- Daniela Rodrigues, 84319, scyho
- Simão Paiva, 93615, SimonLimon
- Issues assigned: None
The list of pull requests associated with this feature is:
- OpenAnswerAnswerDetails.ts
- OpenAnswerQuestionDetails.ts
- OpenAnswerStatementAnswerDetails.ts
- OpenAnswerStatementCorrectAnswerDetails.ts
- OpenAnswerStatementQuestionDetails.ts
- Login creates and deletes a course execution
- Login creates two course executions and deletes it
- Login creates FROM a course execution and deletes it
- Pedro Luís, 90763, PedroLuis99
- Sebastião Zoio, 93613, SebastiaoZoio
The list of pull requests associated with this feature is:
- Creates a new multiple choice question with two correct options with relevance
- Can view question (with button)
- Can view question (with click)
- Can update title (with right-click)
- Can update content (with button)
- Can duplicate question
- Can delete created question
- Creates a new multiple choice question with only 2 correct options with relevance
- Creates a new multiple choice question with 10 options
- Bárbara Caracol, 84703, bcaracol
- João Antunes, 97093, joaoantunes93
The list of pull requests associated with this feature is:
- ItemCombinationCreate
- [EditQuestionDialog]https://github.com/tecnico-softeng/es21-g11/blob/pci/frontend/src/views/teacher/questions/EditQuestionDialog.vue)
- ItemCombinationAnswerDetails
- ItemCombinationQuestionDetails
- PCIItem
- ItemCombinationStatementAnswerDetails
- ItemCombinationStatementCorrectAnswerDetails
- ItemCombinationStatementQuestionDetails