score calculated as next way:
- calculate field score for framework for each field
- for each field get framework value
- order values from smallest to heights
- field score for framework is index in ordered list starting from 1 divided to count of frameworks
- sum filed score of each field and divide to number of fields
- increase score to 100 to get result form 0 to 100
Next fields used to calculate score and rank it:
- last month package downloads from pypi
- projects on pypi with framework as main dependency
- stackoverflow questions for appropriate framework tag
- github stars
- unique committers
- lines updated last month
- unique committers last month
- last update in master (weeks from last update)
data.csv contains wide range of metrics about frameworks collected weekly. There are next fields presented in it:
- name
- rank
- score
- pypistats_downloads_last_month
- pypi_project_mentions
- pypi_used_as_main_dependency
- pypi_used_as_main_dependency_with_extra
- pypi_used_as_deep_dependency
- pypi_used_as_deep_dependency_with_extra
- pypi_releases
- pypi_last_release_at
- stackoverflow_questions
- github_stars
- github_forks
- github_watches
- github_size
- github_created_at
- github_updated_at
- repo_lines
- repo_size
- repo_commits
- repo_committers
- repo_changed_lines_last_month
- repo_commits_last_month
- repo_committers_last_month
- repo_first_commit_at
- repo_last_commit_at
- collected_at