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KDAO 2.0 Fundamental Requirements

Fabian Chawin Cedrati edited this page Aug 28, 2022 · 7 revisions


  1. work on mobile
  2. be upgradable (?)
  3. transfer tokens to another wallet (i.e. de-link account and wallet address)
  4. allow badges after certain thresholds of token received (to be agreed with a vote)
  5. degradation of token received (each round the balance is reduced of x%)
  6. team of teams
  7. Encryption of tokens and votes
  8. invitation-token rather than link
  9. double the transaction fee to fund a "dev wallet" or a "team retreat wallet" (idea)
  10. include the possibility to add a description to the team and to the token (the size of a tweet) - whoever propose it pay for it, right?
  11. include the possibility to add/remove a picture to a team and to a token
  12. include a wider "vote" category, in which I can simply pose a question and get the other team members to vote (would be better 4 options: Y,N,strongY,strongN) - the vote doesn't produce any action, it just shows the results
  13. has all the features of previous version
  14. allow group with a predefined set of tokens, allow to make the vote together with a proposal
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