Generates a sweet html file that can be printed with a card for each jammer in a global game jam site. Each jammer is automatically classified and color-coded based on the chosen skillset on
- 2D (red)
- 3D (dark red)
- Programming (blue)
- Sound (yellow)
- Other (purple)
- Download GIT if you don't have it :
- Download Python if you don't have it:
In terminal run:
git clone
Then install dependencies:
pip install requests
pip install requests-cache
pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install flask
Some users had an issue with missing lxml,
pip install lxml
if that doesn't work try:
easy_install lxml
##Web Interface: Start the webinterface:
and upload jammers.csv
It will open the web-page in your browser automatically when ran.
##From CLI: Alternatively one can run it as a standalone script.
put jammers.csv in the folder and run
#Input jammers.csv (downloaded from organizing site) put it in the same folder as this program.
#Output jammers.html --> print it, impress.
See INSTALL.txt for details about config.
Ctrl+p in your browser. Chrome is recommended, as it lets you turn on the color backgrounds of the skills. By default browsers will strip background color from elements while printing.
- Robin Garen Aaberg (technocake)
- Torstein Thune
- SnorreMD