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Saintno edited this page Aug 13, 2024 · 1 revision
  1. Features
  2. Installation
  3. Core Concepts
  4. Basic Usage
  5. Advanced Usage
  6. API Reference
  7. Configuration
  8. Error Handling
  9. Best Practices
  10. Contributing
  11. License


  • Multi-instance Support: Manage multiple ComfyUI instances with an intuitive connection pooling system.
  • Type-safe Prompt Building: Construct workflows with a powerful PromptBuilder that ensures type safety for inputs and outputs.
  • Real-time Updates: WebSocket support for receiving live updates during workflow execution.
  • Robust Error Handling: Automatic reconnection and comprehensive error management.
  • Authentication Support: Built-in support for basic authentication (ComfyUI behind NginX with basic auth).
  • Event-driven Architecture: Detailed event system for monitoring execution progress and handling various states.
  • Flexible Execution Modes: Choose from different execution modes to optimize for your specific use case.


Install the package using npm:

npm install @saintno/comfyui-sdk

Or using bun:

bun add @saintno/comfyui-sdk

Core Concepts

  • ComfyApi: The main client for interacting with a single ComfyUI instance.
  • ComfyPool: A manager for multiple ComfyUI instances, providing load balancing.
  • PromptBuilder: A utility for constructing workflows with type-safe inputs and outputs.
  • CallWrapper: A wrapper for API calls that provides comprehensive event handling and execution control.

Basic Usage

Setting up a ComfyApi instance

import { ComfyApi } from "@saintno/comfyui-sdk";

const api = new ComfyApi("http://localhost:8188", "client-id");

Creating a PromptBuilder

import { PromptBuilder } from "@saintno/comfyui-sdk";
import workflowJson from "./workflow.json"; // Get from `Save (API Format)` or `Export (API Format)` from ComfyUI Web

const promptBuilder = new PromptBuilder(
  ["positive", "negative", "seed", "steps"],  // Input keys
  ["images"]  // Output keys
  .setInputNode("positive", "6.inputs.text")
  .setInputNode("negative", "7.inputs.text")
  .setInputNode("seed", "3.inputs.seed")
  .setInputNode("steps", "3.inputs.steps")
  .setOutputNode("images", "9");

Executing a Workflow

import { CallWrapper } from "@saintno/comfyui-sdk";

const workflow = promptBuilder
  .input("positive", "A beautiful landscape")
  .input("negative", "blurry, text")
  .input("seed", 42)
  .input("steps", 20);

new CallWrapper(api, workflow)
  .onStart((promptId) => console.log(`Task ${promptId} started`))
  .onProgress((info, promptId) =>
    console.log(`Task ${promptId} progress:`, info)
  .onFinished((data, promptId) =>
    console.log(`Task ${promptId} finished:`, data)

Advanced Usage

Connection Pooling

import { ComfyPool, EQueueMode } from "@saintno/comfyui-sdk";

const pool = new ComfyPool(
    new ComfyApi("http://localhost:8188", "node-1"),
    new ComfyApi("http://localhost:8189", "node-2"),
  //   "PICK_ZERO", Picks the client which has zero queue remaining. This is the default mode. (For who using along with ComfyUI web interface)
  //   "PICK_LOWEST", Picks the client which has the lowest queue remaining.
  //   "PICK_ROUTINE", Picks the client in a round-robin manner.
); (api, clientIdx) => {
  // Your workflow execution logic here

// Or execute multiple jobs in parallel
  (api) => executeWorkflow(api, params1),
  (api) => executeWorkflow(api, params2),
  // ...


const api = new ComfyApi("http://localhost:8188", "client-id", {
  credentials: {
    type: "basic",
    username: "your-username",
    password: "your-password",

API Reference


  • constructor(host: string, clientId?: string, opts?: { credentials?: BasicCredentials })
  • queuePrompt(number: number, workflow: object): Promise<QueuePromptResponse | false>
  • getQueue(): Promise<QueueResponse>
  • getHistories(maxItems?: number): Promise<HistoryResponse>
  • getSystemStats(): Promise<SystemStatsResponse>
  • uploadImage(file: Buffer | Blob, fileName: string, config?: { override?: boolean, subfolder?: string }): Promise<{ info: ImageInfo; url: string } | false>


  • constructor(clients: ComfyApi[], mode: EQueueMode = EQueueMode.PICK_ZERO)
  • run<T>(job: (client: ComfyApi, clientIdx?: number) => Promise<T>, weight?: number): Promise<T>
  • batch<T>(jobs: Array<(client: ComfyApi, clientIdx?: number) => Promise<T>>, weight?: number): Promise<T[]>


  • constructor(prompt: T, inputKeys: I[], outputKeys: O[])
  • setInputNode(input: I, key: DeepKeys<T>): this
  • setOutputNode(output: O, key: DeepKeys<T>): this
  • input<V = string | number | undefined>(key: I, value: V): PromptBuilder<I, O, object>


  • constructor(client: ComfyApi, workflow: T)
  • onPreview(fn: (ev: Blob, promptId?: string) => void): this
  • onPending(fn: (promptId?: string) => void): this
  • onStart(fn: (promptId?: string) => void): this
  • onFinished(fn: (data: Record<keyof T["mapOutputKeys"], any>, promptId?: string) => void): this
  • onFailed(fn: (err: Error, promptId?: string) => void): this
  • onProgress(fn: (info: NodeProgress, promptId?: string) => void): this
  • run(): Promise<Record<keyof T["mapOutputKeys"], any> | undefined | false>


The library supports various configuration options, including:

  • Setting up multiple ComfyUI instances
  • Configuring authentication credentials
  • Choosing execution modes for the connection pool

Refer to the individual class constructors for specific configuration options.

Error Handling

The library provides comprehensive error handling through the event system. Use the onFailed method of CallWrapper to catch and handle errors during execution.

Best Practices

  1. Always use PromptBuilder to ensure type safety when constructing workflows.
  2. Utilize ComfyPool for managing multiple ComfyUI instances to improve reliability and load distribution.
  3. Implement proper error handling using the provided event callbacks.
  4. Use batch method of ComfyPool for parallel execution of multiple workflows.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request