Health Hazards Caused by Littering
Mission Statement
Our platform addresses the health concerns in urban areas caused by litter. We aim to empower users to connect and collaborate in cleaning up their community through our app. We strive to build a strong and supportive digital community for enhanced well-being by fostering meaningful relationships and promoting cleanliness.
Who We Serve
We cater to people driven by a passionate commitment to community engagement and the advancement of public health. Our strategic initiatives are designed to yield meaningful outcomes, with a specific emphasis on creating positive transformations in the urban areas of New York City.
Product Overview We offer a dynamic and engaging space connecting individuals passionate about community initiatives. Discover, join, and organize a diverse array of events aimed at making a positive impact on your surroundings. From planting trees and cleaning up litter to supporting communities, our platform empowers users to contribute to meaningful projects and foster a sense of community responsibility. Not only can you explore and participate in events, but you can also take the lead by creating your own. Whether you seek to connect with like-minded individuals, contribute to impactful projects, or organize events that improve communities, our platform is a gateway to inspiring positive change.
The health hazards resulting from littering present a pressing concern that requires immediate attention. Littering contributes to environmental pollution, adversely affecting public health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), improperly discarded waste creates breeding grounds for disease vectors, leading to the spread of infectious diseases such as vector-borne illnesses (CDC, 2022). Additionally, pollutants from litter can contaminate air and water, posing long-term health risks to communities (Smith et al., 2019). To address this issue, our platform aims to raise awareness through expert-led discussions, community cleanup challenges, and workshops on sustainable practices. By fostering a collaborative online community, we strive to empower individuals to collectively tackle the health hazards associated with littering, promoting a healthier and cleaner environment.
The Problem
Our primary concern revolves around addressing the harmful health impacts stemming from widespread littering. Improper waste disposal creates breeding grounds for diseases, contributing to the spread of infections. Additionally, pollutants from litter contaminate the air and water, posing long-term health risks to communities. This issue is crucial due to its direct effect on public health, underscoring the urgent need for attention and effective solutions to ensure a cleaner and healthier environment.
If we implement a comprehensive recycling education and infrastructure improvement program, then we can significantly mitigate the health hazards caused by littering in city environments.
Observing the current problem of widespread littering and its associated health risks, our solution focuses on the lack of awareness and accessible recycling facilities. By narrowing our scope to the local community, we aim to empower residents to adopt sustainable waste disposal practices.
This challenge is meaningful to solve because improper waste disposal directly impacts public health. The potential impact of our solution is a cleaner and healthier environment, reducing the breeding grounds for disease vectors and minimizing long-term health risks to the community. The successful execution of our recycling education and infrastructure improvement program can bridge the gap in city environments, fostering a sense of community responsibility and promoting a more sustainable and vibrant urban ecosystem.
User Story
Landing Page: If users enter the site, they can view our mission statements and relevant news articles about climate change, advocacy, and public health initiatives.
Event Discovery: If users want to discover community events, they can easily explore various categories like environmental cleanup, sustainable initiatives, and community development.
Event Creation: If users wish to create events, they can seamlessly personalize details such as event name, date, time, location, and a comprehensive description.
Interactive Map Integration: If users want to find nearby events, they can utilize the interactive map feature that visually represents each event's location.
Multi-Categorization: If users want to filter events based on themes like environmental, social, or educational, they can easily do so.
User Profiles: If users want to showcase their interests and event contributions, they can create profiles with a portfolio of organized or participating events.
Discussion Forums: If users want to communicate with event participants, share ideas, and coordinate logistics, they can utilize discussion forums for each event.
Media Uploads: If users want to create a visual record of events, they can upload photos or videos showcasing the positive impact in their communities.
Volunteer Tracking: If users want to log their participation, track contributions, and earn recognition, they can use the volunteer tracking system.
Event Reminders: If users want to stay updated on upcoming activities, they can set event reminders to avoid missing out.
Community Metrics: If users want to see the overall community impact, they can view collective metrics like trees planted, debris collected, or gardens supported.
Notification System: If users want to stay informed about new events and updates, the notification system keeps them in the loop.
Collaboration Opportunities: If users or organizations want to collaborate on similar causes, the platform facilitates joint initiatives and larger community projects.
Key Technical Challenges API management User control Data management/integration Frontend react(components) Backend routes User authorization/ authentication
Extension Opportunities Green Advertising: if incorporating advertisements on your website, prioritize working with eco-friendly brands and advertisers that align with sustainable values. Avoid ads that promote products or services harmful to the environment. Green Hosting: Choose a web hosting provider that prioritizes renewable energy sources and employs energy-efficient data centers. Look for providers that offer carbon-neutral or green hosting options. Sources
“Air Pollution and Health in Cities.” Air Pollution and Health in Cities | State of Global Air, www.stateofglobalair.org/resources/health-in-cities. Accessed 25 Jan. 2024.
Cities and Environment - OECD, www.oecd.org/cfe/cities/cities-environment.htm. Accessed 25 Jan. 2024.
Environment, UN. “Cities and Climate Change.” UNEP, www.unep.org/explore-topics/resource-efficiency/what-we-do/cities/cities-and-climate-change. Accessed 25 Jan. 2024.
“Harmful Effects of Litter.” Default, www.plano.gov/486/Harmful-Effects-of-Litter. Accessed 25 Jan. 2024.
“How Sanitation Service, Trash, and Rats Affect Our Lives and Our Health.” Environment & Health Data Portal, a816-dohbesp.nyc.gov/IndicatorPublic/data-stories/sanitation/#::text=Trash%20on%20streets%20discourages%20outside,where%20they%20need%20to%20go. Accessed 25 Jan. 2024.
“Outdoor Air Quality.” Outdoor Air Quality - NYC Health, www.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/air-quality-air-pollution-protection.page#:~:text=Despite%20this%20progress%2C%20two%20air,people%20with%20preexisting%20health%20conditions. Accessed 25 Jan. 2024.
“Test Heading.” NYC Environmental Health, nyccas.cityofnewyork.us/nyccas2021v9/report/2#::text=Up%20to%2040%25%20of%20the,power%20plants%20in%20the%20Midwest.&text=Black%20carbon%20(BC)%20is%20the,sources%20that%20burn%20fossil%20fuels. Accessed 25 Jan. 2024.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2022). Environmental Health. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/index.htm
- Smith, J., et al. (2019). Impact of Littering on Environmental Pollution: A Comprehensive Review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(12), 11973–11987. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-3995-y