A server written based on Node js using the Express.js and Socket.io frameworks.
This server uses MongoDb for database and data storage and its ODM is Mongoose.
The information is sent to the server as a socket and then stored in a mesh database.
This server contains the following folders
- Controller: files in this folder, have some modules that connect crud to routes
- Crud: in this folder we write files that manage database.
- Dict: In this folder we define words for dictionary.
- Errors: We define error class type here for handle them in routes
- Services: Methods and some classes them has utils for make codes.
- Sockets: In this folder we have socket class handlers.
- Types: We define values types (Because we use typescript)
Clone project in your machine
$ git clone https://github.com/abolfazlalz/WallNotes.git
for this side, we use server folder.
Then create excludes dictionary words
$ mkdir src/dict
$ mkdir src/dict/excludes
$ echo "export const badWords = [];" > src/dict/excludes.ts
After create excludes words, install project dependencies:
$ yarn
make a copy from .env.example file for server enviroment and fill it with your own data such as your mongodb url
$ cp .env.example .env
Then you can run project
$ yarn dev
For build project run these command; these command build server side Typescript to Javascript
$ yarn build
You can contribute to the development of this project by forging the repository and creating a pull request.