Submitted by: Alexandra Rozin
Initial App - Background Change is an app that includes 3 labels: my name, my university name, and my future job title. It also includes a button that allows us to randomly change the app's background.
Time spent: 2.5 hours spent in total
The following required functionality is completed:
- Users are see a screen with three labels and a button
- Tapping the button changes the screen color to a random color
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:
GIF created with ...
Apps I like:
WhatsApp -> instant messaging, phone calls; possibility to connect to people overseas over the internet with no additional cost
Amazon -> possibility to order supplies within a day, possibility to check prices, cancel orders, update orders on the go.
The app I was thinking about is planner that includes my own schedule, adds video/audio meetings, connects to Zoom, my email, my Canvas profile, etc. and allows me to integrate all the apps I need within this planner. I would also like to integrate a large language algorithm that can help me navigate the app easier (as well as add voice to text feature). This app could help me manage all my day-to-day life and connect to all the other programs I use in one place. That was just an initial thought, I'm sure the idea will be completely different over time.
Describe any challenges encountered while building the app.
For some reason, the biggest challenge was to create the gif and share it in this document. I'm much more familiar with Windows OS, VS Code, command prompt, etc. Thus, using MAC OS and XCode is a bit more challenging right now, so I need to get used to it.
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