This is a Python 3.7 application to analyse real time oil prices (USD) of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil in order to make predictions about the price of WTI oil the next day. It compares the profit made against outgoing costs for the current and subsequent day. It advises the user whether it would be more profitable to dock today or tomorrow.
First clone the repository, to do this run:
git clone
Once you have cloned down this repository using cd into the app directory eg.
cd profit-analysis-frontend
The project uses pipenv to manage project and development packages. Pipenv can be installed using pip:
pip install pipenv
To install dependencies in a virtual environment run
pipenv install --dev
To initialise the virtual environment run
pipenv shell
To exit the virtual environment use exit
and to see where you virtual environment is located run
pipenv --venv
which may be useful when setting up your project interpreter in your IDE.
This project used the black auto formatter which can be run on git commit along with flake8 if you install pre-commit. To do this run the following in your terminal from within your virtual environment.
pre-commit install
Now pre-commit hooks should run on git commit
If the installation via pipenv is not possible, install requirements using the requirements file by running the following command.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Once the dependacies have been downloaded, and you are in the correct branch, the application can be run using the following command.
If you have not done so already, clone the repository by running the following:
git clone
To make sure you have the latest changes, please cd
into the app directory profit-analysis-frontend
and from the master branch run:
git pull
To install the dependencies either locally or within a virtual environment run:
pipenv install
To initialise the virtual environment run:
pipenv shell
To launch the software in a UI please run the following, ensuring you are in the app directory profit-analysis-frontend