Added a surround Live Template for assertThatThrownBy
Adding a column with Flyway migrations using ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN
Be careful about object relationships in DTOs: for integration tests, can't just instantiate other DTOs, they need to come from the database (e.g., TransactionDtoJpaAdapterTest)
Not having a test for the requirement that Transactions in the database may have
Don't write code without a failing test!
Don't stay out on the unstable plank (being in the state of things not compiling) too long
Predicting failing tests and how they fail is super important to ensure your mental model matches the actual codebase
Equals/HashCode for domain entities!! Should just compare IDs.
Appropriate use of debugger
Created Live Template for autowiring component with constructor
- File issue with JetBrains regarding the description for postfix completion items
- Why doesn't Postfix completion have variables?
Extracting the Principal during the OAuth2 authn process (see UserProfilePrincipalExtractor)
Write a blog post on this (as well as the Google Authorities)
See org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.security.oauth2.resource.ResourceServerTokenServicesConfiguration.RemoteTokenServicesConfiguration.UserInfoTokenServicesConfiguration.UserInfoTokenServicesConfiguration
Testing the @AuthenticationPrincipal by using the
and theTestingAuthenticationToken
Use Errors instead of BindingResult where possible (thanks to hydrsd)